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Here a the book that changed my life!!

10 key points from Motivation Myth by Jeff Haden

1. Discipline trumps motivation: Instead of relying on motivation alone, high achievers

understand that discipline and consistent action are key to achieving success.

2. They establish routines and habits that keep them focused and productive.

Action leads to motivation: Contrary to popular belief, waiting for motivation to strike before
taking action is not an effective strategy. Taking action, even when you don't feel motivated, can
actually generate motivation and momentum.

3. Setting clear goals is essential: Successful individuals know the importance of setting clear,
specific, and measurable goals. By setting targets, they create a roadmap that guides their actions
and keeps them motivated.

4.Small wins build momentum: Celebrating small victories along the way is crucial for
maintaining motivation. High achievers break their goals into smaller, manageable tasks,
allowing them to experience frequent wins that fuel their motivation.

5.Embrace failure as a learning opportunity: Rather than being discouraged by failure, successful
individuals see it as an opportunity for growth and learning. They use setbacks as stepping stones
to improve their skills and refine their strategies.
6.Create accountability structures: Establishing systems of accountability helps high achievers
stay on track. Whether it's through partnerships, coaches, or mentors, having someone to answer
to can provide the necessary motivation and support.

7.Focus on intrinsic motivation: External rewards and incentives can be short-lived sources of
motivation. Instead, high achievers tap into their intrinsic motivation by aligning their goals with
their values and finding meaning in their pursuits.

8. Manage energy, not just time: Time management is important, but equally vital is managing
your energy levels. Successful individuals prioritize activities that boost their energy and avoid
those that drain it, allowing them to stay motivated and focused.

9.Surround yourself with the right people: The company you keep significantly impacts your
motivation and success. High achievers seek out individuals who inspire and challenge them,
creating a positive and supportive environment.

10. Consistency breeds success: Motivation may fluctuate, but consistency is the foundation of
achievement. By showing up consistently, putting in the work, and staying committed to their
goals, high achievers create a momentum that propels them towards success.

These key points from "The Motivation Myth" highlight the importance of discipline, action,
goal-setting, accountability, intrinsic motivation, energy management, and consistent effort in
achieving success.

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