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For us this image described how hardworking Filipinos are, Filipinos are known for being hardworking and
resilience. Even before, those traits what makes us Filipinos. No matter how hard or challenging our life is,
we always find ways to make everything work alright. This picture best describes the things that were
aforementioned. The water filling the cup symbolizes all the problems, challenges or obstacles we might
encounter in our life. Yes, there are times that we are already in our full capacity to hold on to the problems
in our life, but we still stand up and give everything we could to overcome all these obstacles. We Filipinos,
even in the other countries are known as hardworking and resilient that is why OFWs are in demand
abroad. We like to give emphasis to this trait of Filipinos in this artwork to make it known how Filipinos are
the best when it comes to pushing through even we are suffering. Furthermore, Philippines was ranked
84th. There are a lot of Filipinos experiencing hunger, low pay, lack of work and poor education, this was all
caused by poverty and connection to the art above, Filipinos may experience hardest difficulties in their
“They may be filled with unending problems (like the pitcher) but it stands firm (like the glass) ready for the
hardships they may face”.

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