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Create 5 example scenarios in which we can observe values and ethics.

1. When Angelo takes an online test and notices that his notebooks are open next to his
laptop, he closes them because he feels that it is wrong to cheat when taking the test and only
provides the information that he is aware of. He values honesty, and doing this is the correct
thing to do.
He applied honesty to his work when he acquired a job after finishing school. in the office
morally. He does not lie when he admits his error to his supervisor.

2. When a student is in class and observes a classmate struggling with his tasks and feeling
down about himself, the student approaches the student and says, "Don't worry about that.
Just be positive. I will help you to finish it." He favors confidence
He said "Good day" to his teachers as he passed them outside the school and said po and opo
to the elders. He respects others, which is what a considerate and polite student should do.

3. Mother Teresa is a selfless woman who devoted her life to serving God first, followed by the
poor and those in need, from a very young age. She became aware of the need of caring for
others. She appreciates giving of oneself.
She treated everyone with tremendous respect and equality, and she demonstrated this on a
daily basis by looking out for those in need and providing for them when necessary since doing
so is right and beneficial to everyone.

4. When you appreciate compassion. Since it matters to you and you are confident that what
you are doing is right in the eyes of God and society, you are generous in your donations of
time and money to deserving organizations as well as to friends and family.
If you're at work during lunchtime and realize you have too much food, you can share it with
your coworkers so they can share their lunch with you as well.
5. If my cousin Ann allows herself to be forced by her parents or others into choosing "safe"
decisions like a solid office career and a settled home life, she may feel constricted since she
likes adventure. She might do better in a job that entails travel, opening her own business, or
other possibilities for risk and excitement.

When she used to buy coffee at the coffee shop and the cashier gave her too much change, she
returned it rather than keeping it for herself. She conducted herself with honesty.

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