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Table of Contents

West Capital.......................................... 3
Monster friends...................................... 25
Pluviophile............................................. 42
In another life......................................... 42
Soulmate................................................ 50
Myosotis sylvatica................................. 58
Shake it off............................................. 63
Where’s the monster.............................. 67
Rock paper scissor................................. 71
Hikers..................................................... 75


Written by:
Rachelle P. Bajade

“…West capital remains mysterious to other
capital. No one dares to visit this Capital

I was busy reviewing my assignment but

suddenly stop when I heard what Gray is
watching on my Laptop.

“What are you doing?” I asked and raised my


“Watching” Gray

“Yeah, I know. Can you please stop that? Dad

will get mad if he finds out.”


I rolled my eyes at Gray and continue doing

my homework. Gray is my best friend since
we were young. Our parents are also best
friends and that is the reason why I and Gray
are close. Gray is always here at our house
even though his house is just in front of our

“Summer what if----!”

“No Gray, NO!” I immediately answered even

though Gray is not done talking. I know what
he is thinking right now, and I totally disagree.

“Come on Summer! Let’s try it” Gray said

while widely smiling

“Gray you know how dangerous that is” I

replied “My dad and your dad will get really
mad if we disobey them. They said that we
can go wherever we want except the West
capital and you know the reason behind that” I

Our place is divided into four capitals, which

are the North, South, East, and West. Gray
and I live in North Capital and we have been
to all capitals since we love exploring except
the West. Elders said that this is the most
dangerous capital. Our dads also said that they
have been there, and the gossips are true and
that is what we used to believe since we were
a child.

But this young man over here is not in his

right mind and trying to convince me to go to
West Capital and find out if the rumor is true.

“But I don’t believe that. It is impossible to

have a place like that. Land of Poor and
Criminals? That’s Ridiculous!” Gray defended

“Yes, it’s possible. Our dad went there and

that’s what they have witnessed” I replied

“Still, I don’t believe it” he insisted

“okay! Then go alone”

“Summer please!”

“Gray…NO! If I said No, No! You can’t

change my mind”

“Woooh! This is paradise!” Gray exclaimed

after he got out of the Taxi

Yes, I swallowed everything that I said last

week. I’m here now at West Capital with
Gray. This 18-year-old boy beside me is
acting like eight years old because of the
amazing view in this capital.

Well yeah, to be honest, this is mesmerizing.

Trees are all over the place. Flowering plants
are seen at the side of the road. I understand
now why this capital is called the poorest
because I think the common livelihood here is
agriculture, not like in other capitals where
giant establishments are seen right in front of
your face.
“I told you, elders are wrong,” Gray said

“We are not still sure about that”

“Come on. Don’t worry I’m here to protect

you. For now, let’s enjoy the view, and later
on, we will find a temporary shelter” Gray
said with assurance and I just sighed.

But I started to worry again when we can see

nothing but trees after walking for 10 minutes
from the boundaries. No people or even just a
shadow of a person, no houses, and even a
waiting area.

“Let’s just go back to North, Gray” I said


“How? There’s no taxi or even a tricycle”

“Let’s ask Dad to pick us up,” I said

“You insane? Our parents didn’t even know
that we were here, they will get mad big time
if we tell them” Gray

Right. We didn’t tell to our parents that we are

going here.

“Let’s walk a furthermore and if there are still

no traces of humans, let’s go back and ask
someone from home to pick us up, okay?”
Gray said and I just nodded.

A few minutes after we already saw houses

and heard minimal noises from people. Gray
and I look happily at each other and excitedly
run toward the crowd.

“Wow, this is amazing!” Gray said while

looking at the busy surroundings.

I can’t hide my amusement also. People are
busy with their own tasks, but they still greet
each other.

What is this? Why I can see the opposite of

what elders said from the North capital. Are
we believing lies since we were young? What
was their reason to made assumption about
West Capital?

Our attention caught when a ball rolled and hit

Gray’s shoes. He picked it up and a little boy
suddenly approach us.

“That’s mine” the child said, and it looks like

he is a little bit scared. And that’s pretty
normal since our faces are new to him

Gray hand him the ball but still the boy stared
at us that looks like he is trying to examine us.
I also stared at the little boy and the starring
contest cut when a woman in early 40’s called

the little boy, I guess she is the mother of this

“Liam what are you doing?” the woman asked

but the little boy just turn his head to look at
her mother and point me and Gray.

“I guessed the are not from here” the boy said

The woman walked toward us and like what

the little boy did she look at us from head to

“Who are you and what are you doing here?”

she asked

“oh Hi, I’m Summer and this is Gray” I


“and we are student researchers” gray

continued with a wide smile but he look at me
when the woman stared at us for a while

“Researchers? I know it’s rude but go back to
where you came from and Researchers,
documentalists or anything that will make our
capital known to the public is not allowed here
and we don’t need you here” the woman said
while grabbing Liam’s hand.

She is supposedly turn her back to us when

Gray stop her.

“Well, to be honest we’re not researchers or

some kind of professionals. We’re just
exploring every capital and we’re here as
tourists. No need to worry” Gray honestly said

“Yes, we’re just here to have fun since we

love traveling” I added


“Yes, we really telling the truth so no worries”

“okay if that is the case welcome to our
Capital” the woman said with a wide smile in
her face so me and Gray also smiled

“By the way, I am Rosalinda Smith the

Secretary of this Capital” the woman
introduce, and she offer her hand for a shake
hand and Gray happily received it and me as

“Come. Let’s go to my house”

We follow Mrs. Smith and everyone in is

looking, some stop their work to greet us.

After a few minutes of walking, we have

arrived at their house. Their house is made of
concrete but not as fancy as what houses look
like in the north.

“Forgive my little house, it is not big but it’s

clean don’t worry” Mrs. Smith shyly said

“No, it is okay, Mrs. Smith” I replied

As we entered their home, we are greeted by a

man that I think is Mrs. Smith’s husband and
he is wearing an apron, next to him is a
teenage boy that in my guess he is 13 years

“Summer and Gray, that is my husband,” Mrs.

Smith while pointing at Mr. Smith “and that is
my first Son, Andrei” Mrs. Smith continued

“Nice meeting you,” Gray and I said in sync,

they just nodded

“Smith did our dinner ready?” Mrs. Smith

asked to her husband

I checked my wristwatch and its already 5:00


“Yes, Mrs. we’re just waiting for you” Mr.

Smith answered
“Good, Let’s go kids. I know you’re hungry”

“Put your bags down at the sofa and let’s eat”

Mr. Smith said, and we followed him and
walk towards the dining area. Their dining
area is only divided by a cabinet with their
living area and I think that’s smart.

“what made you think to explore West

Capital? Aren’t you heard about what West
capital is?”
“That’s the main reason why we are here, we
don’t believe that there are such things as land
of criminals, what are the basis?” Gray said

“Yes, but it seems like it is not true, since we

can see the total opposite of what the elder’s
said to us. It seems like they are spitting lies” I

“it is nice to hear that there are still people

who didn’t believe the lies about the West
capital. It’s all over the news and internet” Mr.

“Do you know what is the reason behind

that?” Gray bravely asked

“Well thanks to the great Arnold Montenegro

and Arthur Gallego they are the reason why
West capital is known as the poorest and
where criminals live” Mrs. Smith started

Gray and I looked at each other. We are both

shocked because we heard our Dad’s name.
What about dad and uncle Arnold?

“what about them?” Gray

“16 years ago…”


Arnold Montenegro and Arthur Gallego are
known as Famous Documentalists. There are a
lot of places that they help to develop because
of their good Documentaries.

In their next Documentary, they choose West

Capital because this is rich in agriculture.
They want the West capital to be known not
only in the four capitals but also in the whole

They scheduled their plans and talk to the

West Capital’s officials and they are
accommodated by Rosalinda Smith.

“Hi, I’m Rosalinda Smith, West capital’s

Secretary. I want to apologize on behalf of our
President that he will not able to join us here”
Mrs. Rosalinda said

“No that’s totally fine. We already talked to
him through phone and we get his permission”
Arnold replied

“Okay, that’s good. But first, let’s eat and

have some rest”

They followed Mrs. Smith and took a short

rest and a few hours later Arnold and Arthur
Start their Documentary.

West Capital is also quite big that's why their

documentary is not easy. There are a lot of
things to feature. The people of the west
capital offered the capital hall to be their
temporary shelter and they both accept it.

In their last shoot for their Documentary, they

choose to feature the waterfalls of the capital,
slightly far from the crowd. They go there
with some of the capital’s officials to guide
After the long day, they decided to go back to
their temporary shelter, and it was a total

"Art what happened here?" Arnold asked


"I don’t know. We're both not here"

They look at each other and immediately go to

their baggage and they found out that some of
the important and expensive things are
missing and including their credit cards. They
search anywhere inside the shelter but nothing
to be found.

“The officials are the only ones who have the

duplicate key of this hall” Arthur

“What a thief”

“If the officials did such things what more
about the people of this capital”

Arnold and Arthur get mad. Without proper

goodbyes, without proper investigation, they
leave the West capital. After that, rumors start
to spread. Some added false information and a
lot of them believed the lies.

*end of flashback*

Gray’s Point of View

After hearing the story, I can’t help to get

disappointed with dad and even to Uncle

They are too impulsive

“The truth is we are waiting for them here at

our house to give back their belongings” Mrs.
“We caught the thief in the act, we didn’t
know him, and we are not sure what capital he
belongs with” Mr. Smith

“Arnold and Arthur immediately leave our

capital and never heard about them again.
After that, news and people in the internet
spitting lies about West Capital, So we
isolated ourselves here and never stepped our
feet on the other capitals again” Mrs. Smith
said with hatred

I don’t know but I also felt betrayed.

“Mr. and Mrs. Smith, on behalf of our dads I

want to say sorry” I turned my head to
Summer and she is already standing and
bowing to Mr. and Mrs. Smith and I
immediately get up from my chair and do the

“Me also. I sincerely apologize on behalf of
our dads”

I lift my head when I felt a tap on my

shoulder, and it was Mr. Smith

“You don’t need to say sorry. You know


“Besides we already knew that both of you are

Montenegro and Gallego”

“How did you know?” Summer asked and Mr.

Smith pointed to our luggage

“Your surnames are written under the North

Capital logo” Mr. Smith

“we’re really sorry” Summer

“No. No, it’s okay, I know that you are not

like your fathers and we feel your sincerity”
Mrs. Smith
“Don’t you worry as soon as we come back to
North, we will fix this, and we will tell them
to personally apologize to all of you” I said,
and Summer agreed

We spent the night in Mrs. Smith’s house, and

we went back to North as Early as we could,
and the timing is on us. Mom and dad are here
at Summer’s house.

We explained everything to them, and they

promise to fix their mistakes.

I felt sorry for the people of West Capital. I

hate how people judge others without a
reliable basis, I hate how close-minded people
easily believing lies.
Let’s avoid discrimination and promote
equality for a better life.


Written by:
Rachelle Bajade

Her name is Rose, she is a 5 year-old girl
living in a huge house. She is always alone in
that huge house, her parents are with her but
feel like nothing because they are busy
working. Rose is smart and playful, she loves
playing inside their house, hiding under the
bed, inside the closet, and even in their attic.
She is fearless and brave. The deity of
monsters is sending her a bunch of monsters
every day to scare her and go to sleep, but
they are always failed. Monsters always go
home with their heart broken. They feel sad
and doubtful thinking that they are not doing
their job well or maybe they are not scary
anymore. The worst case is that some
monsters became Rose’s friends and

So, the deity herself went down from

Monster’s Castle and transform herself into
the creepiest and scariest monster that would
ever exist in the earth. She was laugh evilly
before entering Rose’s house, she is very
excited to scare the little kid. She can’t help
herself but to be proud how she looked. She
entered the house and start growling like
“GRRRRRRR!!!” she growled
“Rose, where are you? aren’t you going to
bed, I’m here to take you. so, better sleep” the
deity threat but seems like the child didn’t
hear her.
Then after a minute the monster heard a tiny
laugh coming from one of the cabinets at the
“GRRRRRRR!” she growled again, and the
tiny laugh suddenly stops that make the
monster smirk.
She is waiting for Rose’s cry but he heard
nothing but a deafening silence followed by
the cracking noise of the cabinet’s door that

exposed a little kid trying to hide in the bunch
of clothes!

“Grrrr?” The monster hesitantly growled and

she was a bit shocked when the kid just laugh.

“you again!” the kid said while pointing to the

opposite side where the monster is.
“or maybe you’re here!” she points again but
still not the monster’s side
“Hmm. Where are you?” Rose asked and try
searching for the monster while her both arms
are in the air trying to touch the monster, but
she failed.

The monster is too stunned. she did nothing

but just watch the little girl walk past him.
“What is this? Is she blind?” she mumbled and
follow the girl
Rose stopped and grabbed a long thin metal
stick that she got stepped on and start walking
“So, she’s blind”
She walked all over the house like nothing and
without bumping into anything. Seems like
she memorized all of the corners of their
All this time the dumb monsters I sent her
didn’t inform me about this.
The reason why this kid is not scared to any
monster, she can’t see them. Rose is blind.


Written by:
Rachelle P. Bajade

"What did you just say?"
" what? That I don’t love you anymore? Oh
correction, I didn’t love in the first place”
"T-tell me y-you're l-lying" He stammered as
tears began to fall from his eyes, but I just
shook my head at him
"Please tell me, tell me you’re just lying. Is
this a prank? Where is the camera? Come on.
Tell me it is just a show. right?" he said
laughing but tears started to fall from his eyes
one by one. he also looked around as if
looking to see if there was a camera set up
"Tell me that you really love me. Lorraine
please, don't do this to me" he said, looking at
me holding my shoulder
"Aaron what the hell!?" I yelled at him in
annoyance and removed his hands from my
" Do I have to tell you, again and again, to
make you understand? So that, what I say goes
into your head. I do not love you. Aaron, I
don't love you! One more? I don’t love------!”
"Then why!? Tell me the reason why!?" he
yelled in annoyance which was the reason for
me to stop speaking
" Tell me what you showed me in the past
years! How sweet you are to me. The way you
look at me, the way you smile at me. So, all of
those... are all lies?"


"Just because,"

"Just because? If you will answer me that

way, then I'm convinced you're lyin-----"
"okay! You really want me to answer and tell
the reason? I just used you" I said


"Yes, I just used you. I used your money

because every time that I’m with you
everything is free. From food, from
transportation fee of course because you have
a car" I smirked

"what else? Ah, Even my school project

expenses is on you. My house. You even buy

me appliances because you said you don't
want me to suffer. Impressive" I said
enthusiastically and shook my head
"Your popularity, because I gained so much
friends because of you. what else? Hmm" I
held my chin and looked at the sky, to think
more but my attention turned to him when he
"Are you done?" he said while looking
straight at me
His sad eyes earlier turned to anger.
right. That’s right Aaron
The tears that fell from his eyes were dry but
they were still red. His palms are also
" Is this what you want, right? to tell you the
reasons?" I said to him with a smile

He slowly nodded and smiled
"At least now you know. Now you have the
right to hate me, curse me as you want. I will
not get mad, besides I deserve it"
"I know that what I did is not acceptable, but
who cares?" I chuckled

His fists clenched tighter and glare at me

"Thank you, Aaron"

the last line I said before turning my back on

him and walking away.
the tears that I had been holding back started
pouring out after I turned my back. I stopped
my own sobbing so that he wouldn't notice

that I was crying in case he was still looking at
"I can't unlove you"

I stopped walking when he spoke again.

"I can't hate you. I will be angry, but I can't

hate you. I need you Lorraine so I can't hate

But you should, Aaron

"Please come back. I will forget everything

just don't leave me. Please"

I remained standing where I was and did not
turn my back to him. When I turn to face him,
I might swallow everything I said and hug him
I was about to walk away again when I felt
him hug me from behind. And heavy rain
starts pouring
I let him hold my back for a few seconds
before removing his hands from my waist. I
didn't say another word and started walking
“Lorraine please”
I ignored what he said and stepped away
"Few more steps, you are free"

It is hard for me to walk away thinking that he

is soaking in the rain crying.

It is hard seeing your love once being hurt but
if this is the only way for both of us then, I
need to do this.

I was not prepared for such situations. It's far

from what I expected to happen.
Fate did not go according to my plan. I don't
know how and where to start now.
I still have a lot to do and fulfill in life and I
think this is the first step for it.
Even though I had to let go of one of the most
important people in my life, I hope it will turn
out well.
I just need to make a new plan and start a new

In Another Life

Written by:
Rachelle Bajade

I am Andriette Elizabeth, I died in the year
2004. My parent also died the same year as
mine and there is one thing I'm pretty sure, we
are killed.
I don't know the reason behind our death, I
don't know who murdered us. The only thing I
know and the only thing I can vividly
remember about the person behind our death
is his Smile. I only saw his smile because this
is the only part of his face that is lit by the sun
coming from the window of our house and
besides he is wearing a old Berret hat and

His smile is so genuine that you won't know

that he has a bad intention. As far as I
remembered he was talking to my mom and
my dad in our house, while I was busy playing
beside them. They were having fun and
laughing continuously, then suddenly the
mood changed when the guy that my mom and
my dad talking with, suddenly pulled a gun in
his back.
He pointed the gun right in front of my dad
and shoot him in his chest, and just a few
seconds the guy moved his gun in my mom's
direction and without hesitation he shot my
mom exactly in her forehead, The gun didn't
make any sound, it has a silencer.

I don't know, I was shock but I didn't utter any

words. I didn't scream and I didn't cry. I am
silently asking myself

'what is going on?

I was even more surprised when the man who

shot my mom and dad stood up. He took a few
steps closer to me. I want to run but I can't
move. The man sat in front of me to level my
face, but still, I can't see who he is, He gently
pat my head.

"Wanna go with Mom and dad?" he asked

This time I manage to move, I nodded my
head then I heard him chuckle. The next thing
happen I felt hot liquid flowing out in my
stomach and I realized I was also shot. My
body fell down on a cold floor.

"Robert and Franchesca Thomas, thank you

because you work hard, but don’t worry I will
work harder"

Those are the last words I heard before I was

dragged and passed out.


"I am Andriette Elizabeth Thomas," I said to

people in front of me

"Lauren sweetheart, what are you talking

about?" asked the woman claiming to be my

"I'm not your child. Physically yes, by blood
yes, but as far as I remembered My mom and
my dad was killed years ago. I think I am
reincarnated in this body" I explained and the
people in front of me frowned.


"Believe me"


That's how it started. 10 years ago, I woke up

feeling strange. I felt as if I had suddenly
woken up from a deep sleep.

I woke up but I was in someone else's body.

Then, I realize I was in the body of a little kid.
I don't know how that happened but there is
one thing I am pretty sure. I was reincarnated.
Yes, I believe in Reincarnation, because my
dad said that this thing is true because it is
written in the bible, but I didn't know that it is
possible to remember what your past life is
and it is possible that even if a decade or
several more decades have not passed you will
be able to reincarnate.

I tried to tell my parents so many times but

they didn't believe me, worst they took me to
the hospital to check me but they didn't find
anything, because the doctor didn't even know
why I remembered some things that I vaguely
experienced because I am only 7 years old at
that time. The Doctor said that I might have
dreamed of them and that was the only thing
my parents believed.

Since that day, I haven't talked about my past

life. I didn't talk to anyone else because I was
afraid that they would think and do something
bad about me. I am not worried about myself,
but I am worried because I was in the body of
an innocent kid.

I just tried to accept the life I have here in the
present time. Forced to forget the things that
came from my past. Here, I am Lauren

But as time goes by there is this one thing

bugging me. No matter how hard I try to
forget the past, I can't because I have
something I want to do and get, which is
connected to it.


Justice is lately popping into my mind. I

eagerly want to have justice. On the death of
my parents and somewhat on my death. I’m
not sure but I feel like I died the same day as
my parent died. I don't know where to start but
I will do anything to get what I want and the
reason why I came back to this world will not
be wasted.


Written by:
Rachelle Bajade

"Swimming? It's good that they thought of
having a Reunion. It's been three years since
we graduated from high school and that's the
last time our section gathered" I whispered to
myself while looking at the Poll in the class
group chat where it was listed the option date
of the incoming reunion

"For sure this will be fun~" I said excitedly

I was about to vote in the poll, but I was
stunned and just let my former classmates
argue about the dates

I stood up from my seat and went to my

closet. I opened it and looked at my clothes
arranged there. I immediately rummaged
through them and looked for something to
wear when the reunion went on.

I happily fit my chosen pair of clothes to wear.
It was a black basic crop top and white high-
waisted shorts. I also approached the hanger
of my necklaces that I had collected while
traveling with Mom on different seas. If you
know the necklaces that have black thin lace
and a has a seashell, wooden, and marble
pendant, that's the necklace I'm referring to.
I chose the necklace that has my initials on the
pendant and a pearl necklace. I also got an

I ramped all over my room acting like I’m in a

pageant. I walked toward my full-body mirror
but then I just shrugged when I realized
"Andriette Mom and Dad are leaving. I love
My mom looked around and I just smiled a

"Okay, Mama. I love you too" I answered
weakly and laid down on my bed with a sigh
"I really miss your hug mama. I want to feel
your warm hug again" I whispered and wiped
my tears.
"Wooooh. so much fun" I shouted when I got
off the car. The place is one of our classmate's
private resorts and it has two large swimming
pools and below is the vast sea.
I was with my high school classmates and you
could see the excitement on their faces.
After we arrived at the house where we will
stay for one night, they started talking and
saying hello. while I happily watched them.
They look so happy.
After an hour of talking, the others went down
to the pool. We are not yet complete, and it is
unlikely to be completed because there are
others who couldn't cope with their schedule
and were not able to join us, while there are
others who are coming and will try to catch
After a while, I thought about going to the
beach, but even before I got down, I met the
former class secretary and I waved at her. I
noticed the guy with her, I don't know him,
but he is familiar and seems to have seen him
before at school. Maybe her boyfriend.
So nice seeing her with a guy, when we were
in high school it was hard for guys to
approach her because she automatically glared
at them. You will think she’s allergic to boys.
I stopped a few steps away from the water to
feel the breeze.
"Peace" I whispered and closed my eyes to
feel the cool breeze even more and didn't mind
the little splash of water brought by the waves.
I opened my eyes again and walked on the
seashore again with a smile. When I got tired,
I decided to go back to the Rest House, but I
was only a few steps away when I saw the
man with the class secretary a while ago. I
frowned when I realized that he was looking
straight in my direction and he was heading
right here to where I was.
I immediately moved away from where I was
standing and walked away but I also laughed
when I realized something. Why am I
avoiding them, and acting like I'm scared, they
or he should be scared of me if they saw me.
I shook my head and walked back to the rest
house. I was walking and playing with the
sand, but I stopped suddenly when I saw a pair
of feet.

I looked up and I almost fell back in shock
when the guy earlier met our eyes. He is
already in front of me.
"I want to ask something," he said, and I
surprisingly look behind me but didn't see
anyone. I also checked his ears if he was
wearing an earpiece, maybe he was talking to
someone, but he is not.
"Is he talking to me?" I whispered
“Yes you” he answered
“You can see me?” I asked in surprise
"That's what I should be asking you. can you
see me?"


Written by
Rachelle Bajade

Have you ever wondered if your favorite
things have deep meaning or a story behind
where their names came from? Your favorite
food, fruits, place, animals, flowers, and other
things. Me, My favorite flower is Daisy
because of its simple appearance and
especially its colors. Its white petals
symbolize pureness and peace while its yellow
stigma symbolizes a new beginning or hope.
The Daisy flower is the flower that I will not
get tired of admiring, Not Until I learned
about the flower called Myosotis Sylvatica.
I was casually drinking coffee in our balcony
when I notice a cute blue flower at the corner.
There are a lot of them that's why it caught my
eye. Then suddenly I remembered this was the
flowers that my aunt gave me and ask me to
take care of it but sadly I forgot about it but
luckily the plant is still alive. I chuckled when
I realized that its pot is a cup of instant
noodles. I stared at the flowers for a minute
and decided to take a picture of them.
"Beautiful" I uttered.
I tried to search it on the internet and I can't
find the exact flower I am looking for. But
there is one flower that is almost exactly like
it. The same color of petals is blue, but they
have different colors of stigma. The one I have
here at home has a white stigma while this one
has a yellow stigma and a little hole on it. The
flower is named Myosotis Sylvatica, the wood
for-get-me not or woodland forget me not. It is
a species of flowering plant in the family of
Boraginaceae native to Europe.

I don't know but the look of the flowers gives
me chills. I suddenly feel cold, maybe it is
because of its aqua color. I keep browsing and
reading about the said flower and I read
something that explained why I felt chills
while looking at the flowers.
Myosotis Sylvatica also known as Forget me
not comes from a German legend about a
knight who died trying to get flowers for his
lover and called out with his last breath,
“Forget me not!”


Written by:
Rachelle Bajade

I was sitting in a convenience store when I
saw a group of teenagers entering the store. As
they enter, I heard them talking about this
superstitious belief “Pagpag”
Pagpag means “to shake off the dust or dirt”;
it is also a superstition that says you should
not go straight home from a wake. Instead,
spend some time somewhere else to confuse
the spirits so that they would not follow you
home. Usually, pagpag is done in a
convenience store or a 24-hour stores.
Seems like one of their friends died.
“poor Mico?”
“he is so kind”
I’m right. They were talking about their
deceased friend.
After a few minutes, the teenagers decided to
leave the store and I chuckled when I saw
another teenager behind them with a bloody
head holding his crashed helmet.
I waved at him and the same goes for my
fellow souls who, like me, were also shaken
off in this store.
“new member in the club” I uttered and smirk


Written by:
Rachelle Bajade

“Athena” I called my sister while entering her
I smiled when I saw her sitting in her bed
looking at her window watching the moon.
“Athena here’s your milk, drink before go to
sleep,” I said
I put the milk in her bedside table and she face
finally face me. She took the glass of milk and
finished it quickly, she handed me the empty
I pat her head and help her lie in her bed.
“Sis there’s a monster inside my closet,” she
said while pointing to her closet

“you’re just scaring yourself, go to sleep
now,” I said
I walked to her closet and open it to show her
that monster isn’t real but I saw my little sister
“Sis there is a monster in my bed”


Written by:

Rachelle Bajade

"Rock, paper, scissors, rock, paper, scissors."

I was standing outside my daughter’s room as

I listened to her. she was playing in his room
all by herself.

"Aah! You won again! I want a rematch!", she

exclaimed. "Rock, paper, scissors, rock, paper,

My brows furrowed in confusion at what I just

heard. My daughter was an introvert. She
mostly kept to herself and he wasn't the type
to have any friends. she can't be playing with

"Argh! I really hate this game! Why are you

so good at this? Come on, let me win." she
said. "Rock, paper, scissors, rock, paper,

At this point, I was already frowning as I felt a

weird feeling in my stomach. Something is
definitely not right. Within a second, I
immediately opened the door of her room and
made my way inside.

"Paper!!" I heard her say.

She turned to look up in my direction and was

surprised to see me.

she was sitting in front of the mirror. her hand

was wide open.

But his reflection's hand was a scissor.

They were both looking at me but with

different smiles.


Written by:
Rachelle Bajade

“Hey, why are you wearing your shirt inside
out?” one hiker asked me
“I do believe in a superstition that you need to
wear this way to prevent you from being lost”
I answered but they just laugh
“you look stupid” another hiker whispered but
loud enough for me to hear it.
That was 7 years ago, and those people are
still not found.
I smirked when I remembered how they
begged me to spare their lives.


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