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Mock Class Lesson Plan

Genius English 5 Unit 3 Class 10: Sports

This lesson plan below provides some structure and guidelines for your mock
class. On top of this, feel free to use your creativity and imagination to provide
the most engaging, interactive and informative experience for your student.
Please watch our example mock video for ideas.

The class structure below will be taught twice over 20 minutes. The first 10
minutes will be taught to an elementary level 6 year old student. For the
second 10 minutes you will teach the same content to an intermediate level 11
year old student. You will have to adapt your teaching style for the two different
students. Tips are shown next page.

Class Structure

1)Title Page (2 minutes)

• Introduce yourself to the class.
Ex. Hello class, it’s so nice to meet you! My name is Teacher _____. What is
your name? Would you like to meet my friends? Let’s count them: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
My tall green friend is Laki. Can you say “Hi, Laki”? My blue friend is Pili. Say
“Hello, Pili”.

• Introduce the content of the class.

Ex. Today, we are going to learn<insert title of the specific class>.
Ask the student what they can see on the page. You can use both open and
close ended questions, (yes/no). “Can you see a ball? What can you see?”

2)New words (3 minutes)

• Have the student say the words and make sentences.
• Correct any grammar or pronunciation mistakes.
• Ask personalized follow up questions.
(Class instructions: I say you say/Listen and repeat/Please repeat after me…)

3)Story time: All Sports (Page 1 to 4) (3 minutes)

• Read the text for the students.
• Have the student read the text.
• Ask questions to check understanding.
(Class instructions: Let’s listen/Please repeat after me)
4)Phonics (sm) (2 minutes)
• Click on the yellow audio icon and listen to the sound.
• Say the target phoneme and have the student repeat.
• Click on the yellow audio icon under each word.
• Say the phoneme and have the student repeat.
• You can also click on individual parts of the word to break it down for
• Repeat this process for all words.
• Expand on the content.
(Class instructions: Let’s listen/Please repeat after me)

5)See you next time (1minutes)

• Say goodbye to the student.
Ex.“You did excellent today! I loved the way you said the words correctly. Be
sure to keep practicing your reading skills.”

• Provide corrective feedback and area for improvement.

• Provide positive feedback

“Thank you so much for being in class today. Teacher <your name> has to say
goodbye, but I hope to see you next time! Bye <insert each student’s name>.

Mock Class Teaching Tips

Elementary level 6 year old

• Use simple, clear instructions. “I say, you say!” is effective.
• Use simple warm up activities. Examples are given on our YouTube page.
• Provide enthusiasm and energy to keep the student engaged.
• Change the tone of your voice and use sound effects.
•Use some acting and improvisation techniques to increase student enjoyment.
• Keep your speaking speed slow and clear.
• Use props to supplement the courseware content.
• Be patient with the student when providing corrective feedback.
• Ask questions about their own likes/ dislikes/ hobbies etc…

Intermediate level 11 year old

• Have the student make sentences, as complex as they can manage.
• Ask follow up questions.
• Use a regular speaking speed but slow it down if required.
• Try to engage in natural conversation with the student.
• Have the student ask you open ended questions.
• Ask questions about their own likes/ dislikes/ hobbies etc…
• You can diverge from the courseware content; the main goal is having the
student practice their speaking skills.
• Provide corrective feedback and plenty of encouragement.

ALO7 Characters

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