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Apple has partnered with THIS tiny firm that could hand you 10x your
money as the
whole world goes spatial...

"It’s the next big thing that will pervade our lives." — Apple CEO Tim

Dear Reader,

Imagine walking into the garage at 2066 Crist Drive in Los Altos, California,
in 1976.

There you find two nerdy-looking guys named Steve tinkering with what
would soon be unveiled as the Apple II computer.

Now imagine you were among the few investors who were smart enough to
understand the power of that Apple computer to change the world.

Not many were... 1/57
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But those who did turned every $1,000 into $1.8 million... and every $10,000
into $18 million. That’s nearly 2,000 times your money.

Imagine what your bank account and your life might look like today if you’d
been able to glimpse the future in 1980.

Well, we are at that exact moment once again.

This is the rarest of all do-overs.

Because in the next few minutes, I’m going to pull back the curtain to reveal
the next generation of computing.

Silicon Valley insiders describe this game-changing technology this way...

"It is as if we are back in 1976 and Wozniak and Jobs just showed us the
prototypes of the Apple II."

Apple’s new spatial computer is about to revolutionize the world — just like
it did with the Apple II, the iPad, and the iPhone.

Yet this innovation would be nonexistent without the critical technology

provided by a small, little-known company...

A company that is at the heart of a $620 billion computing revolution. 2/57
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What you are about to see will shock you. Most investors have no idea this
tech revolution is already underway.

Those who do have the chance to position themselves for 9,910% gains
starting now.

Yes, that’s more than 10x your money.

Now, I realize that might seem unbelievable...

But bear with me for a minute.

We’re on the verge of a massive revolution in computing...

One with the power to change everything... including the way we live, work,
and play, just as Apple did decades ago...

With a unique technology that’s completely different from anything else

you’ve seen before.

Apple’s CEO Tim Cook says it will be "the next big thing [that] will pervade
our entire lives."

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says it’s "the ultimate computer."

And Adobe’s chief product officer, Scott Belsky, says it "could be as big as if
not bigger than the web."

In fact, this technology is already being deployed worldwide at places like

Amazon, Facebook, General Electric, Johns Hopkins, Shell Oil, IKEA, and

That’s why I had to get this in front of you right away, too...

Because the opportunity I’m going to reveal today could make you a
MASSIVE windfall. 3/57
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Because this is NOT some tiny technology tweak or clever little gadget...

This is the kind of tech revolution that will change EVERY aspect of our
world from retail to health care to manufacturing and beyond.

It will be the hot technology everyone is talking about this year.

And the best part is you do NOT have to understand all the intricacies of
how this tech works to get filthy rich from it. 4/57
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You just have to grasp that right now YOU are standing in Steve Jobs’
garage in Los Altos...

You are watching history being made...

You are seeing the birth of an entire industry before 99% of investors catch

And if you act on what you see today, you could see as much as 10x your 5/57
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money or more! 

Think about that for a moment...

Back in 2012, very few investors understood the power of NVIDIA’s GPU
accelerated computing.

Or how it was about to upend the entire gaming industry with super-realistic

Those who did pocketed 6,531% gains.

In 2009, almost no one grasped the significance of Skyworks' high-

performance analog semiconductors...

Heck, most folks couldn’t even tell you what a semiconductor did... let alone
how it would become the critical lynchpin in the internet of things...

Those who saw the future in a chip rode the stock to 2,300% profits. 6/57
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These are the kinds of massively disruptive technologies that lead to huge
profit opportunities. Opportunities that can transform your portfolio... and
your life.

Hi, my name is Christian DeHaemer. (My readers call me "Hammer.")

I’ve been making money from the market for almost THREE decades now.

And I’ve been teaching others how to do the same.

Nearly 20,000 people from all walks of life follow my


And if there’s one thing I’m known for, it’s my knack for
uncovering virtually unknown stocks...

BEFORE they explode in value.

For instance, I’ve uncovered gains like 1,040%, 2,479%,

2,528%, and more for my followers.

But I am not here to boast about past accomplishments.

While they were great, they don’t even come close to the lucrative potential
of the game-changing technology I’ll be revealing to you today...

Which is why you MUST pay close attention. 7/57
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Because this could be my biggest, most lucrative discovery yet.

Apple chief executive Tim Cook calls it "big and profound," saying, "This is
one of those huge things that we’ll look back at and marvel at the start of

Jeff Bezos is betting his own money that this technology will completely
revolutionize the e-commerce industry.

The world’s biggest tech companies... Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple,

Google and others... have already invested tens of billions of dollars in this

They’ve filed over 50,000 patents related to this new technology... and they
are just getting started...

That’s because this technology is set to generate a massive $620 billion in

new revenues in a few short years. 8/57
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And today I’m going to show how you could turn this tidal wave of new
revenues into as much as 10x your money or more on just a handful of

That’s a bold promise, but one I’m comfortable making. Because the size of
this tech revolution is unprecedented.

It’s barely gotten started yet and it is already taking over dozens of
industries around the world...

This technology allows doctors to practice complex surgeries before they

ever pick up a knife. 

And once they DO begin to cut, this technology guides surgeons like a
sophisticated missile guidance system... 

So you never have to worry about potentially deadly medical errors.

But this tech isn’t just for surgeons.

Online retailers and fashion brands are using it to provide potential

customers with virtual "fitting rooms." 9/57
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This allows customers to "try on" their clothes before purchasing them
online, which helps retailers’ reduce refunds and boost their bottom lines.

Oil and gas companies are using this technology to plan and build giant
offshore oil rigs. 10/57
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This technology can predict and prevent dangerous mechanical failures

before they happen. 

It’s already saving millions of dollars and countless lives around the world.

Car manufacturers are using this technology to speed up design times,

boost performance, and test-drive cars before they are built.

This technology is also already guiding drivers in real time and warning
them of potentially deadly hazards, potentially saving millions of lives and a
fortune in insurance premiums.

The possible applications of this technology are limitless...

So what is this groundbreaking technology?

It’s called "spatial computing."

And it’s going to change how you interact with EVERYTHING in the world
around you.

But don’t just take my word for it...

Let me show you this brave new world of spatial computing.

Because what you’re about to see has the power to generate the kind of life-
changing wealth that most investors only dream about. 11/57
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And it all starts with Apple’s newest innovation... 

It’s called the Apple Vision Pro, and it’s the company’s very first spatial

It’s NOT just another headset. 

This is a standalone computer equipped with over 12 cameras and sensors.

It even has its own Wi-Fi so there’s no need to connect it to your phone,
tablet, or laptop.

In fact, it could ultimately replace smartphones for good.

Just imagine every screen, be it your phone or computer or smartwatch,

being replaced by this single device...

Because that’s about to become our reality.

As Tim Cook said at the 2023 Worldwide Developers Conference:

Today marks the beginning of a new era for computing. Just as

the Mac introduced us to personal computing and iPhone
introduced us to mobile computing, Apple Vision Pro introduces
us to spatial computing.

Mobile phones like the iPhone put the internet in the palm of our hands. 12/57
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But with spatial computing, the internet will no longer be confined to flat

Instead, it will blend our physical and digital worlds, creating an immersive,
interactive, and all-encompassing experience.

So you can interact with digital content in the same way you interact with
physical objects — by touching, grabbing, or even speaking to them.

Consider the implications of a fully immersive internet.

With spatial computing, digital data and objects will no longer be intangible;
instead, they will be seamlessly integrated into our immediate

Shopping online will transform into a virtually tactile experience as you "try
on" clothes in a digital fitting room. 13/57
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Remote meetings will no longer take place on sites like Zoom but rather in a
shared virtual office.

And forget scrolling through a map on your phone when exploring an

unfamiliar location — because thanks to spatial computing, you’ll follow a 14/57
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virtual path that unfolds before your eyes in real time. Plus, it will also give
you traffic information, local services, and more!

And the Pentagon is investing $21.9 billion in spatial computers for the U.S.
Army. They will give soldiers capabilities that would make a James Bond
movie look bleak by comparison:

But that’s just scratching the surface of what is possible with this

Experts say that spatial computing is like how the internet was in 1995.

The truth is we can’t even imagine all the ways this technology will change
the world, just like we couldn’t imagine back then how the internet would
look today. 15/57
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And it’s not just Apple that’s in the race to dominate spatial computing...

Facebook, Microsoft, and Google have produced their own headsets...

Like Facebook’s Oculus...

Microsoft’s HoloLens...

And Google Glass... 16/57
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But none of these devices come close to what the Apple Vision Pro can do.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says he "can’t overstate how much of a

breakthrough" this technology is.

In fact, his company signed a massive $21.9 billion deal with the Pentagon
to develop a military version of this technology.

And this is just the beginning.

The $620 billion spatial computing revolution has the potential to deliver
as much as 10x your money or more...

Starting with three unique opportunities I’ve uncovered today. 

And I’m going to walk you through each of them and give you all the details
you need to profit.

But first, let me be clear... There will never be a better time to go all-in on
this spatial technology than today.

That’s because the biggest technology breakthroughs of our time have all
hit prime time at once. 17/57
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I’m talking about massive innovations like...

The Internet of Things

Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Mixed Reality

Scientists are calling this moment the "Great Convergence."

And it is what has finally made spatial computing a reality.

See, Ivan Sutherland actually invented the world’s first spatial computer
back in 1968.

It was this crazy-looking contraption that was suspended over your head
and used ultrasonic sensors to track your movement.

Images floated in midair in front of you and moved with you. 18/57
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The problem was that Sutherland was decades ahead of his time. The
technology he needed for a lightweight scalable spatial computer didn’t
exist yet.

Today, thanks to the Great Convergence of the Internet of Things, AI, 5G,
mixed reality, blockchain, and more, Sutherland’s dream is coming true.

Our digital and physical worlds are converging in a way that has never
before been possible.

The world around us is becoming our playground, where a single look or

gesture summons up the information we need — almost like magic.

Until now, you could only glimpse this world in science-fiction movies like
The Matrix, Ready Player One, or The Avengers...

But today, science fiction is becoming reality.

Doctors can now see and interact with organs outside the human body...

Engineers can see complex wiring instructions superimposed on top of a

wind turbine or airplane engine... 19/57
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And designers can see their latest Nike shoe invention in real time.

And this is the REAL reason behind the intense battle between the world’s
biggest tech giants...

They want you to get comfortable in this new spatial playground.

Because very soon, we’re all going to make the leap from tiny glowing
screens into "space." 20/57
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No, not outer space! I’m talking about the space right in front of you.

And it’s happening faster than you think.

Once folks catch on, everyone will be talking about this new spatial
technology. Interest will go parabolic.

And fortunes could be made... for those who were smart enough to get in

That’s because I’ve uncovered a way to make a potential 9,910% total gain
from the next generation of spatial computers.

It’s just one of three ways I’m going to reveal today that spatial computing
could make you rich.

And let me be clear, I’m NOT talking about buying Apple. Because the life-
changing gains ahead won’t come from the world’s biggest tech

They’ll come from tiny companies that are enabling these tech giants to
make the leap to spatial.

And they are ALL leaping!

That’s because while the spatial computing market is worth around $26
billion today...

It’s projected to grow to a massive $620 billion by 2032.

Kevin Kelly, founding editor of WIRED, predicts, "Whoever dominates [the

spatial web] will become among the wealthiest and most powerful people 21/57
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and companies in history, just as those who now dominate the web and
social media have."

This is your chance to join the next generation of tech millionaires... to ride
the coattails of the next Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, or Steve Jobs and
potentially amass a fortune for you and your family.

Just consider what your life would be like NOW if you’d invested in the
ground floor of the last computing revolution...

If you’d invested in Amazon when it was just a glorified mail-order

bookstore with delusions of grandeur — before it became the world’s
greatest e-commerce behemoth...

You’d be looking at 172,817% gains today.

If you’d invested in Google when it was still a noun, before it became a

household verb — "Google it" — you’d be looking at 4,911% gains today. 22/57
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If you’d invested in Facebook back when it was just a way for pimple-faced
college kids to hook up, before your grandmother started posting pictures
of her rose bushes, you’d have pocketed 625% profits today.

If you’d invested in Apple when it was all about the "record collection" in
your pocket, before it turned that digital record player into a full-on mobile
computer, you’d be looking at 55,888% profits today. 23/57
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If you’d invested in Microsoft back when it was all about the "Start" button,
before Microsoft launched hundreds of applications for millions of
customers, you’d be looking at 8,215% gains today.

That’s an average of 48,491% gains from today’s "Big Five" alone. That’s
enough to turn every $1 into $485 and every $10,000 into more than $4
million — $4,859,100 to be exact.

If you missed out on these epic gains, I feel your pain. 24/57
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Most people laughed when I told them Bitcoin was about to disrupt the
entire banking industry...

But they missed out on the Bitcoin bonanza and their chance at the quick
2,528% gain I made my readers.

And I don’t want you to make the same mistake.

This is your second chance to build a fortune in the NEXT great tech

One that could deliver as much as 10x your money or more and make
those legendary Apple gains look like chump change.

Now, obviously, these are exceptional gains. Every investment has risks.
And you should never invest more than you can afford to lose.

But look, even if you only made HALF as much as I’m projecting, that’s as
much as five times your money or more. And that still looks tame compared
with the insane growth we saw in the last tech revolution. 25/57
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Imagine telling your buddies on the golf course, "Yeah, I get to play four
rounds a week because I got in on the ground floor of spatial computing
and made 10x my money. No more slaving away in the office for me!"

I’ll tell you everything you need to know to profit from spatial computing in
just a minute.

But first let me prove to you that...

Spatial computing is no longer some kind of science-fiction dream...

It’s here NOW and investors in the know are already seeing triple-digit

If you’ve ever seen your kids or grandkids use Instagram or TikTok filters or
if you’ve ever spoken to Siri on your iPhone, you’ve already had a small taste
of spatial computing.

Now, these applications might seem a bit silly at first. But the dollars they
command are anything but a joke...

Revenues from Instagram’s "silly" spatial filters are projected to hit $13
billion this year.

But now with the launch of spatial computers like the Apple Vision Pro,
Facebook’s Oculus, and Google’s Glass, the number of folks using spatial
computing is going to EXPLODE. 26/57
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Remember, this is the technology that could ultimately replace

smartphones for good!

That’s why you want to get in now.

Now, here’s the thing...

All of these spatial computers have one thing in common.

They all rely on sensors which allows them to map the physical world
around you.

This is how your headset can create a virtual path in real time for you to
follow. 27/57
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One tiny company has invented a unique "radar" sensor that the Apple
Vision Pro relies on.

Forbes says that this company’s sensor "dominates the Vision Pro’s spatial
computing abilities."

The New York Times states that "the headset tracks a tremendous amount
of data using [this sensor]."

The sensor monitors your surroundings, your location within that

environment, and the movements of your hands and eyes...

So it can anticipate your responses and behavior in real time.

Today, the sensor company is valued at less than $6 billion, but it could
easily hit $60 billion as spatial computing takes off...

Handing investors who get in early an astonishing 958% windfall. That’s

nearly 10x your money.

But you need to act fast, because thanks to the launch of the Apple Vision
Pro, this sensor technology isn’t going to be a secret much longer.

That’s why I’ve prepared a special report for you.

It reveals all the details behind this virtually unknown radar stock. And it’s
just one of the three ways to profit we’re going to talk about today.

I’ll be sending this urgent report out just as soon as this briefing ends. So
stay with me and in just a minute I’ll tell you exactly how to get your copy.

But before I do, I want to show you another reason the adoption of spatial
computers is exploding...

When the pandemic hit in March 2020, we were all trapped inside, bored out
of our minds. Everything shut down.

The only way you could shop was online. E-commerce started exploding.
And it hasn’t stopped. 28/57
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And with more traditional brick-and-mortar stores closing... and more sales
going online...

Retailers are using spatial tech to boost sales.

Consumers are using spatial computing to virtually "try on" everything from
eyeglasses to furniture online.

Spatial computing can help you find the perfect eyeglasses at Warby

Or virtually test-drive thousands of products at

Or redesign your living room at Wayfair...

Retailers love spatial computing because it encourages more customer

interaction, boosts sales, and reduces refunds.

Home-decorating company Houzz reported an 11x increase in sales from

spatial technology.

Olay Skin Advisor doubled conversions, increased basket size by 30%, and
had its biggest product launch in 10 years with spatial computing.

And when Nike used spatial computing to let customers try out the Kyrie 4...
the shoe sold out in less than an hour. 29/57
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Hundreds more retail companies like Crate & Barrel, Gucci, IKEA, Lowe’s,
H&M, L’Oréal, and Adidas are all going spatial.

No wonder spatial advertising is set to multiply nearly 25x to $26.5 billion

in the next two years.

And you can ride that gravy train all the way to the bank.

That’s because I have pinpointed one tiny software company that designs
spatial shopping apps for the world’s largest retailers.

As more and more retailers "go spatial," this tiny tech company is set to

Just consider The Trade Desk, another advertising tech company. Its
platform is used by advertising agencies all over the world.

The stock went public in 2016 at around $2.70 per share (split adjusted)
and trades for around $77 today.

Early-in investors grabbed more than 2,470% gains in seven years!

Or consider Shopify...

Its e-commerce platform allows anyone to set up an online store to sell

products... 30/57
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Shopify went public around $2.83 a share and trades for over $63.83 per
share today.

If you were smart enough to spot this advertising trendsetter, you could
have bagged 2,155% profits in around eight years.

But don’t worry if you missed it.

Because I estimate the tiny ad tech company I’ve uncovered could return
2,800% gains or more in as little as three years.

And these retail profit opportunities are just one way to profit from the
spatial computing revolution.

I’ve detailed two more ways you can cash in on this fast-growing $620
billion market.

That’s because...

The battle to dominate the spatial computing world has only just begun.

Tech’s "Big Five" — Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft — are
all pouring billions into spatial computing.

Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos all want to be the first to
dominate this explosive new market. 31/57
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Because the rewards will be massive.

A top venture capitalist calls it "an arms race to capture the next computing

You’ve just witnessed the launch of Apple’s Vision Pro headset...

Microsoft recently released the second version of the HoloLens headset...

And Facebook announced the launch of its third Oculus Quest headset
mere days BEFORE Apple showed the world its Vision Pro. 32/57
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The tech giants are spending tens of billions on R&D and frantically filing

Deloitte reports that overall spatial computing patents have multiplied by 10

TIMES since this "arms race" began.

We are truly at the tipping point.

Right now, you have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get in early as spatial

computing reaches a huge inflection point.

It may have taken 50 years to reach the point where spatial computing was
cost-effective and scalable.

But thanks to the Great Convergence, experts predict it could only take
five years for spatial computers to go mainstream.

Today’s tech giants are laying the groundwork as we speak.

They are investing hundreds of billions of dollars and building the runway
that will allow dozens and dozens of smaller tech innovators to cash in big.

Like the two retail plays I just told you about that could deliver 958% and
2,800% gains, respectively.

And retail is just the first way to cash in on spatial computing.

Because spatial computing isn’t just transforming retail...

It’s changing the entire face of health care.

Thanks to the Great Convergence, health care is going spatial.

Healthcare companies all over the world are using spatial computing to
merge the digital and physical worlds together...

Helping doctors educate, innovate, and potentially save millions of lives. 33/57
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For example, Dassault Systèmes is transforming the way physicians

diagnose and treat heart patients.

Its Living Heart Project uses spatial computing to create personalized 3D

"digital twins" of human hearts. So your surgeon can practice on your digital
heart before ever operating on your real one!

MediView XR’s spatial technology lets doctors "see" inside a patient’s body
to pinpoint tumors. The technology acts like a missile guidance system,
ensuring a surgeon is in the exact right location... before the first cut is ever
made. 34/57
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AccuVein’s breakthrough spatial technology helps medical staff find a vein

and hit the mark every single time when drawing blood or starting an IV.

Here’s to never having to suffer through getting poked over and over again
while a lab technician tries to find a good vein! 35/57
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These are just a few of the thousands of potential medical applications for
spatial computing.

In fact, experts predict the market for medical spatial computing will hit
$19.6 billion in the next eight years.

But that could be a serious underestimation...

The adoption of these spatial technologies is already accelerating.

First responders and remote healthcare workers are turning to spatial

computing to help save lives.

5G-enabled spatial computers allow doctors at local hospitals to see

exactly what EMTs are viewing in the field.

The doctor can assist the EMT with diagnosis and triage. 

The EMT can keep her hands free so she can treat the patient.

And the 5G wireless connection means it can all happen instantaneously...

with no potentially deadly video delay.

All of which increases your odds of survival.

And it increases your odds of profiting, too... 36/57
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That’s because I’ve identified one company that has invented a brand-new
spatial computer — specifically for first responders.

This spatial computer is lightweight, making it perfect for carrying on

scene. Plus, it’s Wi-Fi-enabled so it can easily connect to a 5G hub or
hotspot on an ambulance or fire truck.

This company has successfully created spatial computers for the defense
industry as well as factories and other big manufacturers.

And now it's partnered with one of the world’s largest telecom companies
to bring this spatial computer to market.

The stock trades for less than $7 today, but you need to move fast.

Because once its new remote spatial computer hits the market... I predict
this stock is going to skyrocket over 2,000%.

But that’s not all...

I’ve also uncovered a second medical play...

This virtually unknown company invented a new spatial computer to aid in

spinal surgery. It gives surgeons "X-ray vision" of the patient’s spine.

Right now, nearly a third of all spinal patients end up with screws in the
wrong place!

But in early testing, surgeons using this new spatial computer were nearly
100% accurate at placing screws.

The company has already received FDA approval for its surgical spatial
application. Soon hospitals all across the world will be implementing it.

When that happens, the stock is going to take off like a bat out of hell. So
don’t wait! Get in now.

The last time a medical startup revolutionized surgery like this, the returns
were breathtaking.

More than two decades ago, Intuitive Surgical invented the da Vinci robotic-
assisted surgery. 37/57
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The system delivered greater accuracy with quicker recovery times and had
almost no competition.

Early-in investors had the chance at 13,922% returns.

Today, Intuitive Surgical is being challenged by scrappy spatial startups like

the one I’ve pegged today.

This is your chance for a once-in-a-lifetime "do-over."

Get in now and ride the spatial computing revolution for a life-changing shot
at 100 times your money.

If you act now, you could quite literally be set for life.

But before I tell you how to get all the details on these recommendations...

I want to tell you about one more area ripe for the picking...

Because healthcare companies aren’t the only ones using spatial

computing to reduce errors, speed up training, and perform complex tasks
with life-and-death potential...

Global manufacturers are going spatial, too. 38/57
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Thanks to the Great Convergence, experts are calling spatial computing the
biggest disruptive trend of the next five years.

And we’re already seeing that play out in manufacturing. Many of the
world’s largest manufacturers have already "gone spatial."

Manufacturers are using spatial technology to create exact "digital twins" of

physical assets (like cars) — only a whole lot more complex.

"Digital twins" incorporate billions of pieces of data from actual machines —

both current and historical. And they’re constantly updated in real time. 

It’s like the internet of things (IoT) on steroids.

Imagine if we covered a car with millions of sensors... 

Imagine if every time that car moved, a "virtual" car was updated

Creating an exact "mirror image" of that car in real time in 3D space in front
of you. 39/57
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That is exactly what these digital twins are doing for wind turbines,
automobiles, factories, and entire cities.

Workers can see and interact with complex machinery using 3D directions
and data right on top of the physical machine or part...

General Electric created more than 1.2 million digital twins of its physical

These digital twins predict and prevent mechanical failures before they
happen — saving millions of dollars and even lives in the process. 40/57
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Just one digital twin saved GE $12 million and helped prevent countless
headaches from unscheduled aircraft maintenance.

And GE isn’t the only one going all-in on spatial computing...

Automaker Maserati uses spatial computing to create and test-drive digital

twins of luxury automobiles.

Spatial computing slashes development time by 30% and improves driving

performance — all without the risk you’ll crash a $134,000 sports car!

Oil and gas companies use digital twins to plan and build giant offshore oil
rigs. These digital twins help prevent dangerous mechanical failures, saving
millions of dollars and countless lives.

Right now, digital twins have reached a major tipping point. 41/57
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Today the market is already worth close to $12 billion.

And it’s expected to multiply by nearly 12 times...

To approximately $140 billion by 2032.

Forbes calls digital twins "the CEO’s best friend."

And Gartner, the world's leading IT research and advisory company, named
digital twins one of its top 10 strategic tech trends... not one, not two, but
three years running.

Gartner predicts that over 40% of large organizations worldwide will use
digital twins by 2027...

Which is why NOW is the time to get in.

When Gartner first put the internet of things (IoT) on its Top 10 list in 2012,
it was a $2.4 billion industry...

But many investors had never heard of it.

If you had bought IoT pioneer NXP Semiconductors on the ground floor
back in 2012... you could have pulled in 630% gains in just over three years.

While everyone else was still saying the "internet of what?" 42/57
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But if you’d waited to buy until 2018... when IoT finally hit the mainstream

Your gains would have been a measly 9%.

Right now, spatial computing is just at the beginning of its adoption cycle.
But the biggest gains could go to those folks who get in now.

And you can do that with a spatial computing company that’s a household
name among big manufacturers... but virtually unknown to most investors.

Creating digital twins is a mind-boggling undertaking that merges data from

hundreds if not thousands of sources in real time. And there is no one-size-
fits-all solution.

But the company I’ve uncovered has a suite of spatial computing tools that
solves these headaches at an attractive price.

As more and more manufacturers jump on the digital twin bandwagon, this
company stands to capture the lion’s share of the $140 billion spatial
software market.

Take a look at Ansys...

The company provides spatial computing solutions for giants in the

automotive, aerospace, and oil and gas industries. 43/57
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Early investors racked up 10,668% gains.

Or consider Cadence Design Systems.

The company creates digital twins for the aerospace and automotive

Early-in investors pocketed 1,341% gains.

Or check out Autodesk. 44/57
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The company focuses on spatial computing solutions for architecture,

engineering, construction, manufacturing, and entertainment.

Early investors rode the stock to 2,765% gains.

The company I’ve identified is a pioneer in spatial computing and set to

deliver 1,700% gains or more across a wide range of industries.

But that’s not all I’ve uncovered. I’ve also identified a hot private startup
investing opportunity.

And if the spatial computing software market explodes the way tech
experts predict... this stock could be worth 100 times that just a few short
years from now.

This company is a game-changer in the market, creating spatial software

that builds digital twins of buildings, neighborhoods, and entire cities. 

And I’ll tell you how to get all the details on this stock right now...

I have prepared three special reports with the exact names, ticker symbols,
and full analysis of the cutting-edge spatial computing stocks leading this
revolution. 45/57
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In your first report, "How to Make a Killing on Spatial Computing’s 'Killer

Apps,'" I’ll tell you all about the radar sensor company that Apple relies on to
make its spatial computer possible. 

It scans the physical world around you and maps it... so your virtual sofa
ends up on the floor in your living room and not suspended from the ceiling!

Remember, Forbes states that this sensor "dominates the Vision Pro’s
spatial computing abilities."

And as spatial computing takes off, this company could deliver 10x gains in
short order.

In this report, I’ll also tell you about a second play — a tiny software
company that creates spatial shopping apps for the world’s largest
retailers. We’re talking about an $8.8 billion market here.

As more and more retailers go spatial, this company is sitting in the sweet

Early-in investors could see up to 20x their money in the next three years.

But as I pointed out earlier, the market for spatial apps only represents one
slice of the spatial computing pie. 46/57
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And that’s why I’ve put together a second report, "How to Make Colossal
Gains on the Spatial Healthcare Revolution."

This report gives you the inside scoop on the fast-growing spatial
computing healthcare market, including a company about to launch a next-
generation spatial computer — one designed specifically for the $117 billion
first responder market.

This company is already a leader in spatial computing. In fact, it's been

creating spatial computers for the defense and manufacturing industries
for decades.

And it's partnered with one of the biggest names in tech to launch this
newest spatial computer.

Once it hits the market, I expect its stock to skyrocket.

But that’s just the beginning. Because remember, I will also tell you about
the tiny company that’s invented a new spatial computer to aid in spinal

Surgeons using this new spatial computer are 98.9% accurate at placing
screws. The last startup that revolutionized surgery like this was Intuitive

That stock delivered an astonishing 5,650% return to early-in investors.

And I’m fully confident this stock could do the same. 47/57
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But your opportunity to profit on the exploding spatial computing market

doesn’t end there!

Because I will also show you how to make a killing as spatial computing
revolutionizes manufacturing. All the details are in my third special report,
"The Rise of the Digital Twin: Cashing in on the $127 Billion Business

In that report, I’ll tell you about the massive $127.14 billion market for
"digital twin" applications.

You’ll get the inside scoop on how companies like GE, Microsoft, and
Boeing are capitalizing on digital twin technology to save millions... and I’ll
introduce you to the leading software company that’s helping them do it.

This software player stands to capture the lion’s share of the projected 15X
growth in the spatial enterprise market. And investors who strike now could
be in line to pocket substantial gains.

But that’s not all I’ve uncovered. I’ve identified a hot startup investing

This company is a game-changer in the market, creating spatial software

that builds digital twins of buildings, neighborhoods, and entire cities.

The world will need an estimated 10,000 new cities by 2050 just to keep
pace with population growth. 48/57
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And in today’s IoT world, every one of those cities will rely on smart
connected buildings, infrastructure, and physical assets in order to run
efficiently and conserve resources.

This company’s digital twin software aggregates and analyzes massive

amounts of data needed to design, build, and run projects at any scale.

And its stock could jump 15X within a few short years from now. But that’s
a conservative estimate. I wouldn’t be surprised if you saw 50X your money
or more.

We’re Talking About a Potential

9,910% Windfall Here. That’s
100 Times Your Money! You In?
Together, these three special reports give you the chance to cash in on
nearly 10,000% gains.

You could easily turn $5,000 into $500,000 in just a few years.

I’m talking about the chance for life-changing wealth here. You’ll get all the
details in the three FREE special reports I’ll send you today.

All I ask in return is that you agree to try my investment newsletter, Bull and
Bust Report.

Bull and Bust Report will keep you on top of all the hot opportunities I just
told you about as they unfold.

Plus, you’ll learn about new opportunities for getting filthy rich in the spatial
computing revolution as I uncover them.

I’m constantly scouring the market for new trends and investing prospects.

And we’re going to see a tidal wave of new prospects go public in the near
future. 49/57
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In fact, venture capitalists have already poured a whopping $45 billion into
spatial computing startups.

These promising up-and-coming companies represent yet another

opportunity for you to get in on the ground floor of spatial computing via
IPOs and buyouts.

And spatial computing is just one of the booming trends I’ll help you profit

I have a history of delivering life-changing gains to my subscribers by

helping them get into big opportunities early.

Remember the 2,528% returns on Bitcoin I told you about earlier?

A $6,000 investment in that recommendation would have made you

$151,680 richer in less than two years.

That’s enough to put a child or grandchild through college... to take the

whole family on a beach vacation this summer... or to buy that Maserati
designed using spatial computing.

But those are just the beginning. 50/57
22/08/23, 18:19 Apple has partnered with THIS tiny firm

Because I didn’t tell you about the 1,040% gains you could have made on
my Ethereum recommendation in just eight short months.

Or the other gains you could have made on Bitcoin following my

recommendations to strategically hop in and out of the stock. I’m talking
gains of 1,065% and 2,479%.

My specialty is finding new trends — like the digital currency trend — and
milking them for really big gains.

Of course, I don’t want to discount the steady stream of impressive triple-

digit gains I’ve delivered as well: 51/57
22/08/23, 18:19 Apple has partnered with THIS tiny firm

351% on Entrée Resources Inc.

201% on First Majestic Silver
256% on Allied Nevada Gold Corp.
235% on FieldPoint Petroleum Corporation
247% on Africa Oil Corp.
242% on Endeavour Silver
515% on Palm Resources Pte. Ltd.
268% on China Yuchai International Limited
502% on Plug Power Inc.
243% on Cemex
251% on Unilife Corporation
759% on Petro Matad Limited

These are actual gains you could have made by following my

recommendations. But the gains I just told you about pale in comparison
with the gains you could make today.

Because I’ve never been as excited about a technology as I am about

spatial computing.

A year from now, you personally could be marveling at how much cash you
made off of spatial computing... but only if you grab your chance to invest

This is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get in on the ground floor of

the biggest tech revolution we’ve seen in decades.

An opportunity that could set you, your children, and even your
grandchildren up for life.

So don’t miss your chance to get in on spatial computing early, before this
explodes as the "next big thing"...

And set yourself up for life-changing wealth by giving Bull and Bust Report a
try. You get: 52/57
22/08/23, 18:19 Apple has partnered with THIS tiny firm

Hot New Profit Opportunities in Every Newsletter Issue of Bull and

Bust Report. Get ready for a steady stream of recommendations
arriving in your inbox. Not only will you get the best
recommendations as spatial computing explodes, but many, many
other opportunities to profit as well.
Members-Only Investing Insights: Never miss a great investing
recommendation again. Your hot sheet update keeps you on top of
current trends and stock tips — and alerts you to new opportunities
coming down the pike.
"Take Action Now" Email Alerts: All the information you need to
optimize your profits... delivered right to your inbox. Cash in on some
early profits, get in on a new opportunity immediately, or exit an
existing position. I will walk you through each investing step so you’ll
never be left wondering what to do.
Unbeatable Service From Our Member Services Team: Trained
professionals are waiting to answer your questions from 9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. (ET). Although they cannot give personalized investment
advice, they’ll help you get the most out of your membership to Bull
and Bust Report.
Detailed Data on ALL Our Portfolio Recommendations: Check out
our current recommendations — as well as buy and sell prices — the
instant you become a Bull and Bust Report member.

Not to mention your three FREE special reports...

Special Report #1: "How to Make a Killing on Spatial Computing’s

'Killer Apps'"
Special Report #2: "How to Make Colossal Gains on the Spatial
Healthcare Revolution" 53/57
22/08/23, 18:19 Apple has partnered with THIS tiny firm

Special Report #3: "The Rise of the Digital Twin: Cashing in on the
$127 Billion Business Revolution"

I promise you won’t regret taking Bull and Bust Report for a test drive today.
Because the opportunity to pull in big gains on spatial computing is just the

And you don’t have to take my word for it...

Just look at the kind of cash these happy subscribers are pulling in:

Made a total profit of $97,500. That was the biggest profit

I have ever made. Thank you very much for the great work
you have done. Keep it up!
— Fred L.

Dear Hammer, I’m up about $50,000 in one year on some

of your recommendations.
— Warren D.

Up $21,000 in less than a week! Keep the very, very good

recommendations coming!
— Cameron P.

Today you have the chance to join our exclusive club completely risk-free 54/57
22/08/23, 18:19 Apple has partnered with THIS tiny firm


I promise you’ll love the investing insight you get from the Bull and Bust
Report... or your money back!

Now, those stock recommendations... unparalleled investing insight...

"profit now" email alerts... and three special reports total a whopping $529
in free gifts and benefits.

But today, I’m letting you in on a special "test-drive" offer of just $99. That’s
just $0.27 a day.

For pennies a day, you get a full year of Bull and Bust Report... your free
three special reports... our special "stocks to watch" list... and much, much

And with 9,910% gain potential here, you could EASILY make that "test-
drive" price back starting in just a few months... even if you only invest in
one of the spatial computing recommendations I will send you in your FREE
reports today.

But that’s not all. Today, I’m letting you try all this RISK-FREE.

So with this special "test-drive" offer, you get to try Bull and Bust Report —
and all the other benefits that go with it — for a full six months.

And if you’re not amazed by the moneymaking opportunities I’m sending

your way, just give us a call before your six months are up, and we’ll refund
your entire subscription cost.

No questions asked.

That’s how much I want you to take advantage of this opportunity.

But I cannot stress enough how URGENT it is to get in on this today.

Right now, the big tech giants are already in a full-scale arms race to control
the next generation of computing.

They’re pouring in billions... and building a massive opportunity for smaller

players to cash in on the spatial computing market.

You’ll get six hot profit opportunities in your three FREE special reports. 55/57
22/08/23, 18:19 Apple has partnered with THIS tiny firm

In those reports, we’ll give you all the details you need to set yourself up to
pull in as much as 10x your money or more on these spatial computing
recommendations very quickly.

If this situation plays out as my research indicates, investors could easily

turn $5,000 into $50,000 in just a few years.

And that’s just the beginning. Because in Bull and Bust Report, I will alert
you to dozens of other hot investing opportunities as they emerge.

But you need to act now to take full advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime
chance to make a ton of cash.

If you sit this one out, you’re going to be kicking yourself a year from now.

Because that’s when everybody and their brother will be jumping on the
spatial computing bandwagon. And by then, it will be too late to make the
really big gains.

Spatial computing is already a $120.5 billion market. And it’s about to

explode... unleashing a $620 billion spatial computing wave of wealth.

Look, an opportunity like this doesn’t come around every day. Spatial
computing is the kind of technology revolution that can make millionaires
out of regular investors.

The only question is whether you’ll be one of the lucky ones to cash in.

There’s no time to waste. I have identified six under-the-radar profit

opportunities for you — companies that are ideally positioned to ride the
spatial computing market all the way to the top.

You need to consider these opportunities right away.

With this risk-free offer, you have nothing to lose... and a lifetime of wealth
to gain.

The choice is up to you.

Just click on the "Join Now" button below to get started.

You can also order by calling our member services team (toll-free) at (877)
303-4529, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET. 56/57
22/08/23, 18:19 Apple has partnered with THIS tiny firm

Don’t miss out!

Click here to grab your chance to make a fortune on the spatial computing
revolution — before it’s too late.

To life-changing wealth,

Christian DeHaemer
Investment Director, Bull and Bust Report

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Readers are advised that the material contained herein should be used solely for informational purposes. As a publisher of a financial newsletter of general
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