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11/27/2020 "Why Can't I Focus?

" 12 No-Fail Focus Tricks for ADHD Brains

Inside the ADHD mind

ADHD Adults > Getting Things Done


12 Ways to Maintain Focus All Day Long

“Why can’t I focus?” You learned long ago that good intentions don’t magically translate into concentration — particularly when your
task is boring, di icult, or extra critical. Designed for ADHD brains, these 12 strategies will help you develop the muscles for real,
sustained attention.


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Why Can't I Focus?

You’ve crafted your to-do list. You’ve gathered your supplies. You know what you need to do. And yet when the
time comes to actually complete the day’s tasks, your brain drifts o .

Why is focus — both nding it in the rst place, and pulling it back when it starts to stray — so di cult for
people with attention de cit disorder (ADHD)? The answer lies in brain chemistry: ADHD brains are naturally
low on dopamine and norepinephrine, which control brain arousal and attention levels. Other people may nd
that, when the situation calls for it, they can “buckle down” and force their brains to focus. For people with
ADHD, the advice to “just focus” is maddening; it simply can’t be done.

You can’t force focus, but you can create an ideal environment — both physical and mental — for it to thrive.
The key is working with (not against) your ADHD brain, and combining the speci c factors that help your focus
ourish. When you're wondering, "Why can't I focus?" follow these 12 tips to get started.

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1. Remember the Zeigarnik E ect.

The “Zeigarnik E ect” is the principle that un nished tasks are harder to get out of your brain than are tasks
that haven’t been started. This means that starting a project — even if you work on it for just 10 minutes — will
make it harder for your brain to forget or dismiss it. If you nd yourself daydreaming instead of getting started,
set a timer for 10 minutes and do something (anything!) during that time. Once you start, the big, scary project
will turn into an un nished task — meaning your brain will latch onto it and gure out how to get it done.

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2. Use a “daily focus list.” 1/5
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Write down your major priorities at the beginning of each day. This is a great way to block out annoying
distractions and periodically refocus your attention. A daily focus list — a short, bulleted outline of three major
and three secondary priorities — isn’t just a “to-do list”; rather, it’s a grounding tool that keeps your head out
of the clouds and focused on what’s really important. (Download an example of a daily focus list.)

[Get This Free Download: 6 Ways to Retain Focus (When Your Brain Says 'No!')]

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3. Create a “parking lot.”

Racing thoughts and hyperactive imaginations mean that ADHD brains are easily thrown o course by passing
thoughts about dry cleaning or returning Aunt Linda’s phone call. Deal with sidetracking thoughts — and the
anxiety they can create — with a “parking lot,” an easily accessible place to dump unneeded thoughts until a
more appropriate time. The parking lot could be a notebook you carry in your purse, or a post-it note stuck to
your desk; whatever it is, it will save you stress and keep your focus unbroken.

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4. Identify your “overwhelm” triggers.

When the ADHD brain gets stressed, it jumps into ght or ight mode. This looks like a lack of motivation: You
abandon your piles of laundry or half-done taxes and binge-watch Net ix instead. Break this cycle by
identifying the triggers that cause you to feel overwhelmed. For some, it’s hunger; for others, it’s too many
con icting priorities. Getting a handle on what causes your overwhelm won’t be enough to deter it every time,
but you’ll be better equipped to anticipate its arrival and plan accordingly.

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5. Go with your flow — not just the flow.

ADHD comes with plenty of superpowers (like hyperfocus), but you can’t always predict when they’ll kick in.
Respect your brain! Recognizing when you’re “in the zone” — and able to tackle tasks that require attention and
focus — is just as important as recognizing when your brain is in a fog. When you’re totally out of it, give
yourself permission to shift your attention to less-demanding tasks, like ling papers or folding socks. You’ll
get more done in the long run!

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6. Look for “positive distractions.”

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11/27/2020 "Why Can't I Focus?" 12 No-Fail Focus Tricks for ADHD Brains
“Distraction” need not be a dirty word. Certain diversions can actually help you get more done in the long run.
Take, for instance, exercise: stepping away from a project to go for a walk might seem like avoidance, but
physical activity actually boosts the brain and can help you operate more e ciently when you come back. Seek
out the “positive distractions” that work for you; good examples include meditation, a quick dance break, or a
creative art project. If you’re nervous about getting lost in your distraction, set a timer — and stick to it.

[Click to Read: 25 Everyday Brain Boosts]

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7. Forget perfection.
Hyperfocus isn’t always a force for good. Sometimes, it can lead people with ADHD to obsess over small,
unimportant details — and kill their real productivity in the process. Work on letting go of perfectionism and
settling for “good enough.” This is a journey, not a destination, so don’t expect your perfectionist tendencies to
disappear overnight — but you can expect to reduce your anxiety, build your self-esteem, and improve your
productivity along the way.

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8. Buddy up.
Recruit an “accountability partner” — someone you talk to daily, weekly, or monthly — to help you prioritize
goals, chart progress, and celebrate successes. Accountability builds focus — and, in the long run, creates
change — because everyone (particularly someone with ADHD) thrives on being able to say, “Yep, I did it.” A
partner — whether it’s an ADHD coach, a close friend, or even your mom — can help get you where you want to

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9. Set aside planning time.

Lack of planning is one of the biggest focus drains; it’s hard to stay in the zone when you don’t know exactly
what you’re supposed to be doing! Even one minute of planning can save you as much as 40 minutes of work, so
it’s important that you schedule regular, short planning sessions to sketch out priorities and deadlines for the
upcoming days or weeks. Of course, nothing is set in stone — priorities can shift and emergencies can arise. But
having even a general sense of your goals and how to plan to achieve them — even if you get thrown o course
— works wonders for retrieving your focus from La-La Land.

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10. Find clarity.
The greater your clarity, the easier it is to stay focused and get things done. If you’re having trouble paying
attention to a project, ask yourself these questions to expose the root of the problem: What do you want to
achieve? Whose expectations are driving this project — your own or someone else’s? Do you understand what

you need to do? Getting a handle on what’s expected of you will make it easier to ignore distractions and
maintain a positive mindset.

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11. Set deadlines.

Ever wonder why you do everything at the last minute? It’s because deadlines are actually neurologically useful
to the ADHD brain — they eliminate competing priorities and boost adrenaline, making it easier to dive into
hyperfocus and crack down on a task. Not every task comes with a clear deadline, however — so you need to
create your own. These could be deadlines for each phase of a project — “On Tuesday at 4 PM, I’ll pick up the
paint supplies from the hardware store” — or for the project itself: “The bathroom needs to be painted by
February 1.” Post your deadlines prominently and set frequent reminders — they’ll increase your likelihood of
following through.

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12. Acknowledge — and then dismiss — negative thoughts.

Rumination is the enemy of focus. Repeatedly dwelling on, say, a recent argument with your spouse can block
out other important thoughts, making it nearly impossible to get anything done. Trying to block out negative
thoughts entirely, however, usually back res. Instead, acknowledge your natural thought patterns, and plan a
time when you can give them the attention they deserve. Tell yourself, “Yes, the argument last night upset me,
and my feelings right now are valid” to help you manage strong emotions and circular thought patterns —
without letting them hold back your focus.

[Read This Next: How to Banish Negative Thoughts & Feelings]

Reviewed by ADDitude’s ADHD Medical Review Panel


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