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Adolescents with emotional problems

Nowaday we can see that adolescents often have emotional problems and they feel
sad and lonely. Let’s try to find a solution! That’s why I creating “Virtual psychological

One of the most common problems is that they have trouble socializing because they
are shy and this causes them not to have many friends and they feel lonely, a solution
for emotional problems could be to go to the psychologist and talk about it with the
parents or an adult who can help them, also if they feel sad or lonely, they can go
somewhere to distract them selfes and feel a little better, the problem with this
solution is that psychocogist is expensive and in some cases the parents don’t know
how to advises them. Sometimes it is really hard to face this because If they don't
receive emotional support, then they will feel alone. If adolescents are heard and
understood then they would have better mental health. If the adolescents expresse
their emotions, they will work on their self esteem. That’s why I have decided to create
“Virtual psychological assistanse”, this consists of an app which will be aimed at a
adolescents, in which they will find a diary in which they can write averything that
happens to them, they can also be in contact with specialized psychologists to they can
provide emotional support.

That’s why I tink my product is the best solution for this problem and it’s very easy to

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