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Section A 20 marks

1. Define the following. 4 marks

a) PEP
2. A Woman with unknown antenatal HIV status who has a home delivery and has an HIV positive test in postnatal
clinic >72 hours after delivery. How should the woman be treated? 4 marks
3. How do you treat an infant born to known HIV positive woman who refuses cART? 4 marks
4. Write the first line treatment of HIV regime being used in pregnant women. 4 marks
5. Write down the drugs that are used as first line treatment an adult man; 4 marks

Section B 35 marks

1. Explain the role of the human immune system in providing the response to viral infections (HIV). 8 marks

2. Outline 2 examples of antiretroviral drugs from each class and give two side effects for each drug given. 10
3. Give a reason why delutelgravir adult dose should be doubled in the patient receiving both antiretroviral drug
and tuberculosis drug. 2 marks
4. Can some taking antiretroviral drugs three years with good adherence transmit an infection to a negative test
person? Support your answer 5 marks
5. Write down the drugs that are used as first line treatment an adult man.2 marks
6. Write two side effects for each drugs that are used in the first line treatment of tuberculosis. 8 marks

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