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Questionnaire on Electronic Waste Management Practices in Schools

Section 1: General Information

Name of School:


Type of School (Public/Private):

Total Number of Students:

Total Number of Staff Members:

Section 2: Electronic Waste Generation

6. Which types of electronic devices are commonly used in your school? (Check all that apply)

a. Desktop computers

b. Laptops

c. Tablets

d. Printers

e. Projectors

f. Mobile phones

g. Other (please specify): ___________

Approximately how many electronic devices are currently being used in your school?

a. Less than 50

b. 50-100

c. 100-200

d. More than 200

How frequently are electronic devices replaced or upgraded in your school?

a. Every year

b. Every 2-3 years

c. Every 4-5 years

d. More than 5 years

What happens to the electronic devices once they are no longer in use? (Check all that apply)

a. They are recycled

b. They are donated or sold

c. They are stored in a designated area

d. They are disposed of as regular waste

e. Other (please specify): ___________

Section 3: Policies and Procedures

10. Does your school have policies and procedures specifically addressing electronic waste management?

a. Yes

b. No

If yes, to what extent are these policies and procedures effectively implemented?

a. Fully implemented and monitored

b. Partially implemented

c. Not implemented

What are the main barriers to implementing effective electronic waste management strategies in your school? (Open-

Section 4: Health and Environmental Risks

13. Are you aware of the potential health and environmental risks associated with improper electronic waste disposal?

a. Yes

b. No

If yes, please specify the risks you are aware of. (Open-ended)

How does your school currently mitigate the health and environmental risks associated with electronic waste disposal?

Section 5: Sustainability Initiatives and Curriculum Integration

16. What sustainability initiatives, practices, or educational curriculum integrations are currently employed in your school
to promote sustainability, including electronic waste management?

a. Awareness campaigns

b. Recycling programs

c. Energy-saving measures

d. Integration into curriculum

e. Other (please specify): ___________

In your opinion, how do these initiatives impact students' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards sustainability?

Section 6: Enhanced Electronic Waste Management Practices

18. Has your school successfully enhanced its electronic waste management practices based on recommended

a. Yes

b. No
If yes, please describe the strategies implemented and their impact. (Open-ended)

Section 7: Collaboration for Sustainable Practices

20. How do you envision collaboration between schools, government entities, and environmental organizations to
support sustainable practices in electronic waste management and promote sustainability in education?


Thank you for participating in this survey! Your responses will contribute to a better understanding of electronic waste
management practices in schools.

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