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TASK 13:
rules that I would put for smart would be these:
1 not use the cell phone in class
since it is annoying for your teacher and classmates since you are
not paying attention
2 bring the study material
since it is annoying for your colleagues that you are asking for
materials at all times
3 punctuality of arrival this is extremely important for a class this
is from your home what your family teaches you
4 respect towards the teacher since he gives us respect we must
also give it

TASK 14: Yesterday I was playing nba2k mobile on

my phone but suddenly my nephew arrived and told me if
I let him play I said yes but suddenly my mother called me
when I came back my nephew had erased all my progress I
was very sad since I was wearing this Very advanced
account I tried to recover it and I couldn't what I saw to
have done?

TASK 15: She told me that she saw a movie yesterday

and it was too bad
Bel told me that yesterday he played basketball with his
They told me that they had a party yesterday
D she told me that she was very tired yesterday since she
went to work all day
He told me that tomorrow he is going to play nba2k23 at
night since it is a holiday

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