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(AC-S03) Week 03 - Task: Assignment - Let

me introduce my family

Joserh Baldeon Cubas Joel Quilla Patricia Huamán

Y)Hello friends, how are you
P)Hello Joseph, I'm good and you
J)likewise friends, ¿What are those photos, Joseph?
Joseph muestra dos fotos
Y)It's a photo of my first day of class and the other about my baptism
P)Ohh, ¿Where were you in your first day of class?
Y)I was outside of school with my mother and my brother
J)Fantastic, ¿How old were you when you were baptized?
Y)I was 12 years old, and I celebrated with my family and friends
P)Very good,I now will teach my memories
(Enseña fotos)
P)This a photo of my birthday when I was 5 years, is very special for me and the other
is of my travel at Cuzco
Y)ohh ¿What were you doing on your birthday?
P) I remember helping my mom to prepare everything for the night
J)Fantastic ¿Where were you in the picture?
P)I was in Machu Pichu, with my friends and family
J)Okay, is my turn, this photo is of my first communion and the other of my graduation,I
was at the school, where my graduation from elementary school was being celebrated.
enseña foto
P)That good,¿how did you feel in your graduation?
J)I felt good because I received very praises of my friends and also because i buyed
clothes with my bride
Y)How interesting, who is the person next to you?
J)The person in the picture next to me is my mother. My mother was a lot of fun that
P)That good,I have to go with my mother,see you later
Y)Bye ,thank you
J)Good bye friends

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