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Test 3 review Remediation

1. Alcohol is an CNS?

2. Psychological factors are: select that apply

3. Mood disorders psychiatric diagnosis is most common and associated with  high rate of

4. A client is admitted for major depression. The client has stated that nothing seems to

bring the client pleasure anymore. What should the nurse expect to find during


5. A client has just been diagnosed as having major depression. At which time would the

nurse expect the client to be at highest risk for self-harm?

6. Which meal would the nurse provide to best meet the nutritional needs of a client who

is manic?

7. Which of the following would be most appropriate for the treatment of mania associated

with bipolar disorder?

8. A client with bipolar disorder begins taking lithium carbonate (lithium), 300 mg four

times a day. After 3 days of therapy, the client says, “My hands are shaking.” The best

response by the nurse is which of the following?

9. What are the most common types of side effects from SSRIs?

10. Which of the following typifies the speech of a person in the acute phase of mania?

11. Identify the serum lithium level for maintenance and safety.

12. Which of the following would indicate an increased suicidal risk? Select all that apply

13. Which of the following would be an appropriate intervention for a client with OCD who

has a ritual of excessive, constant cleaning?

14. The client with OCD has counting and checking rituals that prolong attempts to perform

ADLs and get ready for activities of the day. The nurse knows that interrupting the

client’s ritual to assist in faster task completion will likely result in

15. Interventions for a client with OCD would include select all that apply

16. Which of the following characteristics describe the obsessional thoughts experienced by

client’s with OCD? select all that apply

17. Before eating a meal, a client with obsessive-compulsive disorder must wash the hands

for 14 minutes, comb the hair for 114 strokes, and switch the light off and on 44 times.

When evaluating the progress of the client, what is the most important objective for this


18. Common Compulsions are: select all that apply

19. Which would most likely be a type of behavior that would be manifested by a client who

has histrionic personality disorder?

20. Which would the nurse expect to assess in a client with narcissistic personality disorder?

21. A person with temperament traits of fear of being harmed, Criticized and uses avoidance

would most likely suffer from which personality disorder?

22. Which of the following would a nurse expect to assess in a patient with antisocial

personality disorder?

23. When working with a client with a narcissistic personality disorder, the nurse would use

which of the following approaches?

24. Splitting, seeing ones self or others as all good or all bad, which is seen in:

25. The primary concern for patients with personality disorders is 
26. The staff nurse that has a student assigned to nurse's unit today notices that the nursing

student appears to cooperate with the group but does not complete agreed upon tasks

at the appropriate time repeatedly and then displays negativity. The nursing student may

be showing signs of which personality disorder or behavior?

27. The nurse is teaching a client taking an MAOI about foods with tyramine that he or she

should avoid. Which of the following statement indicates that the client needs further


28. The signs of lithium toxicity include which of the following?

29. The nurse practitioner monitors a client closely who has been placed on high doses of an

antipsychotic medication. Potentially fatal symptoms such as rigidity, high fever, unstable

blood pressure and delirium could indicate an idiosyncratic reaction known as:

Select one:

30. A client who has been depressed and suicidal started taking a tricyclic antidepressant 2

weeks ago and is now ready to leave the hospital to go home. Which of the following is

a concern for the nurse as discharge plans are finalized?

31. A student nurse is assigned to administer oral medications to a client. Which of these

actions should a student nurse take if a client refuses to take prescribed oral


32. Which of the following antipsychotic medication side effects are considered irreversible?

33. The nurse is caring for a client with schizophrenia who is taking haloperidol (Haldol). The

client complains of restlessness, cannot sit still, and has muscle stiffness. Of the following

PRN medications, which would the nurse administer?

34. Clozapine can cause which side effect

35. Which of the following drugs would be classified as a conventional antipsychotic?

36. Your patient has been placed on an SSRI following an episode of severe depression.

During a follow-up assessment in one week, the patient reports "I have some more

energy, but I'm still discouraged and I still feel like my family would be better off without

me." Which is a priority question the nurse should ask next?

37. Extrapyramidal syndrome (EPS):are select that apply

38. Medications used for Mood Disorders are: (select all that apply)

39. Which medication is used for treatment of EPS

40. The family of a client with schizophrenia asks the nurse about the difference between

conventional and atypical antipsychotic medications. The nurse’s answer is based on

which of the following?

41. Which of the following are considered to be positive signs of schizophrenia? Select  all

that apply

42. A client who has schizophrenia is having a conversation with the nurse and suddenly

stops talking in the middle of a sentence and unable continue. The client is experiencing

which type of thought disruption?

43. During the nursing assessment, a client describes constantly hearing voices mumbling in

the background. The client denies that the voices are telling the client to do anything

harmful. The nurse documents that the client is experiencing what?

44. A client with schizophrenia is seen sitting alone and talking out loud. Suddenly, the client

stops and turns as if listening to someone. The nurse approaches and sits down beside

the client. Which is the best response by the nurse?

45. The client with schizophrenia believes the student nurses are there to spy on the clients.

Also they are conspiring against him. The client is suffering from which symptom?

46. A client is admitted to the psychiatric unit and states, "I am president of the largest

corporation in the world.  Everyone comes to me for advice." The nurse knows the client

is exhibiting which of the following?

47. A patient tells you "there is a bad man in the room with us" Your response should be:

48. what should the nurse do if the patient is sitting and talking to them selves

49. What is used to define the use of a substance that results in maladaptive behavior. 

50. What is the process of safely withdrawing from a substance.

51. The nurse is assessing a client's risk factors for developing a substance abuse disorder.

Which family characteristic would the nurse identify as the most significant risk factor?

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