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Practice Questions: Fractional to Binary

1. Convert the following numbers to their binary

a. 0.510 Ans. 0.12
b. 0.2510 Ans. 0.012
c. 0.62510 Ans. 0.1012
d. 0.7510 Ans. 0.112
e. 0.437510 Ans. 0.01112
f. 0.5937510 Ans. 0.100112
g. 18.62510 Ans. 10010.1012
h. 172.87810 Ans. 10101100.1110000011000100101

What is so special about all these numbers from a to f? Can you identify?
Ans: Numbers a through f all consist of only fractional parts. Moreover, they
all end with the same step:
0.5*2 = 1.0 -- 1
(1.0 - 1)*2 = 0.0 -- 0
This means that all the binary equivalents of decimal numbers from a to f end with 1.
Moreover, the number of digits after the decimal point remain the same in both the
binary and the decimal number. So 0.510 only has one digit after the decimal. Similarly, its
binary equivalent 0.12 also has only one digit after the decimal.

2. Consider the decimal number 15.7510. How can we convert this entire
number (both the integer and fractional parts) to binary?
Ans. 15.7510 = 1510 + 0.7510
=> The Binary equivalent of 1510 is: 11112 = 1*(2^3) + 1*(2^2) + 1*(2^1) + 1*(2^0)
=> The Binary equivalent of 0.7510 is: 0.112
0.112 = 1*(2^-1) + 1*(2^-2)
0.112 = 0.510 + 0.7510
The method we use to calculate the fractional
part is: 0.75*2 = 1.5 —> 1
(1.5 - 1)*2 = 1.0 —> 1
(1.0 - 1)*2 = 0 —> 0
Therefore, the fractional part is written as 0.1102 or simply
0.112 The binary equivalent of 15.7510 is 1111.112

3. Convert the following numbers to their binary equivalents.

a. 27.37510 Ans. 11011.0112
b. 33.7510 Ans. 100001.112
c. 54.12510 Ans. 110110.0012
d. 47.87510 Ans. 101111.1112
e. 78.62510 Ans. 1001110.1012
f. 5.812510 Ans. 101.11012
g. 13.687510 Ans. 1101.10112

4. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary. Work until you

are sure your binary answer is repeating. Note: Underlined part is
a. 0.210 Ans. 0.00112
b. 0.310 Ans. 0.010012
c. 0.410 Ans. 0.01102

5. Convert these binary representations into

decimal: a. 0.112 Ans.
b. 11.0012 Ans. 3.12510
c. 1011.1112 Ans. 11.87510
d. 0.10012 Ans. 0.562510
e. 11000011.012 Ans. 195.2510
f. 0.11102 Ans. 0.87510
g. 10101100.11102 Ans. 172.87510

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