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5 Enemies That Fights Spiritual Growth and Progress in God

1. Laziness; in yielding to the rigid demands of covenant practices and disciplines

2. Pride
3. Zeal But not According To Knowledge
4. Not Yielding To The Demands Of Consecration
5. Not Striving for The Mastering in The Things Of God

The 10 Biblical Commandments for Effective Christian Living

o Rejoice Always……….Chapter 1
o Pray Without Ceasing …Chapter 2
o In Everything, Give God Thanks… …..Chapter 3
o Do not quench the Spirit……Chapter 4
o Do not despise prophecies…….Chapter 5
o Test all things; hold fast to what is good……Chapter 6
o Abstain from every form of evil……Chapter 7
o Be watchful and sober………..Chapter 8
o Avoid Company with Compromising Belivers………Chapter 9
o Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling…….Chapter 10

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