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Email, School of Strategic & Global Studies, University of Indonesia


The problem of narcotics abuse in the jurisdiction of the West Jakarta Metro Police is very
concerning. This is supported by increasingly sophisticated and modern technological
developments so that the distribution of narcotics becomes difficult to detect. The influence of
globalization and modern transportation has also spurred the development of narcotics
which are more easily distributed by drug dealers, so that it is easier for the young and old
generations to use these illicit goods to obtain and use them. both for private play and for
resale for huge profits. The research method used is qualitative which is descriptive and
describes the status of phenomena that are categorized to provide an overview in obtaining
conclusions. The results of the research, the duties and responsibilities of the West Jakarta
Metro Police Narcotics Unit are very heavy because they must be able to carry out
eradication and control of narcotics abuse in their jurisdiction. The obstacle faced is that
some people don't care about the abuse and illicit traffic of drugs because they think that
those who use and deal with drugs are not their own family. There were times when the
Narcotics Unit involved in open raids leaked the operational targets of open raids, so that
the raids could not be carried out optimally, considering that several people who knew the
raids were going to be held had fled..

Keywords : Work Motivation of Narcotics Investigation Unit Members, West Jakarta Metro
Police Management.

The problem of narcotics abuse in the jurisdiction of West Jakarta Metro Police is very
concerning. This is supported by the development of increasingly sophisticated and modern
technology so that narcotics circulation becomes difficult to detect. The influence of
globalization and modern transportation has also spurred the development of narcotics which
are more easily circulated by drug dealers, so that the younger and older generations who are
wrong in using these illicit goods are easier to get and use them. both for personal play and
for resale to get huge profits.
The problem of drug abuse continues to be a global problem, plaguing almost all
countries in the world, resulting in the deaths of millions of people, destroying family life and
threatening national security, stability and resilience. The Indonesian National Police (Polri)
as part of a government institution plays an important role in creating a safe and orderly
community environment (Dwilaksana, 2009). Therefore, the challenges of the National
Police in the field every year are getting heavier and more complex. Especially in this era of
reform, the public demands a democratic government with the realization of civil supremacy
and government policies that are always oriented towards the interests of the people. To
support the achievement of public expectations, the Police are required to carry out their
duties in a professional, modern and reliable manner in order to be able to carry out their
main functions and duties in providing security services in order to create a safe, comfortable
and orderly environment.
Law enforcement against drug abuse has been carried out by law enforcement officials
and has received many court decisions. This law enforcement is expected to be able to act as
an antidote to the spread of illicit drug trafficking. With the increasing prevalence of drug
abuse that has a negative impact on people's lives. Thus, to control and restore the ideal
conditions of community life (orderly, safe and peaceful) the role of the National Police is
Eradication efforts carried out by the National Police, in this case members of the
National Police Drug Investigation Unit, require further steps in the law enforcement process
against perpetrators of drug abuse (Wakhyuni & Wening, 2021). In eradicating narcotics
abuse, cooperation from various parties is also needed, including community participation.
The form of community participation here can be in the form of providing information about
criminal acts of narcotics abuse to police investigators. In addition, efforts to overcome
narcotics abuse cannot be separated from the successful performance of members of the
National Police Drug Investigation Unit.
Facing the complex problem of narcotics is certainly not an easy solution to deal with
it. For this reason, motivation and encouragement are needed from every member of the
National Police according to their field of duty. This is felt directly by members of the Police
on duty at the West Jakarta Metro Police, especially the section that handles narcotics
problems in the field (off duty). The work motivation of members of the Drug Investigation
Unit of the West Jakarta Metro Police needs to be well maintained, so that the main task of
the Police can be achieved, namely as a protector and protector of society in the field of
security. In order for members of the Drug Investigation Unit of the West Jakarta Metro
Police to avoid cases of narcotics abuse and involvement in the distribution network, it is
necessary to be equipped with good work motivation from the leadership and unit leaders
(Kanit). Kanit plays a direct role in the field because he oversees the movements of his
members starting from preparation (planning), equipment and security facilities needed
(organizing), techniques for arresting drug offenders (action in the field/actuation), and
controlling drug crimes. the process of arresting offenders and storing drug evidence. Then
continue the POAC results by making a report to the leadership at the West Jakarta Metro

To answer the problems and objectives, this study refers to the theory and concept of
work motivation as an important factor that affects a person's performance. The motivation
that exists in a person will be realized in an action. Someone can work well because of good
work motivation. Conversely, low work motivation will affect employees who have no
enthusiasm for work, give up easily, and have difficulty completing work (Supriyanto &
Mukzam, 2018). Thus, if work motivation is given to Polri members, they will be encouraged
to work optimally and be disciplined in carrying out the tasks assigned by their superiors.
Meanwhile, Robbins (2016: 201) says motivation is the willingness to make high
efforts to achieve organizational goals conditioned by the ability of efforts to meet certain
individual needs. This opinion is supported by Wibowo (2016: 322) who says motivation is
the impetus for a series of human behavior processes in achieving goals.
Work discipline is a person's awareness and willingness to comply with various
organizational regulations and applicable social norms. Work discipline is used by leaders to
communicate with employees to change their behavior and follow the rules of the game.
Discipline must be enforced without supporting good work discipline, it is difficult to realize
organizational goals because discipline is the key to the success of an organization in
achieving a goal (Sinambela, 2017). Types of Work Discipline, namely: (a) Preventive
discipline: Preventive discipline is an effort to encourage someone to follow and adjust to the
organization's work rules. Preventive discipline aims to direct and encourage someone to
work with discipline (b) Corrective discipline: Corrective discipline is an effort to encourage
a person to unite a rule and can direct him to comply with the rules in accordance with the
guidelines that apply in each organization. Corrective discipline also has sanctions if
someone commits a violation of discipline which aims to get a deterrent effect and can
improve themselves and comply with the rules (Mangkunegara, 2007).
According to Hasibuan (2019: 193), what is meant by discipline is a person's awareness
and willingness to obey all company regulations and applicable social norms. Meanwhile,
Latainer in Sutrisno (2019: 87) says discipline is a force that develops in the employee's body
and causes employees to voluntarily adjust to decisions, regulations and high work and
behavior values.

Based on the background and existing theories, this research uses qualitative research
methods. This type of research is qualitative research. Qualitative research is data collection
in a natural setting with the intention of interpreting the phenomena that occur (Anggito &
Setiawan, 2018). Judging from its nature, this research includes descriptive research.
Descriptive research is research where the data obtained later is not in the form of numbers,
but in the form of words (Linarwati, Fathoni, & Minarsih, 2016). The data required in this
study were collected through literature study, which is a series of activities related to library
data collection methods, reading and recording, and managing written materials (Simbolon,
2021). It is research conducted through data collection with the aim of research objects or
data collection carried out to solve a problem which is basically focused on a critical and in-
depth study of relevant library materials. The sources used include; textbooks, scientific
journals, statistical references, research results in the form of theses, theses, dissertations, and
the internet, as well as other relevant sources..


Indonesia is one of the drug traffic areas, because many consider the handling of
narcotics problems in Indonesia is still very loose compared to other countries in the world.
Many countries in the world have begun to tighten the handling of this narcotics problem,
while the handling in Indonesia itself is still mediocre. For this reason, the government
formed an agency of the Police, namely the Narcotics Unit, to deal with narcotics problems
that have now penetrated all regions of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
The performance of the Drug Unit with its efforts to fight hard to eradicate and
overcome narcotics crimes, is also supported by the Prosecutor's Office and the Court as the
last legal effort. Seeing the problem of narcotics is quite alarming. It has become the current
trend of judges when dealing with narcotics cases to give the most severe punishment, but
judges still use conscience in making decisions. For light users, it is usually decided to
undergo rehabilitation first, and then correctional efforts are made. Then for dealers as well
as producers, it is usually decided with prison sentences and fines that are adjusted to the
illicit goods proven in the trial. Currently, drug abuse in Indonesia is very rampant. This can
be seen by the increasing number of drug users from all walks of life and the increasing
circulation of narcotics in big cities. However, in West Jakarta there has been a significant
decrease in cases because the efforts made by the relevant agencies have more or less
produced positive results. Special appreciation should be given to all parties who have
supported and worked together in terms of eradicating and overcoming narcotics in West
Jakarta. For related agencies, both the Narcotics Unit, the Prosecutor's Office and the Court,
it is hoped that they will further improve their performance in eradicating and overcoming
narcotics crimes, especially in the jurisdiction of the West Jakarta Metro Police.
Eradicating narcotics crimes, according to the respondent, is a joint task and one of the
effective ways is to increase supervision of the social activities of teenagers starting from the
smallest environment, namely the family environment. Not only students who must prevent
themselves from entering the world of drugs, but the role of schools as a place where they
seek knowledge must also participate in supervising and providing intensive guidance.
Yesterday's event aimed to make schools and students more careful about narcotics
trafficking at the student level..
The pre-empitive level is one of the efforts that must be made by the Police Drug Unit
to overcome and eradicate the abuse of various types of drugs including narcotics. Pre-
empitive efforts include several educational activities with the aim of eliminating causal
factors that become drivers and opportunity factors commonly referred to as criminogenic
correlative factors of the crime. The number of targets to be achieved is the development and
achievement of a condition of behavior and norms of life free from ectasy and narcotics. The
pre-empitive program is one of the efforts in preventing drug abuse from becoming more
widespread, the purpose of this program is to introduce or socialize the dangers of drugs to
people who have not used or known drugs, according to Subagyo (2007: 100) said that "Pre-
empitive or coaching programs are aimed at people who have not used drugs, or have not
even known drugs". In implementing this pre-empitive program, it can be done by holding
various forms of activities including "training, interactive dialogue, socialization and others
in study groups, sports groups, cultural arts, or business groups."
The last effort to eradicate the abuse of various types of drugs, especially narcotics,
carried out by the Narcotics Unit is to hold a repressive program which is the stage of action
against people who have abused narcotics, this is an absolute authority for the Police in
eradicating all forms of irregularities, one of which is narcotics abuse.
The success rate of the Drug Unit's efforts to eradicate drug abuse is seen or measured
by the number of suspects caught in one month. According to respondents' opinions, usually
at least in one month the Drug Investigation Unit can arrest up to 3-4 people. The level of
success is not only seen from the number of people caught, but also from the process of the
case from investigation, investigation, submission of cases to the Court and implementation
of Court decisions to the implementation of rehabilitation in correctional institutions. If this is
fulfilled, the performance of the West Jakarta Metro Police Drug Unit can be declared
The realization of a West Jakarta community free from drug abuse and illicit
trafficking, in order for the strategy carried out by the Drug Unit to be successful, the Drug
Unit further enhances its duties and functions in the fields of prevention, law enforcement,
therapy and rehabilitation, research and development and information related to drugs,
especially narcotics, besides further improving Human Resources (HR) and institutions
within the Police body with the Drug Unit. So that the strategies of the West Jakarta Metro
Police Drug Unit can all be realized, with the realization of all work programs and activities
of the West Jakarta Metro Police Drug Unit, it is hoped that the people of West Jakarta City
will be free from drug abuse and illicit trafficking..
The role of the West Jakarta Metro Police Drug Unit sociologically is a dynamic aspect
of position because if it carries out its rights and obligations in accordance with its position,
the West Jakarta Metro Police Drug Unit carries out a role. The role of the West Jakarta
Metro Police Drug Unit is in accordance with the Decree of the National Police Chief No.
Pol. : Kep / 366 / VI / 2020 dated June 14, 2020 and National Police Chief Regulation
number: Perkap / 23 / 2020. It can be concluded that the role of the Semarang City Narcotics
Board in overcoming narcotics abuse is quite large because its main tasks and functions have
been largely realized..
The results showed that the Drug Unit of the West Jakarta Metro Police has a very
heavy task because it must be able to eradicate and overcome narcotics abuse in its
jurisdiction. The obstacles faced are that some people do not care about drug abuse and illicit
drug trafficking because they think that those who use and deal drugs are not their own
family. There are times when the ranks of the Drug Unit involved in open raids leak the
operational targets of open raids, so that the implementation of raids cannot be carried out
optimally considering that some people who have known that raids will be held have fled.
The high costs arising from narcotics abuse, of course, must be accompanied by
increased costs used to finance the disclosure of narcotics abuse, without the support of
various parties, especially the government, the investigation in handling narcotics and
psychotropic abuse will be difficult to do.
The cost factor is a very inhibiting factor in the process of law enforcement of narcotics
and psychotropic abuse at the level of investigation and investigation. The lack of budget
makes it not optimal or ineffective in terms of revealing the abuse of narcotics and
psychotropic drugs. Saati this, the budget spent in the framework of investigation and
investigation in revealing and or to be able to enforce the law in the eradication of narcotics
and psychotropic abuse is not sufficient so that in completing law enforcement is still
constrained and unsatisfactory.
External barriers are barriers that arise from the environment or society. These external
barriers arise when the community in the investigation environment is difficult to cooperate
with because there are some people who do not care about drug abuse and illicit drug
trafficking because they think that those who use and deal drugs are not their own family..
From the results of the research conducted at the West Jakarta Metro Police Drug Unit,
the researcher provides the following suggestions, the West Jakarta Metro Police Drug Unit
should further increase legal awareness about Prevention, Eradication of Drug Abuse and
Illicit Trafficking (P4GN) for the community by socializing and legal counseling, talk shows,
film screenings, distributing stickers/pamphlets about legal sanctions. Furthermore,
increasing operational costs by applying for funds to the West Jakarta Metro Police with
consideration of existing problems and the amount of costs used to eradicate and overcome
narcotics crimes in the jurisdiction of the West Jakarta Metro Police, so that the eradication
and control of narcotics in West Jakarta can be carried out properly..
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