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“Special checking is handed a loss”

1. Describe the problem(s) which Sammy faces as a supervisor.

- The supervisor, which is Sammy, faces different kinds of problems not just from Juanita
but also in his Department. The first problem that occurs to me is the high turnover rate
of his unit which means, most of the time, he needs to train and orient new employees.
This could disrupt the workflow and it also tends to be time-consuming. The second
problem that Sammy faces is poor communication and orientation. Juanita was not
given a good knowledge of the other clerks' jobs by Sammy, nor was she given an
explanation of what they were doing, and this resulted in confusion and mistakes from
Juanita. The third one is the unprocessed checks that Juanita left before she asks for a
“sick leave”. And the last problem that Sammy faces is making a decision whether to
right Juanita a warning notice or not.

2. Identify what specific performance improvement results he should seek.

- The specific performance improvement results that Sammy should seek from Juanita
Knowledge and Understanding: Sammy needs to make sure Juanita is aware of all the
steps involved in processing various types of checks, such as mutilated, odd-sized, and
international checks. He should ensure that she is capable of accurately inspecting,
recording, entering, adjusting, and filing each type.
Communication: Sammy needs to make sure Juanita shares any problems or challenges
she runs into while processing checks. This involves telling Sammy or her supervisor of
any errors or issues that surface and seeking assistance or clarification as necessary.
Problem-solving: Sammy needs to make sure Juanita can spot and handle any problems
that come up while processing checks, especially when working with odd or complicated

In conclusion, Sammy should seek overall improvement in Juanita's performance,

including her productivity, reliability, attitude, and ability to work well with others.

3. What are the key rule(s) or principle(s) should Sammy use in solving the problem(s)?

Sammy should adhere to the existing check-handling policies of the bank as the main
rule or principle when finding a solution to the issue. The idea of accountability and
responsibility should also be taken into account by him, as it is his duty as the supervisor
to make sure that all checks are processed accurately and on time. He should also follow
the fair treatment principle, remembering that Juanita is a new employee and might
need more instruction and direction.

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“Special checking is handed a loss”
4. Develop at least three different strategies or approaches for resolving this issue.

- The following are three different strategies that I develop in order to resolve this issue:

Provide additional training and support: Juanita could benefit from further training and
support to make sure she comprehends the steps involved in processing the special
checks as one way to deal with this problem. This can entail assigning her to a seasoned
clerk who can mentor and direct her, giving her more detailed instructions on the
procedure, and providing continuous assistance and direction as necessary. The bank
can assist Juanita in doing better and avoiding repeat errors by devoting time and
resources to her training.
Implement a quality control system: Implementing a quality control system within the
Special Check Sorting Unit is another tactic. To make sure that all checks are being
processed correctly and filed accurately, this can entail implementing frequent check-ins
or spot checks. The bank can stop substantial losses and address any problems promptly
by keeping an eye on the work of the clerks and spotting any mistakes or anomalies
early on. In addition to holding Juanita accountable for her errors, this method would
give all of the unit's clerks a chance to grow and learn.
Assess the suitability of the job: It's also critical to think about Juanita's suitability for
the position of Special Checks clerk. Her lack of training and education may make the
position too difficult for her to handle. Discussing her performance and difficulties with
Juanita and looking into potential positions within the bank that could be a better fit for
her skills and abilities could be one tactic. This can entail moving her to a new division or
providing her with more training opportunities so she can learn the skills required for
her current position. The bank can guarantee Juanita's success and lessen the possibility
of repeating the same errors by finding a better fit for her.

5. Select the optimum solution and describe how should it be implemented.

- The best course of action in this case would be to give Juanita further training and
assistance to make sure she is aware of how to conduct the specific checks correctly.
The first step in doing this is to bring up the unprocessed checks with Juanita. Sammy
should calmly explain the problem and emphasize his worries about the potential
effects on the bank and client satisfaction when Juanita returns to work the next day.
Second, assess and address the reasons for the error. To find out why the checks
weren't processed, Sammy and Juanita should have an open and sincere discussion.
Juanita should be able to discuss whatever struggles she was having in a setting that is
encouraging and unrestrictive thanks to Sammy. The third step is to offer further
instructions. Sammy has to create a tailored training program for Juanita that covers a
wider range of information on processing special checks, offers specific instructions and
examples, and lists extra resources. Additionally, Sammy needs to make sure Juanita has
access to ongoing help and direction from him or other knowledgeable staff members.

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“Special checking is handed a loss”
And the last step into solving this Sammy’s problem is to monitor progress and provide
feedback to Juanita. He should speak with her periodically to see if she needs any extra
explanation on any of the duties she performs or if she has any questions. He must
establish an open channel of communication so that Juanita can seek assistance when
Sammy can assist Juanita in better comprehending the duties of her position and reduce
the likelihood of more mistakes being made when processing special checks by putting
these procedures into practice. It's critical to treat this circumstance with tolerance,
compassion, and a dedication to offering Juanita the support she needs to succeed.

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