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Lilybeth Maldonado

Per. 3

01.04 I Like Your Style DBA

In this moduel, I have learned about the author's choices authors make to effectively
communicate their purpose and meaning to an audience. I have specifically explored the ways
in which an author's diction, syntax, figurative language, and literary elements can add layers
of meaning to a literary work. Now, I will demonstrate what I have learned in order:

1. Diction: Authors carefully choose their words to convey specific meanings and evoke certain
emotions in the reader. For example, an author might use formal language to create a sense of
seriousness or informal language to create a casual and relatable tone.

2. Syntax: The arrangement of words and phrases in a sentence can impact the overall meaning.
Authors might use short, concise sentences to create a sense of urgency or long, descriptive
sentences to paint a vivid picture in the reader's mind.

3. Figurative Language: Authors often use similes, metaphors, and other figurative language to
make their writing more engaging and to convey abstract ideas. For instance, a writer might use a
metaphor like "her smile was a ray of sunshine" to describe someone's cheerful demeanor.

4. Literary Elements: Authors incorporate various literary elements, such as symbolism, imagery,
and foreshadowing, to enhance the depth and complexity of their work. Symbolism can be seen
when an author uses an object or image to represent a larger idea or theme. Imagery involves
using descriptive language to create vivid sensory experiences for the reader. Foreshadowing is
when an author hints at future events in the story.

Therefore, by analyzing these elements in a literary work, you can gain a deeper
understanding of the author's purpose and the layers of meaning within the text. The more I
practice and apply these concepts into my work, the more I will be able to improve not only
my writing but learn to seek out information, explore subjects in depth and gain a deeper
understanding of the world around me.

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