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For the question 1-3 refer to the following text

The humble bee is being put to work. But they aren’t just making honey; they are busy being
trained to sniff out drugs and explosives. By becoming ‘sniffer bees’, the honeybee, Apis
mellifera, could be the answer to combating national security threats and drug smuggling.
Honeybees have an acute olfactory sense …. By training the bees to associate an odour with a
reward, scientists are able to train the bees to detect almost any odour.

“Bees are at least as good as sniffer dogs but are cheaper and faster to train, and available
in much larger numbers. It is dependent on the specific odour, but bees can detect some odours
that are present in parts per trillion – that’s equivalent to detecting a grain of salt in an Olympic-
sized swimming pool,” says Dr Nesbit, a research scientist at Inscentinel Ltd, a company that has
developed the technology.

Honeybees have the ability to learn and memorise. The bees are loaded onto individual
holders where they sit comfortably whilst exposed to an odour which is passed over them in
short pulses. Whilst exposed to the odour, the bees are simultaneously rewarded with a small
drop of sugar syrup, which the bees stick their proboscis (tongue) out to receive. If the bees pick
up the odour they’ve been trained to detect, they stick their proboscis out in anticipation of the
syrup, before the syrup is offered.

Once trained, up to 36 bees are loaded into a handheld sensing device. The bees can be
trained to detect the same odour, or smaller groups of bees can be trained to detect different
odours within the same device. The bees are exposed to a constant stream of clean, filtered air
until a sample of air from an area requiring testing is sucked into the machine. An optical sensor
records any bees extending their proboscis (tongue), which is then interpreted by software.
Based on a statistical population of bees, a simple odour present/absent response follows. The
whole detection process takes around six seconds.

The bees are not harmed whilst performing their sniffing duties; the health and comfort of
the bees dictates the performance of the sensing device. Each bee works for a maximum of a
two-day shift before it is returned, healthy and unharmed, to the hive, to enjoy the rest of its
life working for its colony.

1. The word “simultaneously” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ….

A. Significantly
B. Concurrently
C. Consecutively
D. Separately
E. Gradually
2. Which of the following sentences can complete the missing sentence in paragraph 1?
A. Their brains are about the size of a sesame seed.
B. It is thought of as a very sensitive sense of smell.
C. Honeybees use their antennae to detect odour.
D. Their senses are particularly well developed.
E. Each bee has 170 odorant receptors.

3. According to the second paragraph, sniffer dogs ….

A. Use all their senses to identify people
B. Can be trained to detect certain odors
C. Are considered inferior to honeybees
D. Are only available in limited numbers
E. Cost less expensive to train than honeybees

For the question 4-6 refer to the following text

Originally designed in the 1920s to treat epilepsy, the ketogenic – or “keto” – diet has become
one of the most popular weight loss trends over the past couple of years. Everyone, from
celebrities to tech influencers and bloggers, has become obsessed with the low-carb, high-fat
diet that works by sending the body into ketosis, which is the metabolic state where your body
burns fat instead of glucose for energy.

The more straightforward version of the keto diet is lazy keto. On the keto diet, a person
drastically reduces their carbohydrate intake and eats a high amount of fats and a moderate
amount of protein to allow them to enter a state of ketosis. But on the lazy keto diet, people are
only required to restrict their intake of carbohydrates. … Besides, it does affect fat and protein

A lazy keto only requires someone to eat no more than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day
without counting calories or tracking the other macronutrients, protein and fat. “In theory, this
sounds great for those who don’t enjoy tracking every bite of food going into their mouth, but
it’s unlikely to result in the metabolic state known as ketosis,” “ said Allison Knott, MS, RDN,
CSSD, a registered dietitian based in New York City.

Ketosis is the process that occurs when the body stops using glycogen (carbohydrate)
stores for energy and starts burning fat instead. In ketosis, the body burns the fat you eat plus
the fat you have stored. Ketosis is vital to the keto diet and its highly touted weight loss

But ketosis isn’t as easy as ditching carbs almost entirely to force fat burning. Yes, carbs
are the direct source of glucose for energy and without them, your body will need another
energy source.

Protein, if you aren’t watchful, can become that source of glucose in a process called
gluconeogenesis. It could be the death knell for the lazy keto concept. Moreover, eating too
much protein on a ketogenic diet can actually cause the body to use glucose for fuel instead of
ketones, thus taking the person out of ketosis.

Furthermore, as the lazy keto diet does not always induce ketosis, it may not promote
weight loss as effectively as the traditional keto diet. A person who is not tracking all of their
macronutrients may also be less likely to create a calorie deficit, which is necessary for weight
loss. People should ensure that they consume all the essential nutrients they need for health.

4. What is the topic of the text?

A. The benefit of keto diet
B. How to make keto diet healthy
C. An excellent way to lose weight
D. Why lazy keto doesn’t work
E. The side effects of lazy keto

5. Which of the following best restates the idea in paragraph 4?

A. Ketosis is important in a keto diet.
B. The keto diet has many possible benefits.
C. Ketosis involves burning carb for energy.
D. Ketosis happens when your fat intake is low.
E. Ketosis refers to the metabolic state in human body.

6. Which of the following sentences can complete the missing sentence in paragraph 2?
A. They still need to be very mindful of their vitamin intake.
B. It is less restrictive in terms of carb intake than the original keto diet.
C. Not tracking every aspect of your nutrition will save you time and energy.
D. According to Diet Doctor, the fewer the carbs, the more effective the diet.
E. A new report ranked keto as one of the worst diets for heart health.
For the question 7-9 refer to the following text

Bukit Duabelas National Park in Jambi is a relatively small park, compared to Indonesia’s large
national parks. Covering only 60,500 hectares, the park was established in 2000, mainly to allow
the regrowth of secondary forests and to protect the home of the forest people ‘Suku Anak
Dalam’ or ‘Orang Rimba’.

The northern part of the park is primarily jungle, but the remainder is a tract of deforested land
that was formerly a production forest, but allowed to revert as a trophical rainforest. The park is
in fact the most important water catchment area in the province.

Bukit Duabelas, or Twelve Hills, is a lowland park with undulating contours. This is the habitat of
Sumatra’s endangered species, such as tapirs, gibbons, clouded leopards, sun bears, wild cats
and crested serpent eagles, including endangered plant species.

Orang Rimba are an isolated tribe who have lived in these jungles for years and have maintaned
their simple, nut natural lifestyle. There are several theories and legends as to who they are and
where they originate from. One story relates that when the Sultan of Palembang had feuds
with the Sultan of Jambi, the Sultan of Jambi asked for help from the Sultan of Pagaruyung who
in turn sent soldiers to Jambi. On their way in the dense jungles, never came back out, but
instead settled in the Jambi jungles and adopted the natural lifestyle.

Anak Dalam tribe live in and around the forest, and survive chiefly on hunting, gathering,
agriculture and fishing.

7. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To amuse the readers.
B. To relate the writer’s experience.
C. To describe what Jambi Province is like.
D. To describe Bukit Duabelas National Park.
E. To tell readers on how to reach Bukit Duabelas National Park.

8. What endangered animals are protected in the park?

A. Tapirs, gibbons and one-horned rhinoceroses.
B. Clouded leopards, sun bears and orangutans.
C. Crested serpent eagles, tapirs and crocodiles.
D. Clouded leopards, gibbons and wild boars.
E. Tapirs, gibbons and clouded leopards.

9. Which statement is not true?

A. Bukit Duabelas National Park in Jambi is only 60, 500 hectares.
B. Suku Anak Dalam or Orang Rimba live in Bukit Duabelas National Park.
C. Orang Rimba have lived in these jungles for years.
D. The park is in fact the most important water catchment area for Jambi.
E. Anak Dalam tribe survives chiefly on hunting, gathering, agriculture and fishing.

1) Jawaban : B. Concurrently
Pembahasan :
Kata “simultaneously” dapat ditemukan di paragraf 3, terutama di kalimat “Whilst
exposed to the odour, the bees are simultaneously rewarded with a small drop of sugar
syrup…” yang bermakna, “Saat terpapar ke baunya, lebah-lebah tersebut secara
serempak diberi hadiah berupa setetes sirup gula…”. Dari pilihan jawaban yang ada, kata
yang mempunyai makna yang sama adalah “concurrently” yang bermakna “secara

2) Jawaban : B. It is thought of as a very sensitive sense of smell.

Pembahasan :
Untuk menentukan kalimat mana yang dapat melengkapi bagian yang rumpang di
paragraf 1, pahami inti dari kalimat sebelum dan sesudah bagian yang rumpang
Kalimat sebelumnya menyatakan bagaimana lebah madu punya indra penciuman yang
kuat. Dari pilihan jawaban yang ada, yang memiliki keterkaitan gagasan dengan kalimat
sebelumnya adalah kalimat “It is thought of as a very sensitive sense of smell” karena
sama-sama membicarakan tentang indra penciuman.

3) Jawaban : B. can be trained to detect certain odors

Pembahasan : Berdasarkan paragraf ke 2 di kalimat, “Bees are at least as good as sniffer
dogs…” dan kalimat “It is dependent on the specific odour, but bees can detect some
odours that are present in parts per trillion”, lebah mempunyai penciuman yang mirip
seperti anjing pelacak, dan mereka bisa mencium bau-bau tertentu. Oleh sebab itu, bisa
disimpulkan bahwa anjing pelacak dapat dilatih untuk mendeteksi bau-bau tertentu.
4) Jawaban : D. Why lazy keto doesn't work
Pembahasan :
Untuk menentukan topik dari teks, pahami inti dari setiap paragraf.
Paragraf 1 membahas tentang diet keto secara umum.
Paragraf 2 membahas tentang bentuk diet keto yang lain, yaitu lazy keto, yang prosesnya
agak berbeda dari diet keto yang biasa.
Paragraf 3 menjelaskan apa yang diperlukan untuk melakukan lazy keto, namun
disebutkan bahwa lazy keto belum tentu bisa mengakibatkan ketosis.
Paragraf 4 dan 5 menjelaskan apa itu ketosis, dan menjelaskan bahwa ketosis itu tidak
semudah menghilangkan karbo untuk membakar lemak.
Paragraf 6 menyebutkan bahwa protein bisa merusak proses lazy keto, karena bukannya
terjadi ketosis, malah terjadi proses glukoneogenesis.
Paragraf 7 menambahkan bahwa selain lazy keto bisa tidak mengakibatkan ketosis, lazy
keto belum tentu bisa menurunkan berat badan seperti diet keto yang biasa.

Dari ketujuh paragraf tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa topik dari teks tersebut adalah
kenapa lazy keto tidak bekerja, di mana lazy keto belum tentu mengakibatkan ketosis
untuk menurunkan berat badan.

5) Jawaban : A. Ketosis is important in a keto diet.

Pembahasan :
Soal menanyakan tentang inti dari paragraf 4. Secara umum, paragraf 4 menjelaskan
tentang apa itu ketosis, yang di mana tubuh berhenti menggunakan karbohidrat untuk
energi dan mulai menggunakan lemak yang ada di dalam tubuh dan yang dikonsumsi.
Karena yang dibakar lemak, ketosis penting untuk mengurangi berat badan. Berdasarkan
opsi jawaban yang ada, pernyataan yang sesuai dengan inti paragraf 4 adalah Ketosis
penting dalam diet keto.

6) Jawaban : B. It is less restrictive in terms of carb intake than the original keto diet.
Pembahasan :
Untuk menentukan kalimat mana yang dapat melengkapi bagian yang rumpang di
paragraf 2, perhatikan kalimat sebelum dan sesudah bagian yang rumpang dan tentukan
kalimat yang cocok. Kalimat sebelumnya bermakna, “Namun di diet lazy keto, orang-
orang hanya diminta untuk membatasi asupan karbohidrat mereka.”. Kemungkinan
kalimat setelahnya akan membahas tentang hal yang berhubungan dengan karbohidrat,
yang tergambar pada kalimat di opsi B yang bermakna, “(Diet) itu kurang restriktif
dalam asupan karbohidrat dibandingkan diet keto yang asli.”. Kalimat ini juga didukung
oleh kalimat selanjutnya yang bermakna, “Selain itu, (diet) itu juga mempengaruhi
konsumsi lemak dan protein.”

7) Jawaban : D. To describe Bukit Duabelas National Park.

Pembahasan :
Model soal ini adalah tentang “tujuan teks”. Teks ini merupakan derscriptive text, yang
mendeskripsikan tentang Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas (to describe Bukit Duabelas
National Park).

8) Jawaban : E. Tapirs, gibbons and clouded leopards.

Pembahasan :
Endangered animals dibahas pada paragraf ke 3 yaitu “This is the habitat of Sumatra’s
endangered species, such as tapirs, gibbons, clouded leopards, sun bears, wild cats and
crested serpent eagles, including endangered plant species.”

9) Jawaban : D. The park is in fact the most important water catchment area for Jambi.
Pembahasan :
Agar bisa menentukan pilihan yang tidak benar, kita harus menguji pilihan yang tersedia
Opsi A “Bukit Duabelas National Park in Jambi is only 60, 500 hectares.” Pernyataan ini
terdapat di paragraf pertama kalimat ke-2.
Opsi B “Suku Anak Dalam or Orang Rimba live in Bukit Duabelas National Park.”
Pernyataan ini terdapat di paragraf pertama kalimat terakhir.
Opsi C “Orang Rimba have lived in these jungles for years.” Pernyataan ini terdapat di
paragraf ke-4 kalimat pertama.
Opsi D “The park is in fact the most important water catchment area for Jambi.” Yang
berarti Taman tersebut merupakan kawasan tadah hujan bagi Jambi, tidak sesuai dengan
isi teks.
Opsi E “Anak Dalam tribe survives chiefly on hunting, gathering, agriculture and fishing.”
Terdapat dalam paragraf terakhir.

Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pernyataan yang tidak benar ada pada Opsi D.

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