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Introduction to the Philosophy of a Human Person

Direction: Give a brief answer to the following question. Write your answer in the space provided.

1. A dog is a domesticated descendant of the 1. My neighbor told me that she thinks dog and
wolf, and the modern wolf is the dog’s living cats are related because they always fight, and
relative. they are so common as pet.
2. Examples of health benefits of a mango are 2. Children think that mangoes are not healthy
Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Potassium, because their parents said that any food that is
and many more. sweet are unhealthy.
3. Plastic is a hazard for your health and your 3. I think plastic does not affect our environment,
body, as well as for the planet. we just need to not burn them, so it won’t be a
4. Technology is an essential part of our daily hazard.
lives because it makes easier, faster, and 4. Maybe Technologies are not that important
more effective communication. because our ancestors were able to live
5. Fishes are able to breathe inside water without technologies.
because fish have gills to breathe in the 5. In my opinion, fishes are able to breathe in
oxygen contained water. water because god provided them the power

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