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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

2016 First Friday FIRST FRIDAYYear C

What Counts More in God’s Sight

oday’s Gospel reminds us that, in the eyes of the Lord, our
way of relating to people is of fundamental importance.
Respect for the dignity and rights of our neighbor is
an essential demand of the commandment to love our brothers
and sisters the way Jesus does. Today he reminds us that if we
know that we have failed in this respect, our topmost concern
should be to be reconciled with them as soon as possible.
Such reconciliation should take priority even over the per-
formance of our Lenten religious practices, such as fasting,
making the Way of the Cross and our First Friday devotions.
This will be the surest sign that our love for the Sacred Heart
is sincere, practical, and lasting. As we are about to begin this
Eucharist, let us pledge to do just this, and our Lenten season
will surely bear abundant fruit.

duced our Lenten obser- O Lord, we pray, may be so

vance to external forms conformed to the paschal ob-
of penance not accom- servances, that the bodily dis-
panied by the determina- cipline now solemnly begun
Entrance Antiphon tion to love our neighbor may bear fruit in the souls of
(To be recited only when no and to be fair to them, all.
Entrance Hymn is sung.) Lord, have mercy! Through our Lord Jesus
Set me free from my dis- All – Lord, have mercy! Christ, your Son, who lives
tress, O Lord. See my lowli- P –For the times we have and reigns with you in the
ness and suffering, and take hurt or exploited some- unity of the Holy Spirit, God,
away all my sins. one and have failed to for ever and ever.
make amends for the All –Amen!
Greeting wrong done, Christ, have
P –The grace of our Lord Je- mercy!
sus Christ, the love of God, All – Christ, have mercy!
and the fellowship of the P –For the times we have
Holy Spirit be with you all! failed to extend the help
All – And with your spirit! requested by people in 1st Reading Ez 18:21-28
need, Lord, have mercy! Today the prophet Eze-
Penitential Act All – Lord, have mercy! kiel reminds us that God is
P –My brothers and sisters, absolutely fair and just. He
as we prepare to celebrate the P –May almighty God have rewards the good done and
mysteries of Christ’s love on mercy on us, forgive us our punishes evil. But He also
this First Friday of Lent, let sins and bring us to everlast- shows mercy toward the
us call to mind our sins, espe- ing life. sinners who repent.
cially our failure to love our All –Amen!
neighbor. (Pause) Collect (Opening Prayer) R –A proclamation from the
Book of the Prophet Ez-
P –For the times we have re- P –Grant that your faithful, ekiel
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Thus says the Lord God: * For with the Lord is kind- Amen, I say to you, you will
“If the wicked man turns away ness and with him is plente- not be released until you have
from all the sins he committed, ous redemption; and he will paid the last penny.”
if he keeps all my statutes and redeem Israel from all their The Gospel of the Lord!
does what is right and just, he iniquities. R. All –Praise to you, Lord Jesus
shall surely live, he shall not Christ!
die. None of the crimes he com- Verse before the Gospel
mitted shall be remembered All –Glory and praise to you,
Lord Jesus Christ! Homily
against him; he shall live be-
cause of the virtue he has prac- Cast away from you all Prayer of the Faithful
ticed. Do I indeed derive any the crimes you have co-
pleasure from the death of the mitted, says the Lord, P –At the beginning of this
wicked?” says the Lord God. and make for yourselves Lenten season, the Lord re-
“Do I not rather rejoice when a new heart and a new minds us to avoid hurting our
he turns from his evil way that spirit. neighbor and to be reconciled
he may live? Glory and praise to you, with those we may have of-
On the other hand, if the Lord Jesus Christ! fended. Aware of our weak-
virtuous man turns from the ness in this respect, let us ask
path of virtue to do evil, the Gospel Mt 5:20-26 the help of His grace as we
same kind of abominable After having declared that say:
things that the wicked man he has not come to abolish the All – Lord, mercifully hear us!
does, can he do this and still Law of Moses but to bring it
live? None of his virtuous to perfection, Jesus gives some C –For all followers of
deeds shall be remembered, examples of what he means Christ throughout the world:
because he has broken faith by that. In today’s passage, May they be shining exam-
and committed sin; because of he tackles the Fifth Com- ples of love for all human be-
this, he shall die. mandment and shows that he ings and of perseverance in
You say, ‘The Lord’s way demands much more than just doing good. Let us pray! R.
is not fair!’ Hear now, house refraining from taking people’s
of Israel: Is it my way that is C –For the Holy Father and
lives. other religious leaders: May
unfair, or rather, are not your
ways unfair? When someone P – A proclamation from the they succeed in their efforts to
virtuous turns away from vir- holy Gospel according to lead mankind to days of peace
tue to commit iniquity, and Matthew and generous solidarity. Let
dies, it is because of the iniqui- All – Glory to you, O Lord! us pray! R.
ty he committed that he must Jesus said to his disciples: C –For all parents, cat-
die. But if the wicked, turning “I tell you, unless your righ- echists, and teachers: May
from the wickedness he has teousness surpasses that of the they never grow tired of re-
committed, does what is right scribes and Pharisees, you will
and just, he shall preserve his minding the young that only
not enter into the kingdom of a sincere respect for all can be
life; since he has turned away heaven. You have heard that
from all the sins that he com- the foundation of a just soci-
it was said to your ancestors, ety. Let us pray! R.
mitted, he shall surely live, he ‘You shall not kill; and who-
shall not die.” ever kills will be liable to judg- C –For the victims of ha-
The Word of the Lord! ment.’ But I say to you, who- tred and injustice: May they
All –Thanks be to God! ever is angry with his brother find in the Heart of Jesus the
will be liable to judgment, and strength they need to bear
Responsorial Psalm Ps 130 whoever says to his brother, their present afflictions with
R – If you, O Lord, mark ‘Raqa,’ will be answerable to faith and hope. Let us pray!
iniquities, who can stand? the Sanhedrin, and whoever R.
* Out of the depths I cry to says, ‘You fool,’ will be liable C –For all of us and the peo-
you, O Lord; Lord, hear my to fiery Gehenna. Therefore, ple dear to us: May we love
voice! Let your ears be atten- if you bring your gift to the al- our neighbor the way Jesus
tive to my voice in supplica- tar, and there recall that your
brother has anything against
did and thereby become in-
tion. R. struments of his love for all.
you, leave your gift there at
* If you, O Lord, mark iniq- the altar, go first and be rec- Let us pray! R.
uities, Lord, who can stand? onciled with your brother,
But with you is forgiveness, C –Let us pray in silence for
and then come and offer your our personal intentions.
that you may be revered. R. gift. Settle with your opponent (Pause)
* I trust in the Lord; my soul quickly while on the way to Let us pray! R.
trusts in his word. My soul court. Otherwise your oppo-
waits for the Lord more than nent will hand you over to the P –Lord God, every Lent
sentinels wait for the dawn. judge, and the judge will hand You call us to conversion and
Let Israel wait for the Lord. you over to the guard, and you to be reconciled with You
R. will be thrown into prison. and to one another. Mold our
3 March 2023
minds and hearts according All – Lord, by your cross and who wants that we love our
to the pattern of the Sacred resurrection you have set neighbor as he loves us. He is
Heart of Jesus in all we do. us free. You are the Sav- the Lamb of God who takes
We ask this through the same ior of the world. upon himself the sin of the
Christ, our Lord. world. Blessed are those who
All –Amen! are invited to the Eucharistic
All – Lord, I am not worthy
All – Our Father . . . that you should enter under my
P –Deliver us, Lord . . . roof, but only say the word and
All – For the kingdom, the my soul shall be healed.
Preparation of the Gifts power, and the glory are
yours, now and for ever! Communion Antiphon
P – Pray, brethren. . . (To be recited only when no
All –May the Lord accept the Communion Hymn is sung.)
sacrifice at your hands, for the Sign of Peace
praise and glory of his name, Breaking of the Bread “As I live, says the Lord, I
for our good and the good of All – Lamb of God, you take do not desire the death of the
all his Church. away the sins of the world: have sinner, but rather that he turn
mercy on us. (2×) back and live.”
Prayer over the Offerings Lamb of God, you take Prayer after Communion
P – Accept the sacrificial of- away the sins of the world: P –May the holy refreshment
ferings, O Lord, by which, in grant us peace. of your Sacrament restore us
your power and kindness, you anew, O Lord, and, cleansing
willed us to be reconciled to Communion us of old ways, take us up into
yourself and our salvation to P –This is the Lord Jesus the mystery of salvation.
be restored.
Through Christ our Lord.
Preface of Lent I Divine Jesus, you have said, Ć „Ask, and you shall receive;
P –The Lord be with you! Ć seek, and you shall find; Ć knock, and it shall be opened unto
All –And with your spirit! you.‰ Ć Behold me kneeling at your feet, Ć filled with a lively faith
P –Lift up your hearts! and confidence Ć in the promises dictated by your Sacred Heart Ć
All –We lift them up to the and pronounced by your adorable lips. Ć I come to ask this favor:
Lord! (Silently mention your petitions.)
P –Let us give thanks to the To whom can I turn if not to you Ć whose heart is the source
Lord our God! of all graces and merits? Ć Where should I seek if not in the trea-
P –It is truly right and just, sure Ć which contains all the riches of your kindness and mercy?
our duty and our salvation, Ć Where should I knock Ć if not at the door through which God
always and everywhere to gives himself to us Ć and through which we go to God? Ć I have
give you thanks, Lord, holy recourse to you, Heart of Jesus. Ć In you I find consolation when
Father, almighty and eter- afflicted, Ć protection when persecuted, Ć strength when burdened
nal God, through Christ our with trials, Ć and light in doubt and darkness.
Lord. Dear Jesus, I firmly believe Ć that you can grant me the grace
For by your gracious gift I implore, Ć even though it should require a miracle. Ć You have
each year your faithful await only to will it, Ć and my prayer will be granted. Ć I admit that I am
the sacred paschal feasts most unworthy of your favors, Ć but this is not a reason for me
with the joy of minds made to be discouraged. Ć You are the God of mercy Ć and you will not
pure, so that, more eagerly refuse a contrite heart. Ć Cast upon me a look of mercy, I beg of
intent on prayer and on the you, Ć and your kind heart will find in my miseries and weaknesses
works of charity, and par- Ć a reason for granting my prayer.
ticipating in the mysteries by O Sacred Heart, Ć whatever may be your decision with regard
which they have been reborn, to my request, Ć I will never stop adoring, loving, praising, and
they may be led to the full- serving you. Ć My Jesus, be pleased to accept this my act of
ness of grace that you bestow perfect resignation Ć to the decrees of your adorable heart Ć which
on your sons and daughters. I sincerely desire may be fulfilled Ć in and by me and by all your
And so, with the company creatures for ever.
of Angels and Saints, we sing Sacred Heart of Jesus, Ć I know that there is but one thing
the hymn of your praise, as impossible to you: Ć to be without pity for those who are suffer-
without end we acclaim: ing or in distress. Ć Look upon me, I beg of you, dear Jesus, Ć
All – Holy, holy, holy . . . and grant me the grace for which I humbly implore you Ć through
the Immaculate Heart of your most sorrowful Mother. Ć You have
Memorial Acclamation entrusted me to her as her child, Ć and her prayers are all-powerful
P –The mystery of faith! with you. Ć Amen!
First Friday
Through Christ our Lord. P – May almighty God bless
All – Amen! you: the Father, and the Tune in to Radio
Son, and the Holy Spirit. Veritas
All – Amen! (846 kHz)
P –Go in peace to love and
serve Christ in your every Saturday from
neighbor. 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
P –The Lord be with you. All – Thanks be to God! and listen to
All – And with your spirit! BISPERAS SA VERITAS

The “Widening” of the Concept of “Reparation”

to be Offered to the Sacred Heart
by Jess P. Balon
S ince the me of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, the
concept of REPARATION has been an essen al
part of the devo on to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
devout Catholics have offered over these past three
But with the late Pope John Paul II, on several oc-
“Repara on,” in this case, is a generous response to casions, a WIDER SCOPE OF “REPARATION” has been
the invita on of Jesus himself and consists essen al- introduced to include also the atonement for the
ly in receiving Holy Communion with special fervor, offences, suffering and neglect which Jesus has been,
with the specific inten on of doing so in atonement and s ll is, enduring in his MYSTICAL BODY, which
for the indifference of so many Chris ans to his im- includes the whole of mankind.
mense love; for the innumerable offences inflicted Alongside the “widening” of the “scope” of
on the person of Jesus during his earthly life, and es- repara on comes also the INCREASE in the number
pecially the profana ons of the Blessed Sacrament. of FORMS which such repara on has to take place:
The Holy Hour is an aspect of this “Repara on” as it Not just prayers and other devo onal ac vi es, but
consists in a full hour spent in the company of Jesus, also RELEVANT WORKS OF JUSTICE, CARE, AND LOVE
praying with intense faith and love, in atonement for which make up for the many forms of social injus ce,
the many deser ons and betrayals Jesus has been neglect, un-care, and callousness which Jesus Christ
suffering through the centuries up to the present. has endured (and s ll is enduring) in all the members
These different forms of repara on are directed of his mys cal body that are vic mized by individual
to the person of Jesus, are mo vated by love, and sinful ac ons, as well as by sinful social structures.
are intended to make up for the lack of love, rever- The Biblical founda on for such a “widening” of the
ence and gra tude which all human beings, and concept and scope of “repara on” is Jesus’ iden fi-
especially the Chris an believers, should have ren- ca on with each human being, and especially with
dered (and should render) to the Divine Redeemer those who suffer undeservedly in so many form. The
for all that he has done and suffered for us all. He is well-known descrip on of the Final Judgment found
the Divine Word who, for our sake, endured for more in Mt 25:31-46 is the drama c manifesta on of
than thirty years all the limita ons of our existence, Christ’s total iden fica on with every human being
offered his life on the cross in atonement for our who suffers or is in need.
sins, founded the Church to be our spiritual family Once this principle is accepted, it is obvious that
on earth, established the sacrament of the Eucharist prayer and Communion of repara on can no longer
to remain always with us as our spiritual nourish- be considered as “adequate” forms of atonement to
ment, and gave us the Holy Spirit to be our guide and be offered to Jesus’ Sacred Heart. It is obvious that
strength . . . . all the physical, social, and moral evils inflicted by
The list could be much longer, but the reason for human beings to other human beings demand much
so many benefits is always his immense LOVE for all more than a “devo onal” repara on. Jus ce has also
mankind and each human being. GRATITUDE for so to be done or restored. In addi on to its tradi onal
many proofs of love is the least one would expect. “devo onal” aspect, an adequate repara on to be
RECIPROCATION of such love in all circumstances of offered to Jesus must also include “social” and “hu-
life, likewise, should follow, for love demands love manitarian” aspects.
in return. Incredibly and unfortunately, this has not This is the NEW and more CHALLENGING aspect
been the case in far too many instances. Hence, Je- of the devo on to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in our
sus’ request for “REPARATION,” which genera ons of me. On this we should reflect and act.

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, Fr. B. Nolasco, V. David, R. Molomog, M. Vibiesca, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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