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To begin with, my topic had no variables, so I had to look for a topic that includes two variables,
independent and dependent. So, for the independent variable I could find one that fits my
research, my independent variable is TEACHING EXPERTISE OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EFL
TEACHERS, this because I want to know if the experience and years of the teacher has a lot to do
with the next variable, and if with that they can be better teachers when it comes to teaching their
classes and especially how they treat their students.

For my dependent variable I had to look for and put one that has to do with the first variable, that
goes hand in hand and is related to it, so I started thinking and chose what I think is the correct
variable, which was ATTITUDES TOWARDS INCLUSIVE EDUCATION, at first it was only TEACHERS
ATTITUDES, But I had to be more specific, so I focused on their attitudes toward inclusive classes,
with minority students, and how teachers cope with these classes and whether their experience
makes them better teachers with them or not.

In my hypothesis, I had to think about what I thought is going to happen as I investigate, how my
research is going to unfold, so my hypothesis was created by what I think and my both variables,
my research, I think it's the most obvious, but we're going to find out the more we go.


For this part I had to opt for the quantitative approach, as it aligns with the objectives and
characteristics of my study. Another obvious reason why I opted for the quantitative approach is
that this method focuses more on numbers (Dörney. 2007). So, my instruments require numbers to
see the results, so this will provide me with a high degree of objectivity, since the data will be
presented in a concrete way and can be interpreted in a uniform way.

On the other hand, the type of research that best suits mine is descriptive research. As it says
(Valle, A, M. & Revilla, D. 2022) It consists of getting to know the prevailing situations, customs,
and attitudes through the exact description of activities, objects, processes and people. So, this
depends on my objective and my context, it allows me to explore and describe the key
characteristics and aspects of my data. In addition, this will help me to obtain a clear and accurate
picture of the aspects I am studying because I must describe how the behavior of my teacher
participants is, how the experience influences each of them.


For this section, I had to first identify what is the CONTEXT of my research, the context is
everything that surrounds the problem, the place where you are going to do your research and
everything that surrounds it, all the environment in which the professors and students develop
there. So, the context of my study is in a school called Tomás Garrido Canabal, I include the
classrooms, the instruments that teachers use for teaching, such as blackboards, computers, slides,
mp3 players, among others, the type of area in which it is located is an urban area.
Then we have the POPULATION, this is the identification of the participants in which you are
interested in studying. (Dörney 2007). So, in this case my population is composed of only about 30
to 40 English teachers from that school with certain characteristics that are needed for my

On the other hand, THE SAMPLE is the group of participants that the researcher actually examines
in an investigation. (Dörney. 2007). So, my sample takes care of young and old English teachers,
between 1 to 10 years of experience, including men and women. The sampling strategy that was
properly suited for my research was non-probability sampling, because not all teachers are
selected, only a group of teachers with the characteristics I mentioned above. And the type of non-
probability sampling was quota sampling, this because I must divide my participants into two
groups, novice teachers and experienced teachers.


First, it was to identify what type of instrument was suitable for this variable, since mine was quota
sampling and I had to divide the teachers, the instrument had to measure the level of experience.
So, the right instrument for this was the survey.

For the design of my survey, which is the instrument of my first variable, which is independent, first
of all I had to include a cover letter, which is a sheet where I had to describe the objective of the
survey and the instructions to do it, it also contains my data, a question for the participants where
they are asked if they agree to be participants, Then the population is also informed that their
data will be safeguarded and they will not have complications regarding their work. At the end of
the sheet, you have a brief thank you for the participation and information for any questions.

In the survey part I had to use scientific articles related to it (Anderson, J. 2021), (Ubaque, D. 2021),
(Lopera, A. 2021) and (Airey, J. 2011). After analyzing the articles, we had to create sections for the
survey, each section had to have a name chosen by us, which should contain 5 questions related to
the title of the section, all of them in fact. The first section was named DATOS DEL PARTICIPANTE,
in which it included a series of 5 personal questions of the person who will answer the survey, this
to identify him. The second section was focused on LA TRAYECTORIA DE PROFESOR, in this part I
included another series of 5 questions with the aim of knowing how expert or novice the teacher
was throughout his career as a teacher and with multiple choice answers such as: years, numbers
of schools and yes / no answers. The third section was LA EXPERIENCIA EN EL AULA, this part
focused on how teachers develop in their area of work according to the experience of each one,
another 5 series of questions were made, these were related to important data taken from 2
articles: 3 questions from (Lopera, A. 2021) and 2 questions from (Jason, A. 2021). The answers in
this section were multiple choice, such as: Yes/No, and 4 answer choices according to the question.
For the fourth section that was named AMBIENTE EN LA ENSEÑANZA DEL INGLÉS, 4 questions of
the article (Jason, A. 2021) and 1 of the article (John, A. 2011) related to how is the classroom and
its facilities to teach were placed, in addition to the results of it, with multiple choice answers, such
as: Yes/No and others with 4 options according to each question.


For the validity process of my instrument, I had to carefully read a section of the book (Mackey et
al. 2016) and understand that validity refers to the process in which I need to know if my
instrument is going to measure just what I need to measure, if it has what it takes to be a good
instrument for my research. So, the validity has several types, which I would have to choose which
one is suitable for my study, the type of validity that I chose for this instrument that is the survey of
my first independent variable, was content validity. According to (Mackey et al. 2016) refers to the
fact that we must go to an expert in that area to know if our instrument has what it takes or not to
measure what I want, he will check it. In my case, what I need to measure in the first instrument is
teaches research instrumentation classes at the university where I study or with a language
teacher with many years of experience who can support it. The teacher will carefully analyze each
question of my instrument, section by section and let me know which ones would be correct and
which ones cannot be useful for this research.


Similarly with respect to reliability, I had to read carefully and what I understood, according to
(Mackey et al 2016), that reliability is the consistency of your instrument, if your instrument is
coherent, it is the process by which you must see if your results are reliable. So, as I will check this,
because in the reliability it says that it can be done of 3 types, so I chose the most suitable for
mine, which was test-retest, according to (Mackey et al. 2016) this method is that you have to
reapply the same survey, a copy of the previous one without answering and a copy of the cover
letter without responding to the same teachers, With an excuse for them to answer it again, then,
this is how I will be able to compare the results obtained in both surveys and know if the results of
my survey meet that reliability that is needed.


In order to know which instrument was appropriate for my second variable which was the
dependent variable, I had to know what that variable focused on, then when analyzing it with the
teacher of my instrumentation class, after verifying it, we concluded that my variable which was
ATTITUDES TOWARDS INCLUSIVE EDUCATION, It focused on opinions and perceptions that apart
from that, had to be quantifiable, which led us to the Scale Questionnaire instrument. So, I had to
look for 5 scientific articles related to my dependent variable, (Piedra et al. 2014), (Tárraga et al.
2020), (Hernández et al. 2018) and (Rodríguez et Álvarez. 2015).

First, in the elaboration I had a cover letter, but since the scale questionnaire will be applied the
same day as the survey, I would only have to carry the same modified cover letter of the first
instrument, so I only focused on the elaboration of my second instrument. For this, I looked in the
articles for theories that would help me to elaborate correctly, then it should be divided into 4
dimensions, also called sections, each of them should have a name and contain a series of 6 items
related to each section. Each of the items should be positive, and not contain more than one
specific topic. In the part of the answers these had to be 4 levels of response, in 2 sections I used
answers of agreement and in 2 answers of frequency. In the agreement part the answers were: I
disagree, I partially disagree, I partially agree, and I agree. On the other hand, in the other two
sections of frequency the answers were: Never, rarely, sometimes, and often.
To begin the scale questionnaire, a slight instruction was included so that participants can answer
correctly without getting confused.

In the first section 1 which was named ACTITUDES Y EL GÉNERO, this name was due to a
relationship with the scientific article (Piedra et al. 2014), this section was responsible for
evaluating whether the attitudes of teachers had much or little to do with their gender, they were
simple questions and agreement, also simple to answer according to the opinion of each teacher.
The second section named ACTITUDES DE LOS DOCENTES HACIA LA INCLUSIÓN, by the scientific
article (Tárraga et al. 2020). This dimension was responsible for looking for 6 items related to
teachers' attitudes regarding inclusive education in how they should be in this issue according to
their opinion, they were also simple items with only one topic to answer and agreement questions.
The third section was ESCUELA INCLUSIVA, for the scientific article (Hernández et al. 2018). In this
part there were 6 items of frequency, also simple of only one topic to answer, focused on the
opinion of the teacher regarding the school where he works if it is appropriate and if he allows
these minority students in it. In the fourth section ESTUDIANTES DE GRUPOS MINORITARIOS, for
the scientific article (Rodríguez and Álvarez. 2015). There were also 6 frequency items, focused on
the opinions and perceptions of the teacher regarding the types of students of a minority group
that he has had and how his has been in the school environment.


For the validity process of the second instrument, I had to apply the same type of validity as that of
my first instrument, which was content validity, which as I emphasize, according to (Mackey et al.
2016), consists of having an expert review your instrument carefully to ensure that it meets what
you really want to measure in your research. I wanted to opt for this one because it can also be
reviewed, analyzed, and approved by an expert in that area, who had to be a professor with
experience with minority students at my university.


For this last process of reliability of the results of my instrument which is scale questionnaire, I had
to select a type of reliability, in this I chose to select equivalence of forms, which according to
(Mackey et al. 2016), is that to know if the results of my instrument is reliable I had to divide my
sampling, that is, my participants in 2 equal parts, one half apply the normal scale questionnaire
and the second half should apply the same scale questionnaire but in this case, the sections should
be reversed, section 4, would be 1, section 3 would be 2, section 2 would be 3 and section 1 would
be 4. So, the results would be the same, the distribution of it would not affect whether the result is
reliable or not. Then that way I could know the reliability of it.
El objetivo de estas encuestas es evaluar la percepción y valoración del maestro en cuanto
a su experiencia en la enseñanza del inglés y las actitudes del profesor en la educación
inclusiva en la escuela Tomás Garrido. Identificando los aspectos destacados, los desafíos
enfrentados y las estrategias utilizadas para después recopilar los datos y utilizarlos como
una herramienta para la investigación.

Estimado maestro, se le hace una invitación a que participe a responder una serie de
preguntas relacionadas con su enseñanza docente.
¿Está usted de acuerdo con ser participe en este cuestionario como parte de una
a) Si
b) No

Su participación es voluntaria y si está de acuerdo en continuar, sus respuestas serán

salvaguardadas por el encargado de dicha investigación, su contribución será totalmente
Usted tendrá 4 días para resolver de manera clara las preguntas que están en la siguiente
página. Tendrá tiempo suficiente para finalizarlo y devolverlo a la misma persona que se
lo entregó, ya sea de manera personal o por correo.
Su tiempo y cooperación serán muy apreciados, estaremos agradecidos con ello. Si tiene
más dudas no olvide contactarse con el responsable de la investigación.
Francisco Javier Reyes Jiménez
Teléfono: 9361163448
Correo electrónico:
Dirección: Calle Miguel Hidalgo, Col. Centro, Villa Benito Juárez, Macuspana, Tabasco.

Datos del participante

1. Nombre: __________________________________________________________
2. Edad:
3. Sexo: a) Masculino b) Femenino c) Otro:
4. Número de teléfono:
5. Correo electrónico:
Trayectoria del profesor

6. ¿Cuántos años ha dado clase?

a) Durante un año
b) Entre 2 y 5 años
c) Entre 5 a 10 años
7. ¿Usted cubre la clase de inglés en su horario?
a) Si
b) No
8. ¿Cuántos años ha dado inglés en la escuela Tomás Garrido Canabal?
a) Durante un año
b) Entre 2 y 5 años
c) Entre 5 a 10 años
9. ¿En cuántas instituciones ha dado clase a lo largo de su carrera?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) Más de 4
10. ¿Considera que es importante dar clases de inglés desde nivel primaria?
a) Si
b) No
Experiencia en el aula

11. ¿Su experiencia como profesor le hizo tener una gama más alta de operaciones mentales
que realiza el cerebro para procesar información? (Jason Anderson. (2021) Pág. 50)
a) Si
b) No
12. ¿Usted ha tomado cursos para mejorar su desempeño en inglés? (Pág. 7, párrafo 4,
(Lopera Medina & Sergio Alonso (2021) Pág. 7)
a) Si
b) No

¿Qué cursos ha tomado para tener más experiencia en el inglés? En esta pregunta usted
puede seleccionar respuestas múltiples. (Lopera Medina & Sergio Alonso (2021) Pág. 7)
a) Speak English Professionally
b) Cursos herramientas TIC para docente
c) Cursos de preparación para el TOEFL
d) Otro: por favor indique _________________

13. ¿Cuál es la principal diferencia entre maestros experimentados y maestros novatos?

(Jason Anderson (2021) Pág. 57)
a) Más conocimiento
b) Más habilidad a la hora de enseñar.
c) Mejor toma de decisiones
d) Otro: por favor indique_________________
14. ¿Usted ha usado alguna herramienta tecnológica para su enseñanza del inglés como
docente? (Lopera Medina & Sergio Alonso (2021) Pág. 5)
a) Si
b) No
Si usted no ha usado alguna herramienta tecnológica para la enseñanza del inglés
¿Cuáles son los desafíos que ha tenido con algún tipo de herramienta tecnológica?
(Lopera Medina & Sergio Alonso (2021) Pág. 5)
a) Limitaciones en la Enseñanza Online
b) Dificultades en la Preparación de Materiales
c) Perdida de horas de clases
d) Otro: por favor indique_____________________
15. Si usted ha usado herramientas tecnológicas para la enseñanza del inglés ¿Cuál ha sido el
mejor resultado de la experiencia de enseñanza del inglés con instrumentos
tecnológicos? (Lopera Medina & Sergio Alonso (2021) Pág. 3)
a) Mayor interactividad con los estudiantes
b) Mayor acceso a temas
c) Mayor aprendizaje en los estudiantes
d) Otro: por favor indique___________________

El ambiente en la enseñanza del inglés

16. ¿Su área de trabajo es el adecuado para dar clases de inglés? (Jason Anderson. (2021)
Pág. 12)
a) Si
b) No
17. De acuerdo con su experiencia ¿Ha tenido alumnos con problemas de aprendizaje por no
tener los recursos necesarios? (Jason Anderson (2021) Pág. 12)
a) Si
b) No
18. De acuerdo con su experiencia docente ¿Qué instrumentos de enseñanza le ha
beneficiado más para los estudiantes? (Jason Anderson (2021) Pág. 12)
a) Libros
b) Reproductores de mp3
c) Proyectores
d) Otros
19. ¿Usted como docente ha carecido de experiencia cuando la escuela no contaba con las
herramientas necesarias para la enseñanza del inglés? (Jason Anderson. (2021) Pág. 19)
a) Si
b) No
20. De acuerdo con su experiencia ¿Ha notado diferencias con la enseñanza del inglés
antigua y la actual? (John Airey (2011) Pág. 5)
a) Si
b) No
Datos de identificación
Marca la casilla que esté más cercana a su opinión de los siguientes ítems o preguntas
con una (x), bajo la siguiente clasificación: No estoy de acuerdo, estoy parcialmente en
desacuerdo, estoy parcialmente de acuerdo y estoy de acuerdo.

SECCIÓN 1. Las actitudes y el género (Piedra et al. (2014)

No Ítem No estoy de Estoy Estoy Estoy de
. acuerdo parcialmente parcialment acuerdo
en e de acuerdo
1 El género diferencia la
actitud del profeso
hacia la inclusión
2 Los maestros varones
tienden a tener una
actitud positiva hacia
la inclusión educativa.
3 Los maestros varones
tienden a tener una
actitud comprensiva
hacia los alumnos que
presentan una
4 El género en los
maestros interfiere con
su actitud de
comunicación con
estudiantes que
presentan algún tipo
de discapacidad.
5 A las maestras tienden
a darles las tareas de
tener estudiantes de
grupos minoritarios.
6 Los estudiantes de un
grupo minoritario se
sienten más cómodos
con una maestra.
SECCIÓN 2. Actitudes de los docentes hacia la inclusión (Tárraga et al. (2020)
No Ítem No estoy de Estoy Estoy Estoy de
. acuerdo parcialmente parcialment acuerdo
en e de acuerdo
1 Los maestros deben
desarrollar sensibilidad
en una clase inclusiva.
2 Los educadores deben
recibir formación
constante en
estrategias de
enseñanza inclusiva.
3 Los maestros deben
tener la actitud de
emplear una amplia
variedad de métodos
de enseñanza para
diferentes estilos de
aprendizaje y
4 Los maestros deben
crear un ambiente de
aula que fomente la
5 Los docentes deben
tener una mentalidad
abierta hacia la
diversidad de
reconociendo que cada
estudiante tiene
necesidades y
capacidades únicas.
6 Los alumnos de grupos
minoritarios solo
pueden tener clases
con maestros

Marca la casilla que esté más cercana a su opinión de los siguientes ítems o preguntas
con una (x), bajo la siguiente clasificación: Nunca, rara vez, a veces y a menudo.

SECCIÓN 3. Escuela inclusiva (Hernández et al. (2018)

No Ítems Nunca Rara vez A veces A menudo
1 La escuela ha tenido
estudiantes con algún
tipo de discapacidad.
2 La escuela responde a
los estudiantes con
3 La escuela ha tenido
estudiantes con otro
tipo de orientación
4 La escuela ha dado
platicas o cursos a los
maestros sobre las
clases inclusivas.
5 La escuela permite
que niños
discapacitados se
inscriban a ella.
6 La escuela fomenta el
respeto a la inclusión

SECCIÓN 4. Estudiantes de grupos minoritarios (Rodríguez y Álvarez (2015)

No Ítems Nunca Rara vez A veces A menudo
1 Los estudiantes con
discapacidad tienen
dificultad para
2 Los estudiantes con
alguna discapacidad
tienen problemas de
3 Los estudiantes con
alguna discapacidad
requieren una
enseñanza diferente.
4 Los estudiantes con
otra orientación sexual
han tenido problemas
de comunicación.
5 Los estudiantes de
grupos minoritarios
se sienten menos que
otros compañeros de
6 Los estudiantes de
grupos minoritarios
han sufrido
discriminación por
parte de sus
compañeros de salón.

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