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Congenital Abnormalities in the Infant of

a Mother with Diabetes
Artemiy Kokhanov, MD*
*Department of Neonatology, Memorial Care Miller Children’s and Women’s Hospital Long Beach, Long Beach, CA


Diabetes mellitus rates are on the rise in the world. Many people who live
with diabetes are not aware of the diagnosis, including women of
childbearing age. Clinicians should be aware of the current knowledge of
the congenital abnormalities associated with maternal diabetes and be able
to identify mothers at risk of having offspring with these congenital defects.

OBJECTIVES After completing this article, readers should be able to:

1. Recognize the risks of congenital anomalies associated with maternal

2. Describe various mechanisms responsible for those anomalies.
3. Describe clinical features of congenital anomalies associated with
maternal diabetes.
4. Understand the importance of pregravid screening and management of

Diabetes mellitus is among the most common chronic diseases worldwide.
Infants of diabetic mothers are at increased risk of having congenital
abnormalities. Tremendous progress has been achieved in the pregnancy
care of diabetic women; however, the risk of birth defects associated with AUTHOR DISCLOSURES Dr Kokhanov
maternal diabetes still exists. These anomalies might arise in many organs has disclosed no financial relationships
relevant to this article. This commentary
and systems of the developing fetus. Many mechanisms have been does not contain a discussion of an
implicated in the teratogenicity of maternal diabetes and it is critical to unapproved/investigative use of a
achieve good glycemic control before conception in women with diabetes. commercial product/device.
Neonatal clinicians must be able to identify patients at risk and recognize
the signs of diabetic embryopathy. This article presents a review of ABBREVIATIONS
congenital anomalies associated with maternal diabetes. AGE advanced glycation end
CRS caudal regression syndrome
DM diabetes mellitus
INTRODUCTION GDM gestational diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is among the most common chronic diseases affecting OAVD oculo-auriculo-vertebral
humans. (1) There are many different forms of diabetes, with differing etiologies
ROS reactive oxygen species
and clinical manifestations, with the common feature among them being VSD ventricular septal defect

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hyperglycemia. (2) In 2019, approximately 15.8% of (9) The crucial exposure time for the development of congeni-
women experienced some degree of hyperglycemia during tal abnormalities in infants of diabetic mothers is during
pregnancy; of those, 83.6% were due to gestational diabe- organogenesis, which takes place between 2 and 8 weeks of
tes mellitus (GDM), 7.9% were due to pregestational dia- gestation. (10) Even a brief periconceptual exposure to hyper-
betes, and 8.5% were due to diabetes first diagnosed glycemia is enough to undermine the embryonic develop-
during pregnancy. (1) ment. (11)
Women with poorly controlled diabetes early in preg- Baack et al, in an animal study, showed that even in
nancy have a ninefold increase in risk of delivering a neo- the absence of DM, hyperglycemia was capable of causing
nate with a congenital malformation. (3) The rate of birth birth defects in the offspring. (12) High glucose concentra-
defects in women affected by the established type 1 DM is tion has been shown to be able to alter the DNA methyla-
identical to those with the established type 2 DM. (4) tion of crucial genes involved in embryonic development.
Though true, the association of congenital abnormalities (13) Li et al showed that advanced glycation end products
in the offspring of those with maternal GDM remains (AGE), the production of which is accelerated under condi-
unclear (Table). (4)(5)(6) Furthermore, diabetic pregnan- tions of hyperglycemia, are capable of inducing birth
cies are more likely to result in spontaneous abortion or defects even in the absence of hyperglycemia itself. (14)
stillbirth. (7) Experimental DM in animal models has been shown to
be associated with overproduction of reactive oxygen species
MECHANISMS (ROS) and disordered antioxidant defense. (15) Hyperglyce-
Multiple mechanisms are implicated in the pathogenesis of mia promotes the intake of glucose into embryonic cells
diabetes-induced birth defects. With hyperglycemia being and as a result, mitochondria receive metabolic overburden
the unifying feature of different forms of DM, the embry- which results in increased formation of ROS. (16) Exces-
onic and fetal exposure to high glucose concentrations is a sive oxidative stress then leads to DNA damage, micro-
main teratogenic factor. (8) Hemoglobin A1c levels used as a RNA alteration, and disruption of various signaling
proxy for glycemic control in diabetic women have been pathways, all of which result in aberrant organ develop-
shown to correlate with the rates of congenital abnormalities. ment. (17)(18)(19)(20)(21) Laboratory experiments have

Table. Congenital Abnormalities in the Infant of a Diabetic Mother

Central nervous system Cardiovascular system

Neural tube defects Persistent truncus arteriosus
 Anencephaly Atrioventricular septal defect
 Encephalocele Heterotaxy
 Exencephaly Single ventricle complex
 Spina bifida Tetralogy of Fallot
Holoprosencephaly D-transposition of great arteries
Syntelencephaly Double outlet right ventricle
Schizencephaly Anomalous pulmonary venous return
Agenesis of the corpus callosum Coarctation of aorta
Hamartomas Aorto-pulmonary window
Craniofacial area Gastrointestinal system
Orofacial clefts Intestinal atresia
Oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum defects Imperforate anus
 Oculo-auriculo-vertebral disorder Ventral wall defects
 Hemifacial macrosomia  Gastroschisis
 Goldenhar syndrome  Omphalocele
Anophthalmia Musculoskeletal system
Microphthalmia Caudal regression syndrome
Congenital cataracts Sirenomelia
Coloboma Tibial hemimelia
Choanal atresia Absence of femur
Genitourinary system Polysyndactyly
Hypospadias Congenital lumbar hernia
Renal agenesis Lumbocostovertebral syndrome
Renal hypoplasia Femoral facial syndrome
Bladder exstrophy

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shown that the congenital abnormalities can be reversed CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM
by treatment with antioxidants such as N-acetylcysteine, The most common congenital heart defects associated with
resveratrol, and melatonin. (22)(23)(24) Moreover, it has maternal diabetes include persistent truncus arteriosus,
been demonstrated that hyperglycemia disturbs intracellu- atrioventricular septal defect, heterotaxy, and single ventri-
lar calcium homeostasis, which leads to organelle function cle complex. (42) The cardiogenesis is an elaborate process,
perturbation and subsequent increase in apoptosis. (25) involving numerous types of tissues. Among the causative
mechanisms of diabetes-induced cardiac defects are dysre-
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM gulation of the hypoxia-inducible factor 1, notch signaling,
wingless-related integration signaling and transforming
Maternal diabetes is known to disturb the development of
growth factor b signaling pathways. (18)(43)(44)(45)(46)
the central nervous system and cause congenital defects.
Persistent truncus arteriosus is a defect featuring a ven-
(13)(26)(27)(28)(29) The central nervous system is among
tricular septal defect (VSD), a single truncal valve, and a
the commonly affected systems in an infant of a diabetic
single ventricular outflow tract. Pulmonary venous blood
mother. Birth defects commonly encountered are neural
mixes with systemic venous blood at the level of VSD and
tube defects, holoprosencephaly, and hydrocephaly. (30)(31)
is then ejected to the single great artery. (47)(48) The
Other central nervous system defects reported to be associ-
defect arises from improper creation of conotruncal septal
ated with maternal diabetes are schizencephaly, agenesis of
wall, and the common truncal root fails to separate into
corpus callosum, and hamartomas. (32)(33)(34)(35) aortic and pulmonary outflow tracts. (49)
Atrioventricular septal defect, also known as “atrioventricular
• Neural tube defects are a heterogenous group of defor-
canal defect,” is a cardiac defect that is characterized by a varied
mities characterized by an opening in the vertebral col-
level of the atrial and ventricular septal defects in conjunction
umn or cranium, resulting from failure of normal
with a single or partly divided atrioventricular orifice. (50) This
neural tube closure during early embryo development.
defect results from the failure of fusion of endocardial cush-
(36)(37) ions. These cushions constitute paired (superior and inferior)
• Anencephaly is characterized by absence of major por-
bulbous mesenchymal structures that develop early in embryo-
tions of skull and brain resulting from failure of the ros- genesis at the atrioventricular junction. They develop toward
tral neuropore to close. (38) each other and eventually fuse at about 4 weeks of develop-
• Encephalocele is a defect consisting of a saclike hernia- ment to form a continuous septum and later form valves. Lack
tion of neural tissue through an opening in the cra- of fusion results in different degrees of atrioventricular septal
nium. (39) defects. (51)(52) Embryos of diabetic pregnancies have been
• Exencephaly is characterized by complete or partial shown to have impaired development of endocardial cushions.
absence of the bones of the skull roof with a properly (53)(54)
formed brain. Heterotaxy is a broad term covering various conditions
• Spina bifida occurs when the spinal column is split characterized by an anomalous arrangement of thoracic
(bifid) as a result of failure of the embryonic neural tube and abdominal organs across the left-right axis of the
to close at the posterior end during the fourth week of heart that cannot be described as situs inversus. (55)(56)
embryonic development. It may manifest as meningo- There is a wide variety of cardiac structure lesions that
cele, myelomeningocele, or spina bifida occulta. (37) might involve atrial anomalies, conotruncal anomalies,
• Holoprosencephaly is an abnormality of brain formation atrioventricular canal defects, total and partial anomalous
in which complete or partial absence of division into venous return, and ventricular outflow abnormalities. (57)
hemispheres is observed. Symptoms of this condition Systemic venous abnormalities and a range of arrhythmias
include abnormal facial formation with the development may also be present. (57)(58)
of cyclopia, proboscis nose (or absent nose), cleft lip, Single ventricle complex is a summation of congenital
and cleft palate. (40) cardiac abnormalities in which 1 of the ventricles is sub-
• Syntelencephaly is a rare anomaly in which cleavage of stantially underdeveloped or the interventricular septum
the prosencephalon is absent in the region of the poste- failed to form. (59) This defect originates during the first
rior parts of the frontal and parietal lobes with normal 8 weeks of development. (60)
interhemispheric splitting seen anterior and posterior to Among other congenital heart defects less commonly
the affected region. (41) associated with diabetes are tetralogy of Fallot, D-

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transposition of great arteries, double outlet right ventri- thin upper lip, long philtrum, and micrognathia may be
cle, anomalous pulmonary venous return, coarctation of seen. (72)(73)
aorta, and aortopulmonary window. (42)(61) Animal data
have also shown that pregestational diabetes may impair GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM
the development of coronary vasculature and cause coro- Gastrointestinal system defects in infants of diabetic
nary artery hypoplasia. (20) mothers include, but are not limited to, intestinal atresia,
imperforate anus, and ventral wall defects. (5)(62) (74)(75)
CRANIOFACIAL AREA Intestinal atresia is an absence or complete closure of the
Craniofacial defects encountered in infants of diabetic intestinal lumen. It can take place at any site in the bowel.
mothers include orofacial clefts, the oculo-auriculo-verte- It may manifest as solitary or multiple lesions. (76)(77)
bral disorder (OAVD) spectrum, anophthalmia and micro- Imperforate anus refers to the congenital anorectal mal-
phthalmia, cataracts, coloboma, choanal atresia, and formation in which the normal opening of the anus is not
others. (5)(62) patent. (78) The anomaly ranges in severity from the very
Orofacial clefts develop consequent to an aberrant minor to those that are very complex, associated with other
embryonic development of the nasomaxillary complex. abnormalities and are hard to manage. (79) The anorectal
They can be defined by the absence of continuity of the defects result from failure of normal hindgut development
palate, upper alveolar margins, and upper lips. The defects in weeks 4 to 6 of embryogenesis. (74) Historically imper-
can be of various degrees and lateralities. (63)(64) On forate anus has been divided into high, intermediate, and
occasion, cleft defects may involve other various soft-tissue low in accordance with the distance between the end of the
and bony structures of the face. (65) Such defects have rectal pouch to the level of the levator ani muscle. (80)
also been associated with maternal DM. (66) Abdominal wall defects are abnormal openings in the
The OAVD spectrum includes a heterogenous group of abdomen across which different internal abdominal
disorders characterized by abnormalities of the structures organs may protrude. (81) In gastroschisis, the defect is
derived from the first and second pharyngeal arches dur- paraumbilical and the bowels are not covered by a mem-
ing embryogenesis. (67) These disorders, as the name brane. As a result, the bowel is exposed in utero, and
suggests, are characterized by the anomalies of the ear, becomes matted, dilated, and covered with fibrinous sub-
eyes, and vertebral column. The spectrum is subdivided stance. (82) Omphalocele is a defect at the base of the
into 3 disorders: OAVD, hemifacial macrosomia, and umbilical cord where the contents are covered by a mem-
Goldenhar syndrome. Associated clinical features also branous sac. (83)
include brain anomalies and developmental delay. (68)
Noting that most of the anomalies are found in the struc- GENITOURINARY SYSTEM
tures derived from the neural crest cells, it has been Among the genitourinary defects associated with maternal
hypothesized that poorly controlled maternal diabetes dis- diabetes are hypospadias, renal agenesis/hypoplasia, and
turbs cephalic neural crest cell migration. (69) Moreover, bladder exstrophy. (42)(84)(85)
it has been suggested that the cause might be alteration of Hypospadias is the second most common urologic con-
the Pax3 gene path by hyperglycemia and subsequent oxi- genital abnormality in boys secondary to undescended testes.
dative stress. (70) (86) It is a congenital condition characterized by proximal
Anophthalmia and microphthalmia are birth defects displacement of the urethral meatus, downward curvature of
viewed as a spectrum of developmental ocular malforma- the penile shaft, and hooded prepuce that is deficient on the
tions spanning from the eyes being underdeveloped and underside in male neonates. (87) Hypospadias is caused by
abnormally small to entirely absent. Frequently, develop- the aberrant or incomplete urethral closure during the first
mental ocular malformations are present as part of a weeks of embryonic development. (88)
genetic disorder; however, the prevalence of nonsyndromic Renal agenesis is congenital absence of 1 (unilateral) or
anophthalmia and microphthalmia has been found to be both (bilateral) kidneys at birth. It results from failure of
higher among children of diabetic mothers. (71) the ureteric bud to form or to reach/induce the metaneph-
Abnormal facial features may be present in infants of ric mesenchyme, leading to cell death by apoptosis. (89)
diabetic mothers as part of a syndrome, such as femoral- Bilateral renal agenesis leads to severe oligohydramnios
facial syndrome, in which upward-slanting palpebral fis- and the development of Potter sequence. This condition is
sures, low-set poorly formed pinnae, short and broad nose, characterized by a complex of features that result from

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paucity of amniotic fluid and compression in utero. Pul- Sirenomelia is a condition characterized by fusion of
monary hypoplasia is present and is dependent on the the lower extremities. Some consider it to be a severe
degree of both deficit of amniotic fluid and compression form of CRS; however, it is also argued to be a distinct
of the fetal chest. Facial features are referred to as Potter diagnostic entity. (98)(99)
facies which is described as having a flattened nose, Other musculoskeletal abnormalities associated with
recessed chin, prominent epicanthal folds, and abnormally maternal diabetes include tibial hemimelia, absence of
shaped ears. (90) Limb abnormalities include clubbed femur, polysyndactyly, congenital lumbar hernia, lumbo-
feet, hip dislocation, and limb shortening. Skeletal anoma- costovertebral syndrome, and femoral facial syndrome.
lies, such as sacral agenesis or hemivertebrae may also be (73)(100)(101)(102)(103) Tibial hemimelia is a rare defect
seen. (90) characterized by complete or partial absence of tibia. (104)
Bladder exstrophy is a complex congenital anomaly that Lumbo-costovertebral syndrome is a clinical entity charac-
includes a subumbilical abdominal wall defect and partial terized by hemivertebrae, costal anomalies, and hypoplasia
closure of the bladder, with bladder mucosa being contin- of abdominal muscles presenting as congenital lumbar
uous with the abdomen wall. (91) The presentation may hernia. (105) As the name implies, femoral facial syn-
vary and include associated defects, such as epispadias drome is composed of unusual facial features as well as
aplasia or hypoplasia of femoral bones. (72) Facial features
and abnormalities of the pelvic muscles and bones. (92)
may include upslanted palpebral fissures, low-set ears,
short nose, long philtrum, cleft palate, and micrognathia.
Among the defects associated with maternal diabetes, cau-
dal regression syndrome (CRS) has been reported to have PREVENTION
the highest odds ratio. (42) This syndrome includes a Pregnancy in women with type 1 and type 2 DM is associ-
broad spectrum of musculoskeletal anomalies that include ated with high risk of complications for both the mother
total or partial agenesis of the sacrum, coccyx, and lumbar and fetus. Thereby, pregravid preparation is of great
spine as well as anomalies of the pelvis and lower extremi- importance. The action toward the modifiable risk factors
ties. Clinical manifestations involve neurologic symptoms for such complications leads to significantly improved out-
such as segmental deficit (predominantly motor with rela- comes of pregnancy and lower frequency of congenital
tive sensory function sparing) matching the level of verte- defects in newborns. Beginning at puberty and continuing
bral agenesis. (93) Frequently urinary and bladder as well in all reproductive age women, preconception counseling
as gastrointestinal anomalies and dysfunction are present. must be a part of routine surveillance for diabetes. The
(94) The most widely adopted theory of CRS genesis is American Diabetes Association advises maintaining hemo-
failure of induction of the caudal elements before the sev- globin A1c levels at less than 6.5% at the time of concep-
enth week of gestation. (95) The exact mechanism under- tion and at less than 6% during gestation. (107) Before
lying CRS is not known. Mechanisms that may play a role these levels are achieved, it is recommended that women
include fetal hypoperfusion, vascular steal, hypoxemia, be on long-term reversible forms of contraception. (108)
and amino acid imbalances. (96) Renshaw classified CRS Pregnant women with diabetes are in need of closer
into 4 types (97): fetal monitoring. Detailed fetal anatomy scan is warranted
at 18 to 20 weeks of gestation to screen for congenital
• Type I is defined as the total or partial unilateral sacral anomalies. Fetal echocardiography should be considered.
agenesis that is limited to the sacrum or coccygeal area. Earlier delivery may be required if maternal or fetal health
• Type II (most common form) involves a partial sacral concerns are present. (109)
agenesis with a bilaterally symmetric defect between the
ilia and a normal or hypoplastic first vertebra. CONCLUSION
• Type III is characterized by variable lumbar and total The worldwide incidence of diabetes is projected only to
sacral agenesis with the ilia attached to the sides of the keep increasing in the coming decades. (1) Moreover, 1 in 2
lowest vertebra present. adults living with diabetes is not aware of their condition. (1)
• Type IV is the most severe form and is characterized by These facts underscore the importance of the ability to rec-
fusion of iliac bones or presence of iliac amphiarthrosis ognize and address the congenital defects in children born
along with the characteristics of type III. (97) to women with diabetes. Appropriate resources should be

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