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Tutor- Introduction

Lesson Title: Effective Greetings and Self-Introductions for Intermediate Learners

Level: Intermediate

Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use a range of greetings and
self-introduction strategies in various contexts with improved fluency and accuracy.

Lesson Outline:

1. Introduction (5 minutes):
- Greet the students warmly and establish a positive learning environment.
- Explain the lesson's objectives: To enhance students' ability to greet and effectively
introduce themselves in different situations.

2. Warm-Up (10 minutes):

- Discuss common greetings used in different English-speaking countries. Compare and
contrast them.

 "Hello" or "Hi" (similar to the U.S.)

 "Good morning," "Good afternoon," or "Good evening" (used more formally
than in the U.S.)
 In formal situations, "How do you do?" is considered a polite greeting,
although it's less common in everyday interactions.

- Encourage students to share any personal experiences related to greetings in English.

**3. Polite and Casual Greetings (15 minutes):**

- Present a variety of polite and casual greetings, such as "Good morning" vs. "Hey" or
"How do you do?" vs. "What's up?"
- Discuss the appropriate use of these greetings in formal and informal settings.

- Role-play scenarios where students practice these greetings.

**4. Self-Introduction Strategies (15 minutes):**

- Explore advanced self-introduction strategies, including mentioning hobbies, interests,

and future plans.
- Provide examples of self-introduction sentences and highlight key vocabulary.
- Have students create and share extended self-introductions in pairs or small groups.

**5. Role-Play (10 minutes):**

- Divide the class into pairs or small groups.

- Assign role-play scenarios like job interviews, networking events, or social gatherings.
- Ask students to incorporate both greetings and self-introductions into their role-plays.

**6. Listening Practice (optional, 5 minutes):**

- Play audio recordings of native speakers using greetings and self-introductions in real-life

- Discuss any differences in pronunciation, tone, or usage.

**7. Feedback and Recap (5 minutes):**

- Gather the class and ask for volunteers to share their role-play scenarios.
- Provide feedback on language use, emphasising fluency and appropriateness.
- Summarize the lesson's key points and encourage students to apply what they've

**8. Homework or Practice (optional, 5 minutes):**

- Assign homework exercises or provide handouts with advanced self-introduction
questions for students to answer in writing.

**9. Closing (5 minutes):**

- Thank the students for their active participation and engagement.
- Remind them to practice greetings and self-introductions in real-life situations to
reinforce their skills.

Next week: progress to : How to introduce yourself on the phone


1. Tell me about your educational background. What did you study, and where did you
study it?

2. What career or profession are you pursuing, and what inspired you to choose this

3. Describe your hobbies and interests outside of work or school. What do you enjoy
doing in your free time?

4. Have you traveled to any interesting places recently? Share your favorite travel
5. Tell me about a book you've read or a movie you've watched recently that
significantly impacted you. What did you like about it?

6. What are your long-term goals or aspirations, both personally and professionally?

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