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Processional March

Good afternoon to each and everyone who are here with us today. We are grateful to be able to celebrate
graduation day once more this year because we want the graduates to remember it or mark it on their
calendars for the years to come. Despite the fact that we are still dealing with the threat of a COVID-19
pandemic, the fact that we are here today to celebrate graduation is a great blessing for us. It signifies the end
of one phase of one’s educational journey and the beginning of another, more challenging phase of one’s
quest for a better life and future.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to St. Jude High School’s 6th Senior High School Graduation Exercises and 8 th
Moving Up Ceremony, with the theme “K-12 Graduates: Molded through a Resilient Educational Foundation”

Let us all rise to behold the handsome and gorgeous members of the Graduating and Completers Class of
school year 2022-2023.

The graduates………

The completers……..

Let us also welcome the beautiful and stunning administrative staffs sand our diligent and lovely faculty
members! As well as our distinguished guest for today

Baccalaureate Mass………

Part II:

Welcome Address

Today is the day that most parents and students around here have waited for so long in their life. So, to set the
tone for this afternoon’s event, let us here from Micah C. Lord, with high honor, for her welcome address.

Thank you, Miss Lord, for that warm welcome address.

Graduation and Moving Up Rites

I'd like to call on our school principal, Mr. Aljene A. Palafox, to present the graduating class and the
completers. And the DLCES Superintendent Rev. Tito Romeo N. Bonoan, VF, Ed.D to confirm the graduates and

Giving of Diplomas

For the distribution of Diplomas, I would like to call on Most Rev. Renato P. Mayugba, D.D. Bishop, Diocese of
Laoag to be assisted by our school principal Mr. Aljene A. Palafox, M.Ed and the DLCES Superintendent Re. Tito
Romeo N. Bonoan, VF, Ed.D

Graduates and completers, please come up on stage as your name is called

Congratulations graduates! We know what you have been through is not easy because we have been there. So
now, remove all your worries of what the future may bring and enjoy this special and remarkable moment of
your life.

Part III

Philippine National Anthem

To officially start the last and the most awaited part of the ceremony, we humbly request everybody to please
rise for the singing of the National Anthem, which will be led by Arianne Michelle L. Pedronan.

Please be seated.

Graduation Message

Nobody who succeeds does so without appreciating the assistance of others. You only offer gratitude to all
creatures who have contributed to their current accomplishments because of this. Ms. Mary Christine Jamelle
D. Duropan, With High Honor, General Academic Strand, will provide some words of appreciation.

Presentation of Awardees

After the battles come the rewards. Ladies and gentlemen, the awarding of honors and special awards to SHS
graduates and Junior High School Completers.

Congratulations dear students! You rightfully deserve every award you received today. Ladies and gentlemen,
let us give them a big round of applause!

Completer Class Song

Seat-back and relax for we are about to be serenade by the grade 10 completers in their completer class song.

Introduction of the Guest Speaker

Talking more about the theme, we invited a very special guest to inspire all of us. And to formally introduce
the Guest Speaker, let us welcome on stage our Academic Life Coordinator Ms. Ma. Estephany H. Garcia.

Awarding of certificate and token

Thank you so much Sir for the words of inspiration. May we ask our guest speaker to remain on stage for the
awarding of the certificate of appreciation and token of gratitude?

Graduation Song

Never give up on your dreams. Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within
you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for your greatest dream. Cherish your dreams and
your dreams will cherish you back. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s watch and listen to the graduates’ graduation
song, “This is My Now,”

Accomplishment Appreciation for Grades 7, 8, 9, 11

Many wants to be recognized, but a few are worthy of recognition. They

are worthy of this recognition because these students work hard for it. It is time
for us to give credit for their achievement and to acknowledge them for a job
well done because a person who feels appreciated will always do more than what
is expected
Many wants to be recognized, but a few are worthy of recognition. They are worthy of this recognition
because these students work hard for it. It is time for us to give credit for their achievement and to
acknowledge them for a job well done because a person who feels appreciated will always do more than what
is expected. Without further ado, let us move on to the most awaited part of this event, the presentation of
the awardees.

Congratulations dear students and parents! Ladies and gentlemen, let us give them a big round of applause!

Thank You Song

All throughout the academic journey of our graduates and completers, their family are very well supportive of
their endeavor in life and it is now the time to show their appreciation to them by singing their thank you song
“Without You”

Pledge of Loyalty

We will now witness the graduates as they state their Pledge of Loyalty to their Alma Mater, to be led by Mr.
Christian Jade G. Aguete, with Honors, General Academic Strand.

Acceptance to the SJHSAA

May we call on the stage our SJHS Alumni Association President Atty. Victor Corpuz to formally accept the
graduates to be part of the SJHS alumni association?

Acceptance to the Community and Message

May we ask the presence of our beloved municipal mayor, Hon. Rafael Ralph L. Benemerito II for his message?
Thank you, Mayor, for that inspiring message

Alma Mater Song

In their six years of sojourn here in this noble school. They have sustained great amount of experience where
they can add to their attributes to face the real world. Let us call all the 2022-2023 Graduates o give tribute to
St. Jude High School by singing their alma mater song.

Words of Gratitude

The art of beginning is great, but the art of ending is even greater. It is precise to acknowledge and recognize
all the working hands that made this graduation and moving up ceremony possible. Ladies and gentlemen, our
school principal, Mr. Aljene A. Palafox, M.Ed, in his words of acknowledgement and closing remarks.

St Jude Hymn

Let us watch and enjoy as the graduates and completers sing for the last time in this school year 2022-2023 the
St. Jude Hymn.


Graduates and completers, be bold, courageous, and be your best. Your journey is never-ending. There’s
always going to be growth, improvement, and adversity; you’ve just got to take it all in and do what’s right,
continue to grow, and continue to live in the moment. To dream high is like reaching for the stars. Wherever
you go, go with all your heart. If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door so that success will come to you. Face
the challenges confidently and be positive in overcoming them. Congratulations!

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