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Shariatmadari Offers Us Many Kinds of Evidence.

The English language, a global tool of communication that traverses boundaries and cultures,
consistently ignites debates. Amidst its ever-evolving landscape, discussions arise about whether the
influx of new terms and evolving language norms signals a decline. While some decry this expansion as
linguistic excess, others perceive it as a natural reflection of modern society.

Journalist David Shariatmadari adds a fresh perspective to this discourse. He proposes that the
perceived decline might be a matter of viewpoint rather than a true regression. Detractors, often
representing older generations, voice concerns over informal language and the infiltration of slang.
Shariatmadari posits that language has always undergone metamorphosis, and new word integrations
don't necessarily signify decline but rather showcase its adaptability.

Critics worry that traditional linguistic norms are eroding, but Shariatmadari counters that our language
remains vibrant, conveying complex ideas adeptly. He argues that the introduction of new terms often
corresponds with societal and technological advancements. Words like "selfie," "emoji," and "LOL" may
not be embraced by traditionalists, yet they vividly capture modern communication and technology's
swift evolution.

Conversely, others contend that English is not deteriorating but is aligning with contemporary times.
Language is a dynamic entity that thrives on absorbing novel vocabulary. Just as Shakespeare introduced
countless words in his era, today's linguistic evolution is equally vigorous. The inclusion of terms like
"internet," "blog," and "tweet" mirrors the digital revolution reshaping our world.

Moreover, the concept of "linguistic obesity" could stem from misconceptions about language's
purpose. Language's primary function is communication; if new words emerge to express previously
unarticulated concepts, it indicates progression. Consider "googling" as a testament to a search engine's
influence on daily life. These terms encapsulate experiences and enhance communication clarity.

In conclusion, the discourse on the supposed English language decline is multifaceted. While critics fear
the fading of traditional norms, it's crucial to understand that language is fluid and adaptive. The
evolution of English signifies societal development rather than linguistic excess. Embracing innovative
words and language norms empowers effective communication in a rapidly changing world.
Shariatmadari's perspective encourages celebrating the linguistic landscape's vibrancy while upholding
clear communication principles.

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