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Practice Test

1. The major division of economics is concerned with the analysis of the behavior of individual
decision making units within an economic system, from specific household to specific business
a. Macroeconomics c. Traditional economics
b. Microeconomics d. Political economy
2. A division of economics dealing with the analysis of aspects of the economy as a whole.
a. Macroeconomics c. Traditional economics
b. Microeconomics d. Political economy
3. Which of the following is true about the law of demand?
a. As the price of the goods increases, demand tends to increase as well
b. Given all other factors constant, there is a direct proportion between prices of goods and
the demand of consumers
c. Given all other factors constant, prices of commodities are directly proportional to the
d. None of the above.
4. Which of the following is true about the law of supply?
a. Given all other factors constant, there is a direct proportion between prices and supply
b. As the price of the goods decreases, supply tends to increase and vice – versa
c. Supply is dependent upon the production inputs
d. All of the above
5. What are some of the factors that determine the supply of a particular goods and services?
a. Incme, taste, and preferences c. land, labor, capital and technology
b. Income, labor, technology and capital d. land, capital, and income
6. What are some of the factors that determine the demand of a particular goods and services?
a. Income, taste and preferences c. land, labor, capital and technology
b. Income, labor, technology and capital d. land, capital and income
7. Market economy is to capitalism while command economy is to _____________________
a. Communism c. Socialism
b. Centralized capitalism d. Mercantilism
8. Command economy is to public ownership: market economy is to ___________________
a. State ownership c. Private ownership
b. Government ownership d. Public ownership
9. Which economic system state that the consumer determine the goods and service to produce?
a. Advance market economy c. Pure market economy
b. Pure command economy d. Mixed economy
10. The following except one are roles of the government in a mixed economy. Which is this?
a. Minimize market inefficiency c. Promote low levels of inflation
b. Promote exportation and importation d. Provision of public goods
11. Which of the following is not a characteristic of language?
a. It is generative c. It is symbolic
b. It is nomothetic d. It has structure
12. Which of the following is the smallest unit of meaning in a language?
a. genome C. phoneme
b. morpheme d. phonogram
13. In a description of Sociology, we would not make reference to which of the following?
a. Scientific study c. Human society
b. Individual motivation d. Social interactions
14. As a field, sociology is most interested in:
a. mental processes c. creating the perfect society
b. unconscious behavior d. to help people with their problems
15. Which of the following best describes the main goal of sociology?
a. To understand the social behavior c. To improve society
b. Unconscious behavior d. To help people with their problems
16. Which of the following is an example of an issue a sociologist would study?
a. What is the interaction between chemicals and behavior?
b. Which political system is best?
c. Why is the unemployment rate rising?
d. How do police actions influence crowd behavior?
17. In which of the following disciplines is most closely related to sociology?
a. Psychology c. Political Science
b. Cultural Anthropology d. History
18. Anthropologists are most likely to study ?
a. Large post industrial societies c. Groups and institutions
b. The culture of advanced civilization d. The culture of small pre – industrial societies
19. As a social psychologist would be most likely to study:
a. Racial segregation in the schools
b. Drug use in high school
c. The factors that produce conformity in a group situation
d. The role chemicals play in human behavior
20. When sociologist study the political system they are most likely to be interested i:
a. Political theory
b. How it affects other institutions in society
c. The actual operations of the government
d. Voting behavior
21. Which of the following is NOT true about the concept of culture?
a. It includes behavioral patterns passed on through the genes
b. It taught learned through social interactions
c. All human groups have culture
d. Culture is a blueprint for living in a particular society
22. The reaction people may have when encountering cultural tradition different from their own is
known as:
a. Ethnocentrism c. Cultural relativism
b. Culture shock d. Sheltered culturalism
23. The document which provides the basic law of the state is the:
a. Republic Act c. Constitution
b. Executive order d. Presidential decree
24. The civilian authority is supreme over the military
a. at all times c. during war time
b. during peace time d. when the military consents it
25. The Constitution states that we have a democratic and republican state and all government
authority emanates from the:
a. Congress c. President
b. People d. Supreme court
26. The right of a person to freely choose his place of residence is called:
a. Right of counsel c. Right of abode
b. Right of bail d. Guided democracy
27. The Malolos Constitution of 1899 followed the political philosophy of:
a. Liberal democracy c. National democracy
b. Social democracy d. Guided democracy
28. The Filipino citizenry should be made aware that the people, territory, government and
sovereignty are the elements of a :
a. Nation c. State
b. Country d. Society
29. Even during the period of suspension of the privilege of the habeas corpus, a person arrested or
detained should be released from such detention if he is not judicially charged within:
a. Two days c. Three days
b. Four days d. Five days
30. In the Constitution, political power is distributed among the people and in the:
a. Society c. Schools
b. Government d. Church
31. The Constitution requires the congress to convene its regular session once every:
a. Third Monday of July c. Second Monday of July
b. Fourth Monday of July d. First Monday of July
32. All educational institution shall include the study of the _____________as part of the curricula.
a. Bible c. Constitution
b. Koran d. All of these
33. Which is the ultimate objective of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program?
a. The establishment of owner – cultivated farm
b. The cultivation of all idle lands
c. The abolition of shared tenancy in favor of lease tenancy
d. The distribution of arable lands in the country
34. Which assumption underlines the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program?
a. Filipino’s dependence on landlords is a cultural fact
b. Land as a natural resource is a public property
c. It is a sin to be rich and a virtue to be poor
d. Men always work harder when they work on that which is their
35. Taxes imposed by the local government such as cities, municipalities, or provinces.
a. Local tax c. Property tax
b. Excise tax d. Regressive tax
36. Tax imposed on both employees and employers.
a. Local tax c. Property tax
b. Income tax d. Regressive tax
37. Tax imposed for special purposes, the process of which goes to certain special fund.
a. Special tax c. Proportionate tax
b. General tax d. Progressive tax
38. An agrarian reform means remedying the defects in the distribution and utilization of the land in
the hope of increasing its productivity
a. To improve the economy of the country
b. To raise the standard of living of the people
c. To improve the traditional forms in agriculture
d. To improve the agriculture sector
39. What system of taxation is provided in the Constitution?
a. Regressive c. Progressive
b. Uniform d. Incremental
40. The rule of Taxation shall be uniform and _______________________.
a. Nonpartisan c. Equitable
b. Revocable d. Progressive
41. What is the meaning of the Basic Principle of Taxation known as “Fiscal Adequacy”?
a. Tax burden should be proportionate to the tax payers ability to pay
b. Tax laws should be capable and convenient, just and effective administration
c. Source of revenue should be sufficient to meet the demands of public expenditures
d. The power of taxation is inherent
42. All residential houses, regardless of their assessed value, may be considered as belonging to one
class – residential property and is made subject to the same tax rate but different amount of tax
on the basis of their assessed value. This situation illustrates what in taxation?
a. Uniformity in Taxation c. Progressive in Taxation
b. Equality in Taxation d. Equity in Taxation
43. Direct and indirect taxes are kinds of taxes classified according to
a. Subject matter of the tax
b. How the amount of tax due is determined
c. Purpose of the tax
d. Who shoulders the tax burden
44. What holds true in progressive system of taxation?
a. The rate if tax increases as the income tax base or income bracket increases
b. The rate of tax increases as the income tax base decreases
c. The rate of tax decreases as the income tax base increases
d. The tax is equal regardless of class and place
45. It is also known as the behavioral sciences.
a. Natural Science c. Social Sciences
b. Humanities d. Philosophy
46. An economist who argued that production depends on the ownership of the means of
a. Adam Smith c. Alfred Marshall
b. Karl Marx d. W. Rostow
47. Which of the following best describes the nature of characteristics of human needs?
a. Human needs are limited c. Human needs are unlimited
c. All human needs are attainable d. Human needs are unattainable
48. Which among the following best describes economic resources?
a. Resources are infinite c. resources are unlimited
b. Resources are finite d. There is abundance of resources
49. In the process of production, which of the following factors are most important?
a. Land, human, resource, inputs, technology
b. Land, human resources, capital, entrepreneur
c. Land, labor, labor, capital, technology
d. Land, labor, technology, manager
50. The following except one are basic questions addressed by any economic system.
a. What goods and services to produce c. how to produce
b. For whom and how much to produce d. what goods and services to trade
51. A basic economic principle in economics which refers to the process of ignoring unimportant
details is solving a particular economic problem
a. Economic theory c. economic model
b. Abstraction d. rational decision
52. Which of the following is true about the state of the world’s resources?
a. The world’s resources are naturally limited
b. There are no poor countries, only mismanaged economies
c. The world’s resources are not enough to sustain the needs of its population
d. The world’s resources are equitably distributed to the world’s entire population
53. A basic principle in economics referring to the value of the next best alternative that the
decision forces the decision – maker to forgo.
a. rational decision c. abstraction
b. opportunity cost d. economic theory
54. In order to modify and explicit the environment human use:
a. Norms c. Material culture
b. Mores d. Non-material culture
55. The totally of knowledge, beliefs, values and rules for appropriate behavior that specifies how
people should interact and how they may solve their problems is referred to as:
a. Material culture c. Non-material culture
b. Mores d. Normative culture
56. Normative culture consists of:
a. The norms, mores, folkways people follow
b. The thinking component of culture consisting of what the world is like
c. Expectations of what people should do under perfect conditions
d. A culture’s general orientation toward life
57. The party-list representatives of the House of Representatives have been envisioned to
a. 15% of the total number of representatives
b. 20% of the total number of representatives
c. 30% of the total number of representatives
d. 25% of the total number of representatives
58. The Philippines renounces was as an instrument of national policy and adopts as part of the law
of the land generally accepted principles of:
a. Civil law c. International law
b. Penal law d. Administrative law
59. Executive power is vested on the President of the Republic who is elected directly by the people
for a term of:
a. Six years c. Five years
b. Four years d. Three years
60. As a democratic and republican state, sovereignty in the Philippines resides in the _______ and
all government authority emanates from them.
a. Barangay leaders c. Appointed officials
b. People d. Elected officials
61. Which of the following is NOT the power of the datu during Pre-Spanish Philippines?
a. Budget officer c. Chief executive
b. Judge d. Legislator
62. The term of office of a Senator is limited to a two consecutive terms of:
a. Three years for each terms c. six years for each terms
b. Four years for each terms d. five years for each terms
63. The 1987 Constitution established a:
a. Unitary Government c. Federal Government
b. Regional Government d. Controlled Government
64. The 1987 Constitution distributed governmental powers to the following, except:
a. Judiciary Department c. Executive Department
b. Legislative Department d. Education Department
65. The constitution provides that the prime duty of the government is to serve and protect the:
a. Supreme court c. President
b. People d. Congress
66. If the taxpayer is married with 2 dependents, his personal tax exemption is:
a. 25,000 c. 32,000
b. 50,000 d. 48,000
67. The 1987 Constitution recognizes the power of the state to imposed taxes on the people
provided that the taxation system is:
a. Regressive c. Progressive
b. Minimal d. Comprehensive
68. Which of the economic system is otherwise known as free enterprise?
a. Totalitarianism c. Capitalism
b. Mixed Economy d. Communism
69. The following are elements that make nations produce goods and service, except:
a. Natural Resources c. Geographical
b. Capital d. Labor Free
70. The authority to make laws and to alter and repeal them is vested in:
a. The Cabinet c. Congress
b. President d. Supreme Court
71. The public announcer of the promulgation of the new rules and regulations of the Barangay.
a. Chieftain c. Umalohokan
b. Bultong d. Alaw
72. One of the social classes in the Barangay composed of datu and his family.
a. Maharlika c. Saguiguilid
b. Timawa d. Namamahay
73. The settlements composed of villages consisting of more or less 100 families
a. Ciudad c. Pueblo
b. Himaraw d. Barangay
74. Name of Malayan sailboats used in going to the Philippines
a. Barangay c. Vinta
b. Balangay d. Sampan
75. Makabayan as the “Laboratory of life” means that it provides the environment for
a. the development of a holistic personal and social well – being
b. the development of skills for computer technology
c. the practice of cultural and political values
d. the improvement of skills in tool subjects
76. When two crustal plates collide, the tremendous pressure that builds up at the point of contact
buckles the margins of one or both of the plates, thrusting up mountains along the plate boundary is an
example of what theory? a

a. Plate tectonics theory c. Big Bang theory

b. Continental drift theory d. Creation Theory
77. According to this theory, over the course of many millions of years, movement has caused the
continents, once part of a single supercontinent, to separate and drift aboard these crustal plates to
their present positions. b
a. Plate tectonics theory c. Big Bang theory
b. Continental drift theory d. Creation theory
78. It is a process involving the bending, or folding, of rock strata as a result of the convergence of
crustal plates which caused most of the major mountain ranges of the world have been formed. ©
a. Faulting c. Folding
b. Gradation d. Weathering
79. It is a mountain building process associated with crustal forces and occurs where movements along
faults or cracks in the crust cause huge blocks of the crust to rise above the surrounding area. (a)
a. Faulting c. Folding
b. Gradation d. Weathering
80. Which among the following forces counterbalanced the tectonic forces that build up the land? (b)
a. Faulting c. Folding
b. Gradation d. Weathering
81. It is the process by which rock is broken down or decomposed at or near the earth’s surface by the
forces of weather.(c)
a. Mass wasting c. Weathering
b. Erosion d. Shields
82. When material is carried down a slope by the force of gravity, the process is known as? (a)
a. Mass Wasting c. Weathering
b. Erosion d. Shields
83. An agricultural method that framers have adapted to cultivate the lower mountain slopes (a)
a. by terracing c. by plowing
b. by kaingin d. by quarrying
84. It is a significant factor affecting human activity in mountain environments, primarily because of the
effect it has on climate (a)
a. altitude c. air pressure
b. gravity d. latitude
84. Mountains are known for being the most difficult landform to cross because of their high relief and
ruggedness, aside from it, what is its greatest contribution to humans? (d)
a. artificial shields c. peaks or summit
b. natural vegetation d. natural barriers
85. Which of the following would best describe plains? (d)
a. have been the scene of the major land migration of human history
b. laid them open to invasion
c. suitable for human settlement
d. all of the above
86. It is the condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and place. (a)
a. Weather c. Climate
b. Biomes d. Niche
87. It is the pattern of weather that prevails over a period of years or decades. (c)
a. Weather c. Climate
b. Biomes d. Niche
88. It is process in which warm air rises and as it rises cools. (b)
a. precipitation c. transpiration
b. convection d. evaporation
89. It is kind of climate where temperatures remain high throughout the year and there is abundant
humidity and lie within a zone known as tropics, located between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.
a. Dry climate c Wet climate
b. Tropical climate d. Mid latitude climate
90. Climate in this region covers about 20 percent of the earth’s surface and occur on every continent
except Europe and Antarctica. (b)
a. Steppe climate c. Polar climate
b. Desert climate d. Tropical climate
91. A type of polar climate which is considered as the coldest on earth. (d)
a. Tundra climate c. Steppe
b. Mediterranean climate d. Ice – cap
92. It is a warm ocean current that flows east toward the coasts of South America every few years and it
normally begins around Christmas and lasts six to eight weeks. (c)
a. La ñina c. El niño
b. La vida d. El nido
93. It is the plant life that has evolved in response to the environment without human interference. (a.)
a. natural vegetation c. natural habitat
b. community d. habitation
94. It refers to the evaporation from the surfaces of leaves. (d.)
a. photosynthesis c. condensation
b. evaporation d. transpiration
95. It refers to a stable plant community containing a range of species, all of which can thrive in the
same location. (a.)
a. climax community c. plant succession
b. actual vegetation d. vegetation region
96. Division of the land portions of the earth into broad environmental zones. (a.)
a. Biomes c. Climax
b. Actual vegetation d. Plant succession
97. The process by which an area is transformed into a desert. b
a. deforestation c. cultivation
b. desertification d. urbanization
98. These are resources that support all forms of plant and animal life. (c.)
a. renewable c. permanent
b. nonrenewable d. recycled
99. It refers to a network that clearly demonstrates the relationships in an ecosystem.(a)
a. food chain c. decomposer
b. food cart d. consumer
100. It refers to the way of life shared by a group of people. (d.)
a. Political c. Social
b. Economic d. Culture
101. It refers to the place where civilizations first developed. a
a. hearth c. civilization
b. heart d. hurt
102. It reveals the choices people have made as members of a particular group, depending on the
materials the environment provides and traditions of the culture. a
a. cultural landscape c. cultural clues
b. actual vegetation d. natural vegetation
103. It is the process of spreading culture or of a cultural trait. (b)
a. cultural enculturation c. cultural ethnocentrism
b. cultural diffusion d. cultural relativism
104. It refers to the production, processing, or exchange of goods and services. (a.)
a. economic activity c. economic geography
b. economy d. commerce
105. It refers to the study of the spatial distribution and interaction of economic activities. (d)
a. political geography c. social geography
b. cultural geography d. economic geography
106. These are those associated with the extraction of natural resources from the earth. (a.)
a. primary activities c. secondary activities
b. tertiary activities d. quaternary activities
107. These are activities in which raw materials are transformed into finished goods, represent the next
category of economic activity. (b)
a. quaternary c. tertiary
b. secondary d. primary
108. It provides services rather than tangible products and are generally associated with industrial
development. (c)
a. quaternary c. tertiary
b. secondary d. primary
109. It refers to the exchange of goods and services that take place within a nation’s borders. (a)
a. domestic trade c. international trade
b. commerce d. barter
110. It involves transactions that cross international borders. (c)
a. domestic trade c. international trade
b. commerce d. barter
111. It refers to the study of the spatial dimensions of political units. (a)
a. Political geography c. social geography
b. Cultural geography d. economic geography
112. It refers to a bounded area of land and/or water over which rights of ownership are exercised. (a)
a. territory c. boundary
b. government d. people
113. It refers to the values that symbolize a sense of oneness with the past, present, and future of one’s
nation. (c)
a. patriotism c. nationalism
b. honesty d. justice
114. The statistical science that deals with the number of people in each region, the rates of population
growth and decline, and the spatial distribution and movements of people. (a)
a. demography c. birth rate
b. mortality rate d. population
115. The world's largest metropolitan area by population.
a. Seoul c. Metro Manila
b. Tokyo d. New York Metro

116. The most populated city in the Philippines.

a. Metro Manila c. Quezon City
b. Davao d. Cebu City
117. Ms. Elsie Reyes is a Grade 7 History teacher, she used to divide the whole course of history into
certain marked stages. What is the method employed?
`a. Regressive c. topical
b.Chronological d. Lines of development
118. Ms. Lourdes a grade 8 teacher teaches Asian History, she taught the whole history in ever widening
circles with increasing details of each standard or stage, devising a strategy that fosters continuous
unbroken learning of the subject matter. What method did she use?
a. Chronological c. Topical
` b. Regressive d. Concentric
119. These are an important tool for geographers and enable us to record, display and analyse
information about people and environments.
a. Maps c. Latitude
b. longitude d. Google
120. Former Mayor Rody Duterte was the President – elect of the Philippines last May 9, 2016 and was
rumored as the cousin of Former Mayor of Puerto Prinsesa Edward Solon Hagedorn, what is the
President – elect birthplace?
a. Mactan Cebu City c. Matunog, Southern Leyte
b.Tampakan, South Cotabato d. Maasin, Southern Leyte

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