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Barriers to Teaching

1. Unavailability of public transportation

Explanation: In terms of lack of transportation, they may affect the citizens when it comes to teaching
since the nearest health care facility is located on the next city. The citizens might ignore the offered
program or even services. Because it is too far when by use of walking and the cost of gasoline might
expensive when using vehicle. So that most of them didn’t give attention or focus to their health, the
health of the adult and young citizens might be neglected, not being educated on some STD’s that may
affect their health.

Solution: House to House advocacy specially the citizens live far from the health care facility. Other one
is provision to promote of having public transportation that may help everyone and it can be an
opportunity job to have an income. As well as raising a concern to barangay officials about Action plans
for boosting the use of special funds to help the citizens in terms of their needs, through this they might
have an intention to listen and encouraged to be tested and informed about HIV/Aids awareness,
specially who experience the uneducated sex and prostitution.

2. Lack of motivational and skills

Explanation: Lack of motivation does not only have a serious impact on the health and wellbeing of
workers, quality of care and service delivery but it is also costly to organizations. This are identified as
key factors that affected motivation such as staff feeling undervalued, poor working environment, and
lack of adequate resources and pay. It argued that lack of motivation will delay Government ‘s plans for
modernizing, and that the evidence suggest that is will also have negative impact on quality of patient
care and clinical outcomes.

Solution: It has been suggesting that financial and non-financial incentives are crucial motivating factors
among healthcare professionals. For example, employee ‘s basic salary and allowances that provided
beyond their basic need for housing and feeding was a critical motivator. Therefore, financial incentives
are considered key instruments that force work motivation, improve staff and drive higher production to
promote and educate the citizens about STD’s awareness and encourage them to know about safe sex

Negative influence od environment


1. Literacy problem

EXPLANATION: When organizations or people create and give others health information that
is too difficult for them to understand, we create a health literacy problem. When we expect
them to figure out health services with many unfamiliar, confusing or even conflicting steps,
we also create a health literacy problem. Although health information is now widely available
via the Internet, individuals who are less educated, have less money and are minorities are
more likely to have poor health literacy because these individuals often do not have regular
access to the Internet. They continue to receive most of their health information from
healthcare providers. Examples of these groups include individuals with low income or who
live in rural or underserved areas, racial minorities, older adults, and those who did not
complete high school because some children are encouraged to work at an early age instead
of going to school.

SOLUTIONS: An effective tool that healthcare providers can implement to determine whether
a patient understands what is being explained is by asking simple questions as well as
articulating concerns, no matter how tight the provider’s schedule is, it will gain trust
between patients and providers, only can be cultivated if patients feel as though their
questions and concerns are being listened to and taken seriously,

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