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Critical Review: Why Was the Industrial Revolution a European Phenomenon?

Module Code


Module Title: Historical Perspectives

Assessment Type: Group research task - formative

Article Title: Why Was the Industrial Revolution a European Phenomenon?

Author(s): Joel Mokyr

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Critical Review: Why Was the Industrial Revolution a European Phenomenon?


The Industrial Revolution, a crucial period in history marked by significant scientific

advancements, economic revolutions, and sociological upheavals, had a significant influence on

the modern arena. This critical review aims to assess the text's advantages and disadvantages by

contrasting its ideas, arguments, and overall success in shedding light on this crucial ancient

phenomenon. A significant transition from agrarian-based economies to industrialized societies

propelled by harnessing the power of machinery and manufacturing was brought about by the

Industrial Revolution, which took place between the late 18th and early 19th centuries (Hartwell,

2017). Although it had a global impact and different regions of the world experienced

industrialization to differing degrees, the essay concentrates particularly on Europe as the hub of

this revolutionary period. The author aims to resolve the complex interplay of circumstances that

contributed to this phenomena taking root and flourishing at the continent by examining the

causes of Europe's dominance in the Industrial Revolution.

Understanding how the Industrial Revolution came to be primarily a European phenomenon is

crucial because it not only helps us understand the historical context but also provides insights

into the socio-financial and geopolitical circumstances that shaped the world at the time (Mokyr,

2003). The text aims to provide a thorough analysis of why Europe became the center of this

revolutionary period by examining the various factors that influenced Europe's industrialization,

including access to abundant natural resources, technological advancements, favorable political

and economic climates, and a supportive social structure. We can assess the text's success in

providing a thorough understanding of the European setting for the Industrial Revolution by

examining its content and methodology.

This analysis will also point out any knowledge gaps or hurdles within the text, as well as its

focus on Europe and its failure to deal with the positive and negative effects of industrialization,

which may also prevent a comprehensive understanding of this crucial period in history. This

analysis seeks to contribute to the ongoing discussion surrounding the Industrial Revolution and

its historical significance by critically evaluating the text's strengths and weaknesses. We can

better understand this game-changing technology and its ongoing effects on the industry by

thorough examination and constructive criticism.


The text "Why Was the Industrial Revolution a European Phenomenon?" is introduced with a

detailed examination of the Industrial Revolution, which provides the reader with a foundation

for comprehending the subsequent analysis. It underlines the revolutionary aspect of this age,

which saw a major shift in the structures of society, economic systems, and technological

breakthroughs (Hartwell, 2017). This era also experienced a tremendous transformation in the

nature of warfare.

Moving beyond a general understanding of the Industrial Revolution, the substance of the textual

piece continues by analyzing the specific reasons that contributed to Europe's dominance

throughout this formative age. The availability of a large number of herbal sources is an

important aspect that is investigated. The author acknowledges Europe's vast supplies of coal,

iron ore, and other vital raw materials by mentioning them in the text. These reserves played an

essential part in the production of goods for commercial use. These resources, which were easily

accessible inside European boundaries, gave Europe a significant competitive advantage over

other regions and paved the way for the expansion of a variety of sectors, including mining,

manufacture, and transportation.

The progression of technology is one more important focus factor included in the examination.

The reader will gain an understanding of the significant advancements made in Europe, such as

the mechanization of farming, the enhancement of steam power, and the invention of new

machinery (Philbeck, & Davis, 2018). These advancements have not only significantly increased

productivity but have also transformed production methods and made it possible for mass

production on a scale that was previously impossible. According to the author of the piece,

Europe's ability to capitalize on and make use of the various technological advances of the time

catapulted it to the forefront of the Industrial Revolution.

The author dives into the political and economic climates of Europe during the time of its

industrialization, in addition to discussing the natural resources and technologies that were

available at the time. It investigates the rise of capitalism, the formation of stable governments,

and the development of supporting criminal frameworks that supported entrepreneurship,

investment, and the accumulation of wealth. Specifically, it looks at the history of the United

States. According to the author, these advantageous circumstances generated an environment that

was suitable to the rise of industries, the development of factories, and the expansion of change


In addition to this, the text analyzes Europe's social structure as well as the continent's role in the

Industrial Revolution. It focuses on the way of life of a professional staff, which has been formed

through a lengthy subculture of craftsmanship and technology. The article places an emphasis on

the movement of rural communities to metropolitan areas, which are the locations where

paintings of manufacturing facilities have become traditional (Philbeck, & Davis, 2018). The

author contends that Europe's social dynamics, such as the availability of labor and the

development of new patterns of work, were essential to the continent's commercial achievement.

The paper presents a strong argument for why the Industrial Revolution generally began in

Europe by analyzing the interaction of abundant natural resources, technological breakthroughs,

advantageous political and economic situations, and a supporting social structure. This

interaction was studied to provide an explanation for why the Industrial Revolution generally

began in Europe. It claims that the convergence of these variables formed a unique environment

that fostered industrialization and set Europe apart from other regions in terms of its rapid and

massive development. In other words, it argues that the convergence of these factors created a

unique environment that fostered industrialization.

The author gives a comprehensive and enlightening analysis of the factors that had a significant

role in Europe's central role during the Industrial Revolution in the main body of the work. Our

understanding of the fundamental dynamics that shaped this seminal period in human history is

enriched as a result of the investigation of the myriad aspects that comprise this is a historically

significant phenomenon.



The text "Why Was the Industrial Revolution a European Phenomenon?" exhibits outstanding

research efforts and offers a plethora of historical material that has been thoroughly recorded.

The author's in-depth investigation of primary and secondary resources contributes significantly

to the development of the evaluation, which, in turn, reinforces the arguments that are presented.

Because of this dedication to conducting exhaustive study, one is more likely to have self-belief

in the correctness and trustworthiness of the data that are presented.

In addition, the text does an excellent job of communicating the subtleties and complexities of

the Industrial Revolution by stressing the interaction of a handful of different components. This

helps the reader better understand the revolution. Remember that the author provides a more

nuanced grasp of the topic by avoiding oversimplification of the subject matter. The thorough

investigation of the many elements that played a role in Europe's industrialization enables

readers to gain an understanding of the significance of those aspects as well as the connections

between them.

Another important aspect of the paper is its writing style, which should be easy to read, succinct,

and written in a way that is interesting to the reader. The author is successful in presenting the

numbers in a manner that is accessible to readers with varying levels of prior knowledge of the

subject matter. This method increases the effectiveness of the text in delivering its arguments and

findings since it increases reader engagement and makes comprehension possible.


In spite of the fact that it is outstanding and worth reading, the text "Why Was the Industrial

Revolution a European Phenomenon?" has some hurdles that reduce its efficacy on average. A

significant drawback is that it no longer maintains a balanced mindset. In most cases, the focus

of the book is on Europe, and the effects and contributions of industrialization in other regions,

such as the United States or Japan, are ignored (Philbeck, & Davis, 2018). The incorporation of a

comparative method might have improved the quality of the analysis and provided a deeper

comprehension of the Industrial Revolution as a phenomenon that occurred on a global scale.

In addition, the author tends to gloss over or minimize the devastating impacts of the Industrial

Revolution on society and the environment at various points in the work. The article draws

attention to Europe's unique role and advantageous circumstances, but it does not deal adequately

with issues such as the exploitation of workers, the pollution of the environment, and the

deepening of socioeconomic gaps. These aspects are necessary for a comprehensive

understanding of the multifaceted legacy left by the Industrial Revolution and the way it

influenced society. It's possible that a more thorough investigation of these negative impacts

might have led to a more objective assessment of their significance.


In conclusion, the text demonstrates an impressive research efforts and a comprehensive

presentation of historical evidence. It is remarkable that the author was able to convey the

complexity of the Industrial Revolution while simultaneously preserving readability and lovely

prose. The text, on the other hand, does not do a good job of presenting a balanced viewpoint

because it tends to concentrate a lot on Europe and ignores the contributions that come from

other regions. In addition, the fact that it sometimes ignores the adverse impacts of

industrialization on both society and the environment makes it more difficult to have a

comprehensive understanding of the issue. Future versions of the work should address these

weaknesses in order to improve the text's overall efficacy and contribute to a more well-rounded

analysis of the Industrial Revolution.



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Economic Review, 10, 27-63.

Hartwell, R. M. (2017). The industrial revolution and economic growth (Vol. 4). Taylor &


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