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Manibog, Jane Anne R.

1. Having strong faith is the best thing we can do to Glorify
God because faith is the root from which all of our good
works flow. Faith is also gives asset and embraces God’s
promises in Christ. Second, we must worship God,
scriptures indicates that we do delights God more than
calling on His name with sincere heart.
2. Sometimes e can’t avoid problem that will lead us to
depression which you think that the world is against you. I
realize that all the problems I’ve done is part to our life. We
need to keep our faith on him, be a strong one so that you
will never abandon to him.
3. Young generation are prone of temptations and so I am
thankful that I have strong faith to avoid those things. Faith
will be the one to save you from being tempted and also
faith will give you circle of friends that cannot tolerate you
to commit a sin. In everything you do and everywhere you
go, you need to put God promises in your heart and mind
so that if ever you are tempted, you are automatically avoid
this things.
4. For me, I thought education is a small matter one? Why?
Let we say if you are educated with a high profession you
are well-known but if you don’t have discipline and respect
that’s useless. The verse Luke 16:10 remind us that if you
are not faithful in small things you won’t be faithful in
large ones. Therefore, you wouldn’t appreciate small things
what you have in your life.
5. The image or metaphor best describes to my life is storms.
Storms are a part of life; they’re a natural part of
ecosystem. This means to me that life is like a zigzag.
There are always challenges, there is no perfect life but
God gave you a challenge or struggles to make you strong.

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