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Owned by Core3GAME, server invite:

Asterisk (*) = Fixed version required.
[2p] = Two-player mode enabled. The difficulty for 2-Player levels is judged as solo
Equals (=) = Levels are approximately the same difficulty.
Bold = Level requires an infinite number of clicks/fps
Italic = Level uses luck for the majority of its difficulty
Highlighted = Marked for removal.
Highlighted = Level is the sloom(n) of that object count
FPS: = Tested framerate the level is physically possible on. May be an infinite cardinal.

- Levels must be physically possible, with a few acceptions.
- Levels may run on the TPLL engine.
- Minimum difficulty is ILL top 10
- You may change any limit values in the middle of the level. Accept for 32-bit counter
limit and y pos death limit.
- Levels may use Infinite values in the fps. No, infinite cps levels can NOT have broken
click counters. This means that the counter approaches the end goal. For example x/2
until x=0 APPROACHES 0.
- Levels can not have NSFW ._.
- You may copy any part or the whole of any level, there are no quality standards.
- Levels must be under 150 objects. This has a reason. If you have 147 objects in a click
counter, how can you really copy and buff it that much? So this requires people to think
outside the box to make a top 1 or even top 10.
- Extended list rules

1. Unreachable Infinity by Core3GAME | ID: 77536845 | Objects: 148 | FPS:~Ω

2. FactorialSTACKING by Core3GAME | ID: 79473416 | Objects; 73 | FPS: 10(!x99999)

3. Big Potato by Vivey | ID: 78824131| Objects: 38 | FPS: 50,000,000,000,000

4. 3 obcj 64m cps lol by HerbussGD | ID: 78736278 | Objects: 3 | FPS: ~64,000,000

5. MYSTERYCHAMBER by Helixo27 | ID: 79778073 | Objects: 101 | FPS: ~3,000

6. UNKNOWNCHAMBER by Helixo27 | ID: 79801915 | Objects: 150 | FPS: ~3,000

7. 11 obcj by HerbussGD | ID: 78735130 | Objects: 11 | FPS: ~2,305

8. 2 obcj suffer ny HerbussGD | ID: 78764464 | Objects: 2 | FPS: ~120000

9. [2p] anretea merolod by BrownieX5 | ID:77686609 | Objects: 9 | FPS: ~2,305

10. LOLL submission II by HerbussGD | ID: 78785119 | Objects: 3 | FPS: ~1000

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