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J: Good afternoon, teacher, I am Jazmin de la Cruz

A: Good afternoon, teacher, my name is Apvril Mora.

Ro: Good afternoon miss, my name is Jemily Rosas

J: We are students of the Technological University of Peru

A: And this is our weekly video


J: Hello girls, how are you?

A: Hi Jaz, i'm really good

Ro: Hi Jaz, all is greit, thenks

J: I am really glad that You girls are happy

A: Thanks, we are because this weekend is going to be quite interesting.

Ro: Exactly, we have difrent bat greit plens for dos des.

J: Wow, so we all have plans, how amazing

A: what will you do jemily?

Ro: Well, I'm going to my best friend's party, it will bi a greit nait

J: How cool, will you go alone?

Ro: No, in fact, we will go in a grup with my sister and some frends

J: Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun.

A: Yeah, sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun there.

Ro: Yes, end what will you do, Jaz?

J: Well, I'm going to go on a trip with my parents, for the long weekend

A: Wow, how nice, and how long will you be gone?

J: Well, we'll be staying there since Friday and we'll be back home on Sunday.

A: Few days, but I bet you will have a lot of fun

Ro: Yes, I would like to go on a trip tu

J: Hahaha, yes, it's been a fun plan to organize. And what about you Apvril, what are you going
to do this weekend?

A: Wow girls, for me, I'm going to a spiritual retreat, some friends convinced me to do it.

Ro: That sands like there will be a lot of pis

J: Yes, it must be quite striking. How many days it's going to last?

A: I will be in that retreat all Saturday and all Sunday day

Ro: end can you get there at eny taim?

A: No, I'm going to get there at nine in the morning and leave at 9 at night

J: Wow Apvril, that will be very interesting, I hope they do fun things

A: yes

Ro: We all have plens, hau ameizing

J: Yes, I hope we all have a lot of fun girls

A: I hope the same for us, have a good weekend girls

Ro: We'll have a good taim, yu'll sii

J: Well girls, enjoy, see you!

A: Take care!

Ro: Bye gerls

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