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Shortcut Keys Description Ctrl+Home Go to the beginning of the Copy the selected content to the

document. Clipboard. Ctrl+C

End Go to the end of the current line. Paste the contents of the Clipboard.
Alt+F File menu options in the current
Ctrl+End Go to the end of the document. Ctrl+V
Shift+Home Highlight from the current Select all document content. Ctrl+A
Alt+E Open Edit options in the current
position to the beginning of the line. Apply bold formatting to text. Ctrl+B
Shift+End Highlight from the current Apply italic formatting to text. Ctrl+I
Alt+Tab Switch between open programs.
position to the end of the line. Apply underline formatting to text.
F1 View help information (F1 is used by
Ctrl+← Move one word to the left at a Ctrl+U
almost every Windows program to display
time. Decrease the font size by 1 point.
Ctrl+→ Move one word to the right at a Ctrl+Left bracket ([)
F2 Rename a selected file.
time. Increase the font size by 1 point.
F5 Refresh the current program window.
Ctrl+Esc Open the Start menu. Ctrl+Right bracket (])
Ctrl+D Bookmark the current page in most
Ctrl+Shift+Esc Open Windows Task Center the text. Ctrl+E
Internet browsers.
Manager. Align the text to the left. Ctrl+L
Ctrl+N Create a new or blank document in
Alt+F4 Close the currently active Align the text to the right. Ctrl+R
some software, or open a new tab in most
program. Cancel a command. Esc
Internet browsers.
Alt+Enter Open the properties for the Undo the previous action. Ctrl+Z
Ctrl+O Open a file in the current software.
selected item (file, folder, shortcut, etc.). Redo the previous action, if possible.
Ctrl+A Select all text.
Windows key+L Lock the computer, Ctrl+Y
Ctrl+B Change the selected text to bold or
requiring password entry to access again. Adjust the zoom magnification. Alt+W,
remove bold.
Windows key+X Access the Power User Q, then use the Tab key in the Zoom
Ctrl+I Change the selected text to italics or
Tasks Menu in Windows 8 and Windows 10. dialog box to go to the value you want.
remove italics.
Windows key+↓ Minimize the active Split the document window. Ctrl+Alt+S
Ctrl+U Change selected text to underlined or
program window. Remove the document window split.
remove underline.
Windows key+↑ Maximize the active Alt+Shift+C or Ctrl+Alt+S
Ctrl+F Open the find window for current
program window. Increase font size Ctrl+Shft+>
document, web page, or window.
Decrease font size Ctrl+Shft+<
Ctrl+S Save the current document file.
Ctrl+X Cut the selected item.
Shift+Del Cut the selected item.
Ctrl+C Copy the selected item.
Ctrl+Ins Copy the selected item. KEYS Close a workbook Ctrl+W
Ctrl+V Paste
Shift+Insert Paste Open a document. Ctrl+O
Open a workbook Ctrl+O
Ctrl+Y Redo the last action. Create a new document. Ctrl+N
Ctrl+Z Undo the last action. Save the document. Ctrl+S Go to the Home tab Close a workbook.
Ctrl+K Insert hyperlink for the selected text. Close the document. Ctrl+W Ctrl+W
Ctrl+P Print the current page or document. Cut the selected content to the
Home Go to the beginning of the current line. Clipboard. Ctrl+X Open a workbook. Ctrl+O
Go to the Home tab. Alt+ Go to the Data tab. Alt+H, D, C

Save a workbook. Ctrl+S

Copy selection. Ctrl+C Alt+A Go to the Formula tab.

Paste selection. Ctrl+V

Undo recent action. Ctrl+Z

Go to the View tab. Alt+M
Remove cell contents. Delete

Choose a fill color Alt+H, H

Alt+W Hide the selected rows.

Cut selection. Ctrl+X

Open the context menu. Ctrl+9
Go to the Insert tab. Alt+N

Apply bold formatting.

Shift+F10 or Hide the selected columns.

Center align cell contents.

Windows Menu key Ctrl+0Alt+

Save a workbook.
Alt+H, A, C
Add borders. Ctrl+S

Copy selection.
Go to the Page Layout tab.
Alt+H, B Ctrl+C

Paste selection.
Delete column. Ctrl+V

Undo recent action.

Ctrl+Z Go to the View tab. Alt+M

Remove cell contents.

Delete Alt+W Hide the selected rows.

Choose a fill color

Alt+H, H Open the context menu. Ctrl+9

Hide the selected columns.

Cut selection. Shift+F10 or Ctrl+0

Ctrl+X Windows Menu key

Go to the Insert tab.

Alt+N Add borders.

Apply bo ld formatting. Ctrl+B

Center align cell contents. Alt+H, A, Alt+H, B


Go to the Page Layout tab. Alt+P

Delete column.

Go to the Data tab.

Alt+H, D, C

Go to the Formula tab.

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