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new moon

new light
a book of journaling prompts, self exploration,
and self love

"Each of us needs a place to go to where we can hear

our innermost thoughts. It is only in a place that gives

us silence and beauty that an answer will come to our

most begging questions about life, about love. Only in

a quiet place can our spirits be nourished and spoken

to; because there is no sound that is greater and more

revealing than silence."

this quote was taped to the inside cover of my late

grandfather's sketchbook. in a way this book of his was

his own journal, even if he didn't use words to express

thoughts and feelings. there are so many ways to

"journal" and i hope this book guides you to finding

your own form of release.


I've decided to dedicate this book to myself,
because I am

part 1

introduction to journaling

part 2

tapping into y.o.u

part 3

honoring y.o.u

part 4

create your own prompts

part 1

introduction to

mind body connection . . . . . . pg 1-2

exercise 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 3-4

finding the time . . . . . . . . . . pg 5-9

exercise 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 10-14

self check in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 15
it's so important to slow down. really. in the fast busy

world we live in, it's so easy to neglect our needs-

physically, mentally, emotionally.

the mind-body connection suggests that if we have an

issue on our minds that we're ignoring or suppressing, it

can start to manifest as symptoms in the body. think

about it- when you're anxious sometimes you'll get a

stomachache or maybe a headache. when we neglect

to care for our needs our bodies will let us know. and

have you ever noticed that when you try to calm your

mind, the rest of your body relaxes as well?

in order to come back into balance with ourselves

(mind and body), we have to get to know who we are.

one thing i want to make crystal clear before we go

any further is this-

there is no "right way" or "shoulds" when it comes to

writing or journaling! this is a practice for you and you

alone so take the time to find what truly works for you.

if you try to follow someone else's exact style you

aren't doing it for you anymore and the practice

becomes a waste of time. this book is a guide to help

you jumpstart the journaling process and experiment

with different prompts, techniques, and styles but by

no means do you need to follow this as a "textbook" if

you will. jump around if you want! but i'd recommend

starting with these next few pages.

as a very basic (but wonderful) intro to journaling,

practice a brain dump-

use the next page (if printing, or your journal if you're

using this strictly as an ebook) to write down anything

and everything that has been floating around in your


again, there is no right way to do this! you don't have

to stop yourself from writing down something because

you don't think it's "journal material"- there's no such

thing! jot down anything from food cravings to dreams

to random ideas and so on. don't feel that you can't

write certain things and once they're down on paper

don't even think about getting out that eraser (you

wrote it down for a reason).

brain dump

i hope the brain dump exercise got some juices

flowing for you! maybe you even started to figure out

how you like to organize your thoughts on paper.

to make journaling a practice that you stick with, you

should come up with a "schedule" (for lack of a better

work here) to get into your journal.

do you find that you're more motivated in the morning

when you're starting your day, or when you're winding

down at night? over the next few days, take note of

when you naturally find yourself wanting to open up

your journal.

the following pages have some prompts that i've used

myself to help navigate the best times for you to write.


what are you doing right now as you write? sipping

coffee? breakfasting? how are you feeling

currently? this allows us to tap into ourselves and

really notice what we need from the day or just

this moment.


write down any tasks that need to be completed


(not tomorrow or next week- just focus on today)

self pleasure:

anything that isn't necessarily a "to do", think of

this as self care. jot down at least one thing you

can do for yourself purely for enjoyment.

morning pages


today's to-dos:

self pleasure:

night write


accomplished today:

tomorrow's to-dos:

after experimenting with both morning pages and

night writes, which felt more natural for you? both

offer space to navigate different perspectives, either

reflecting on the day behind you or setting the tone for

the day to come. the goal of both though is to let our

minds focus on the now.

(even if it doesn't seem that way yet, we'll be getting

into more specific prompts to really get there)

if you're still trying to figure out which time of the day

best allows you to really zone out and let your mind

drip onto the pages, keep up with both the morning

and night pages. maybe you just prefer to do both!

again, there is no "right" way for this!

another exercise that i've always loved for it's natural

and flowing feeling is making lists.

start below by just writing out your to dos for the day,

or a grocery list (we probably all have experience


making lists can be very beneficial if you often deal

with anxiety.

getting tasks, thoughts, ideas, ect out of our minds and

onto paper can help organize our days and ease our


as with any type of writing, it's a form of release. and

again, this is your practice! it's self care- just taking 5

minutes out of your day to sit down and be present

with a pen and paper will bring you surprising benefits.

the following pages give you more details around

making lists in your journaling practice.

list ideas

- your current inspirations

- a list of plants for your dream garden

- energy givers vs takers

- new recipes you'd like to try making

- break a goal down and list small steps

- new ways to get creative

- colors or tones that go well together

-affirmations that calm you when you're feeling off in

any way

-a list of what you want more of and less of in life

- a list of things you associate with the current month or

season you're in

list ideas (cont.)

- scents that you find go nicely together

- your favorite songs when you're in a good mood

- your top 5 baked goods

- favorite things about each season

- 3 things each that you can see, touch, smell, hear,

and taste

- what you love about yourself

- a wish list

- your favorite books

- creative ways to move your body

choose a prompt from the previous pages and use this

space to go nuts:

self check in-

how does your mind feel?

how does your body feel?

part 2


this moment exercise . . . . . . . . . pg 16

finding your "why" . . . . . . . . pg 17-19

goal setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 20-25

love languages . . . . . . . . . . . pg 26-30

self awareness . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 31-32

self check in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 33
before diving into part 2, use this page to jot down

any feelings that are arising in this moment. then-

pause, breathe in your wants, and exhale your fears.

in the fast paced world we live in, we do a lot of things

on autopilot

BUT there is a "why" behind everything we do.

why we're drawn to our hobbies, friends and lovers,

why we enter a specific career field,...

there's even a why behind you deciding to get this


don't think too hard on this one-

what was your why behind wanting this book?

as you continue to make your way through the pages

of this book, keep your why in mind.

the next task or activity you do, pause for a moment

and think about your why behind it.

doing this allows us to see if we're really doing things

for ourselves, or to appeal to/ please others.

live your life!

finding our whys in all areas helps us stay true to

ourselves and our hearts- making us feel more fulfilled

(which is really the goal in life, right?)

in part 1, we explored list making as a gateway to

journaling. one list prompt was to name a goal of yours

and break it down into smaller steps. this makes the

overall goal less overwhelming and you'll be more likely

to achieve it by breaking it up rather than tackling it as

a whole.

use the next few pages of prompts to explore a goal

of yours-

name your goal-

name your why behind this goal-

what about this goal inspires you/sparks interest?

is this a time sensitive goal? does it need to be

competed by _____ (date)?

what are a few things you can do on the daily to help

yourself reach this goal?

name your obstacles-

how can you avoid or overcome these obstacles?

(think back to your small daily actions to reach your


imagine you've reached your goal- how does it feel?

having something like a goal that you name your own,

and then taking the steps to achieve it, is something


we all need something in our lives that encourages

and empowers us to further ourselves- mind, body, and


the feeling of pride you'll receive after reaching a goal

(no matter how small) will not disappoint. constantly

challenging ourselves to become better can actually

feed our self confidence!

aim to set one small goal at the beginning of each

new month, and take small daily steps to reach it.

the concept of "tapping into yourself" can also be

thought of as self discovery.

keeping the idea of your why in mind, let's move into

love languages.

love languages aren't just for our partners to

understand- it's important for you to know yours as an

individual so you know how to emotionally support


discovering your love language opens up another way

to learn more about yourself, and then honor yourself.

the 5 love languages:

1. acts of service

2. words of affirmation

3. quality time

4. receiving gifts

5. physical touch

use the following prompts to explore your love


it is totally possible to have a combonation of multiple

love languages

think back to a time where you felt most cared for-

which of the previously listed love languages were


when you're craving comfort do you prefer words or


would you rather receive gifts or words of affirmation?

do you feel fulfilled by just spending time with a loved

one? no gifts or special gestures, just quality one on

one time.

you likely already had an idea of what you enjoy

regarding love languages, but hopefully these prompts

made you think a little deeper- or maybe even made

you realize you crave something you hadn't thought of


to further explore your love language(s) you can also

take various quizzes online. just remember nothing

defines you and your love languages will change and

evolve as you do, so check in with yourself from time to


self awareness

how would you describe the person you are currently?

does this differ from the person you want to be? if so,

how? what words would you use to describe someone

you'd be proud to be? (though you should already be

proud of yourself simply for existing)

what makes you most happy and excited?

are you able to identify triggers that make you upset,

angry, ect... ? if so, list them.

list a few ways you can control these feelings, in order

to return to a calm and thriving mindset.

self check in-

how does your mind feel?

how does your body feel?

part 3

honoring y.o.u

rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 34-42

boundary setting . . . . . . . . pg 43-53

self love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 54-57

self check in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 58
honoring yourself can appear in many ways, and we'll

all prefer a different style of self care.

this usually looks like doing something, but it's also

completely okay (and healthy and normal) to rest.

yes sleeping is the typical rest we all think of but there

are many types of rest, or ways to recharge, and

they're all different for every single one of us.

rest is any activity or practice that makes you feel

grounded, recharged, and ultimately leaves you feeling

motivated and inspired to continue doing all the things

you enjoy.

list some things that you've never really considered

"rest" before, but help you feel more grounded.

(some of my examples- reading, showers with essential oils,

breath work, solo baking/cooking, light yoga or walks, sun

soaks, sitting with a cup of tea, art)

if your goal is to feel energized after a moment of

rest, what unique form of rest would you lean into?

(again, these things are different for all of us, so navigating

different forms of rest for yourself in turn also allows you to

navigate and tend to your unique needs)

when we talk about resting or doing less, how does it

make you feel?

it's normal (and almost expected of us) to feel lazy,

unproductive, or less deserving when we do less. but

rest is necessary. rest is a form of productivity.

we can't live our whole lives "on", we need to switch

the "off" switch every now and then to recharge and

come back to our best selves.

without frequent periods of rest, we begin to feel burnt

out, and any small task (even socializing) can feel very


use the following page to plan out where you can fit in

moments of rest and recharging in the coming days.

(no amount of time is too small)

moments of rest

our needs don't only shift day-to-day or month-to-

month, they can shift just from morning to night of the

same day.

do you find yourself stressed out in the mornings? or

worn too thin by nighttime?

make a list of what you'd like more and less of in both

the mornings and evenings.

did you feel selfish planning out these times for self

care? that could be the stigma of "you're lazy and less

deserving if you're doing less"- which we know cannot

be further from the truth!!

it's also very important to create boundaries around

your self care. if you live with a spouse, roommates or

your parents, let them know these moments are for you

and often it's necessary for our rest times to be in


encourage others to care for themselves so you can

care for yourself- again, it's not selfish.

affirmations for honoring your resting time

i am not selfish for resting, it is necessary.

i am honoring my needs, and that is powerful.

i am recharging to come back better.

i give myself permission to rest.

resting is productive.

i am allowed to slow down.

i won't let others' expectations of me make me feel


i am strong even when i rest.

there is always more time to do more.

right now is my time.

i am not lesser for taking a break.

when creating boundaries:

start small

give yourself permission to set a boundary.

(i recommend this highly- you'd be surprised how guilty

you can feel for doing what's best for you)

tune into your feelings, but don't let them block your

needs. sometimes our hearts don't have our best

interests in mind.

be direct. remember boundaries are for your benefit,

so others may not understand or they may even try to

break them. if this happens, kindly (but firmly) remind

them of your boundary.

communication is key.

setting boundaries is self-care. by identifying and

respecting our needs, we show others how we expect

to be treated.

self respect is a practice and setting boundaries is one

of the first steps.

boundaries are for ourselves, but they can teach others

how to honor themselves too.

navigating boundaries can help us pin-point areas of

our lives that need extra attention or editing, in order

to feel aligned and fulfilled.

the following pages are a guide to finding where

implementing boundaries could be beneficial for your

lifestyle, wellness, and mental health.

are there specific times where you feel especially

drained, stressed, or just "out of it"?

what do you do to bring yourself joy?

when do you feel most aligned?

what keeps you from being in this space of alignment

all the time?

what self care practices do you prioritize?

what self care practices do you want to prioritize?

hopefully the previous prompts gave you an idea of at

least one area in your life that could be strengthened

by adding a boundary or two around it.

now take up the rest of this page to brain dump any

feelings that arise when you think of setting


for some reason we're conditioned to feel guilty or

selfish when choosing to do something that's in our

best interest.

for my sweet people-pleasers out there- put yourself

first! you can't fully be there for other's without being

there for yourself.

we can't ignore our own needs to honor someone

else's- that is often how the burnout cycle starts.

setting boundaries and taking the time to slow down

and rest are two key components to battling burnout

and overall protecting our energy.

the next few pages give you space to navigate a

specific boundary you'd like to set. use the previous

prompts and the ones to come to set boundaries in the

future (because this is a life-long skill!)

name one thing in your life that could be strengthened

by adding a boundary around it-

(ex- working from home, a relationship, studying,...)

name the boundary-

(ex- i need the living room to myself while i work from home

when my spouse is also home)

what potential obstacles are there surrounding this


(think of spouses/roommates or others that could have

a rebuttal against the boundary you'd like to set)

are there solutions to these obstacles? name them-

use this page to figure out how you'd like to

communicate your new boundary.

(write down what you want to say and then for good

measure practice saying it in a mirror- remember to be

kind yet firm!)

affirmations for honoring your boundaries

i'm doing what's best for me.

growth is discovered in the uncomfortable.

being loyal to my boundaries is being loyal to myself.

i respect the feelings of others while still respecting my


i don't need anyone's permission, i'm the main


i'm still a good person even when i say "no".

i only need my own validation.

setting boundaries makes me strong.

i am protected and supported.

i am allowed to change my mind.

i am brave for expressing my needs.

self love is anything that helps us grow- like sunshine

and water for plants.

nowadays, self love/ self care is advertised as long

bubble baths, facials, extravagant brunches with

friends, vacations, and other expensive acts.

don't get me wrong those are all great acts of self

love, but you actually don't have to spend a penny to

show yourself love (thankfully).

slowing down to rest and taking the time to set

boundaries are two definite forms of self love.

start noticing the small things you do on the daily that

fuel your self love. these simple acts actually have the

power to transform your days from bland to exciting

(just by shifting your awareness).

remember to tap into the present moment periodically

throughout each day. just take an extra moment to

pause and breathe deeply. you'll notice your mind and

body relax almost immediately. tapping into the now

also trains our brains to notice the little things, so

mundane tasks could actually begin to have new

meaning if you allow them your full present attention.

how can you show yourself love upon waking up?

how can you show yourself love while you're at work?

how can you show yourself love at meal times?

do you attach worthiness to something that is to be

achieved? (money, a relationship, fancy car,...)

what makes you most proud of yourself?

a challenge- any time you do something productive,

acknowledge it and tell yourself you're proud of you.

(no matter how small- making your bed, cooking

dinner, ...)

brainstorm ways to show yourself love by using your love

language on yourself.

(ex- if my love language is quality time, i 'll plan an

afternoon with me, myself and i)

self check in-

how does your mind feel?

how does your body feel?

part 4

create your own prompts

primary and secondary foods . . . . . pg 59

circle of life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 60-61

brain dump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 62

get creative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 63-78

self check in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pg 79
while studying with the institute for integrative

nutrition, i learned about the concept of primary and

secondary foods.

anything that fuels are life (besides the actual food

that we eat) is considered "primary food". so think

hobbies, relationships, home environment, finances,...

the actual food on our plate is secondary food.

we need a balance in these two areas to create

balance in our energy, mood, and overall life.

i also use this concept in my health coaching practice

to dig to the root problems with clients.

going back to the mind-body connection, often when

we have an imbalance in our primary foods, this

imbalance can start to manifest as physical symptoms

in the body.

the next page offers a tool to help identify what

elements of your primary food are strong and others

that may need some extra love.

if you've been using this strictly as an ebook up until

this point, i highly recommend printing this page & the

next to compete this exercise.

print this page

after completing the circle of life exercise, how do you


use this page for a brain dump-

now that you've learned the basics of primary foods,

use the rest of this book to create your own prompts

around the 12 elements of primary food!

consider each element, not just the ones that need

extra attention.

explore and discover new ways to bring excitement

and balance to your life.

there's no limit to how many you can create, and you

can use them whenever you need!

make these prompts your own.

and have fun with it!








physical activity

home cooking

home environment


social life


self check in

how does your mind feel?

how does your body feel?

thank yourself for taking the time and effort to care for

your mind, body, and soul by trying something new with

this book.

i am proud of you.

remember to be gentle with yourself and never stop

getting curious about yourself and your life.

i hope you come back to these pages when you need

a little extra support and strength.



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