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Greek religion

chapter 1

When the Greeks became familiar with other peoples and their gods they
either recognized their own gods in those other gods or added a new god to
the pantheon


e been taught to sacrifice to

Heaven, learning it from the Assyrians and Arabians. The Assyrians call Aphrodite
Mylitta, the
Arabians call her Alilat, the Persians Mitra.=====

he is quite happy here to identify the gods as the same despite their
being envisaged quite differently, and seems not worried at all by the almost
complete divergence of cult practice (he goes on to point out that their
sacrifices involve none of the paraphernalia normal in Greek sacrifices, no
altar, no fire, no libation, no music, no garlands, no barley grains).

he doesnt think that greeks way is proper

way, from which divergence elsewhere constitutes degradation.
he recognizes that they took ideas gods from egyp.

oldest religions youtube

lion Man 44000 y old in mamoth tusk sculpted, extinted

mithra primordial god both lion head serpent coiled

venus of monruz is amazing the shape

the more strenght you have the mnore force anf mught god hsal release his wrath
upon you.

It had a special attraction in the 20th century, motivating among other artists
Russian-born composer Igor Stravinsky’s secular oratorio Oedipus Rex, French writer
André Gide’s Oedipe, and French novelist Jean Cocteau’s La Machine infernale.
pinturas james usa gmail

hanuman monkey intimacy with fallen angel

greek roman erotic art

associate nudity with sexuality, which would have puzzled an ancient audience, for
whom the body’s physical form was in itself regarded as perfection.

erotic scenes that were popular on vessels would have given the Athenian parties a
titillating atmosphere as wine was consumed. These types of scenes were especially
popular on the kylix, or wine-cup, particularly within the tondo (central panel
of the cup). Hetairai (courtesans) and pornai (prostitutes) may well have
attended the same symposia, so the scenes may have been used as a stimuli.

pplication of sexual scenes to oil lamps by the Romans is perhaps the most likely
scenario where the object was actually used within the setting of love-making.

Although female nudity was not uncommon Aphrodite), phallic symbolism was center
of much classical art. The phallus would often be depicted on Hermes, Pan,
deities . Rather erotic, its symbolism here associated with protection, fertility
and even healing

herm,rectangle with hermes head and pinus, they vandalized in ahtens, treathen
naval mission.very important

a minor deity and guardian of livestock, plants and gardens. He has a massive
penis, holds a bag of coins, and has a bowl of fruit at his feet. presents three
kinds of prosperity: growth (the large member), fertility (the fruit), and
affluence (the bag of money).

sculpture often quite small .penis

large penises in classical art are associated with lustfulness and foolishness.
Priapus was so despised by the other gods


/the greeks took tfrom the egyptians / what if its an endless chain of religiouns
that lend into the next one/

how to discern whow the gods wish to be praised, discern their misteries

joy in and pain religion

sacred pain

“in virtually every religious tradition, some pleasures are excoriated while others
are promoted
iliad hcapter 3

pagina 21

GREEK religion

Asad, T. 1993. Genealogies of Religion. Baltimore, MD.

belief []

the claim is not that pain pleasure but god for the soul

not look for it but it may be a sign spiritual no run to doctor but let christ heal

hipocrates , mind also necesary for healing physical. if heal body reauires pain
so the healing of the soul.
one welcomes the pain from medics but not from the saviours of soul

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