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Affiliations PP
Solo Buddy Team

Distinctions Bionic Bounty Hunter

Daughter of the Dragon or


Energy Blast Superhuman Strength
SFX: Anti-Metal. When using Superhuman Strength power in an attack action against
metallic objects or characters, add a d6 and step up your effect die.
SFX: Cryogenic Blast. When inflicting a cold-based complication on a target, add a d6
and step up your effect die.
Limit: Still Human. Step back Superhuman Strength and shutdown other Bionic Arm
powers to gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom pool or participate in a Transition
Scene to recover. P
Limit: Wired into My Brain. Step up mental stress taken from electromagnetic pulses
and other anti-technology attacks to gain 1 PP. 4
Enhanced Durability Weapon 8
SFX: Rapid Fire. Against a single target, step up or double a Girl’s Gotta Accessorize
die. Remove the highest rolling die and use 3 dice for your total.
SFX: Take Aim. Step up or double any Girl’s Gotta accessorize power for one action. If
the action fails, add a die to doom pool equal to the normal rating of that power die.
Limit: Gear. Shutdown Girl’s Gotta accessorize to gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the doom
pool to recover Girl’s Gotta accessorize . M
Specialties Business Expert Combat Expert
Crime Expert Covert Expert
Menace Expert Vehicles Expert
[You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6] 12
Milestones FORMER COP
1 XP when you talk about an investigation or talk to someone from your life in the
3 XP when you create a complication for an opponent with one of your Specialties.
10 XP when you either bring in an opponent to the appropriate law enforcement agency 8
or decide that their villainy has made it personal and take justice into your own
hands. 10
1 XP when you talk to your co-workers about a job.
3 XP when you use Business Expert, Crime Expert, or Covert Expert to create an asset
for your co-workers to use. XP
10 XP when you hire someone new to join you and Colleen in your work or leave the
job for a while in order to chase down other opportunities and adventures.


Santiago Mendez (order #3933505)

Mercedes “Misty” Knight [public]

History Abilities & Resources

An NYPD cop until a terrorist’s bomb destroyed Misty is a talented investigator, exceptional
her right arm, Misty Knight received a bionic replace- markswoman, and skilled driver and pilot. Originally
ment from Stark Industries. Rejecting a desk job, relying on the superhuman might of her bionic arm
she left the force to become a private investigator. and exceptional street fighting skills, over the years
Early in her career, Misty teamed with Colleen Wing Misty has added more traditional martial arts to
to take down crime lord Emil Vachon. Impressed her repertoire. A recent battle with the crime lord
with how well they worked together, the duo formed Ricadonna destroyed her arm, leading her to acquire
Nightwing Restorations, Ltd and became informally a new upgraded prosthesis of Anti-Metal and dia-
known as the Daughters of the Dragon. The pair has mond. The prosthetic also now sports various offen-
had a few rough spots over the years, but mostly sive weapons, like a cryogenic blaster and repulsor
remain friends and partners. The Daughters of the field. On the job Misty wears body armor and carries
Dragon have operated all over the world, chiefly in various firearms, favoring high-caliber pistols.
New York and the Far East. A former cop, Misty has contacts in the NYPD and
In addition to her friendship with Colleen, Misty among police informants and petty crooks. Years
has had a long-running romantic relationship with of working with Colleen Wing, Luke Cage, and Iron
billionaire Danny Rand AKA Iron Fist (and recently, Fist have formed close-knit bonds. An ally to the
known as Daredevil). She and Danny aren’t currently X-Men and former roommate of Jean Grey,
together, but the flame between them burns bright. Misty can count herself among the mutant
Recently Misty and Colleen re-formed Heroes for team’s friends. Tony Stark personally
Hire as bail bondswomen but have been contacted designed and upgraded Misty’s bionic
by pro-Registration forces to hunt down unregis- arm, and the two are good friends
tered heroes and villains. Whether the two will despite their different backgrounds
ultimately take the job or aid the opposition is and worldviews.

Misty has a tough no-nonsense attitude and a
strong sense of loyalty, both holdovers from her
days with the NYPD. This results in a very “us versus
them” attitude. For Misty, “us” consists of friends,
most super heroes, innocent civilians, and the oc-
casional sympathetic villain while “them” are mostly
criminals, villains, and anyone foolish enough to get
on her bad side. Misty doesn’t suffer fools, decep-
tion, or betrayal, and will confront anyone who hurts
her loved ones.
Misty has a code of honor involving taking jobs
and finishing them, but she has been known to bend
the rules in extreme circumstances. She’s particular-
ly likely to do this for old friends and heroes whom
she deeply respects. Despite occasional protesta-
tions that their relationship is over and done, Misty
still loves Danny Rand and seeing their mutual friend
Luke Cage embrace marriage and fatherhood has
gotten her thinking about her own future.


Santiago Mendez (order #3933505)

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