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Anchorage reinforcement with a fixed functional

appliance during protraction of the mandibular
second molars into the first molar extraction sites
Aditya Chhibbera and Madhur Upadhyayb
New York, NY, and Farmington, Conn

Protraction of posterior teeth into edentulous spaces is a challenge. This report describes the treatment of a
19-year-old woman with missing mandibular first molars owing to caries. A fixed functional appliance was
used for anchorage reinforcement during mandibular second molar protraction. Eight millimeters of bilateral pro-
traction was done with bodily mesial movement of the molars and no lingual tipping of the incisors. (Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop 2015;148:165-73)

ffective space management of missing posterior Historically, extraoral appliances such as chincup and
teeth is a great challenge in orthodontic treat- facemask have been used for protraction of posterior
ment. Edentulous posterior sites are commonly teeth.6 However, use of extraoral devices depends on
seen in an adult population. The most commonly patient compliance, and it has been reported that pa-
observed missing teeth are first molars, often owing to tient compliance is generally overestimated when
caries,1 and second premolars, which are the most com- similar devices are used for orthopedic purposes.7
mon congenitally missing teeth.2 The sequel of missing Hemisection of deciduous teeth has also been advo-
mandibular first molars is usually tipping and drifting of cated to encourage more mesial eruption of the
adjacent teeth, supraeruption of unopposed teeth, poor permanent teeth into the missing-tooth regions.8
interproximal contacts, poor gingival contours, reduced Recently, there have been case reports in the literature
interradicular bone, and pseudopockets.3 on the use of mini-implants for protraction of mandib-
Treatment options for missing posterior teeth ular posterior teeth into edentulous sites.9-12 However,
commonly include fixed prosthodontic bridges or endos- mini-implants placed in interradicular regions can
seous implants. Although both are viable treatment cause root damage because of improper placement
options, the use of fixed partial dentures may compro- of the devices,13,14 which can subsequently lead to
mise the longevity of adjacent prepared teeth with the implant failure.15,16
risk of secondary caries and mechanical failures,4 Thus, development of alternative methods capable of
whereas endosseous implants can increase the finan- providing absolute anchorage while protracting poste-
cial burden for patients.5 Orthodontic space closure rior teeth into edentulous sites is desirable. Fixed func-
of edentulous sites is an alternative treatment option. tional appliances have traditionally been used for Class
However, attempts at space closure by protraction of II correction. The use of such appliances results in a com-
posterior teeth into the edentulous sites without bination of mild skeletal effects along with dentoalveo-
anchorage reinforcement bears the risk of anchorage lar changes such as retroclination of the maxillary
loss, thereby leading to a compromised occlusion. incisors and proclination of the mandibular incisors,
and distalization of the maxillary molars and mesial
Assistant professor, Division of Orthodontics, College of Dental Medicine,
Columbia University, New York, NY. movement of the mandibular molars.17,18 The aim of
Assistant professor, Division of Orthodontics, Department of Craniofacial this report was to use a fixed functional appliance for
Sciences, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Conn. anchorage reinforcement during space closure by
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. protraction of the posterior teeth into the edentulous
Address correspondence to: Aditya Chhibber, College of Dental Medicine, spaces without Class II correction.
Columbia University, 630 West 168th Street, New York, NY 10032; e-mail,
Submitted, October 2014; revised and accepted, February 2015. DIAGNOSIS AND ETIOLOGY
Copyright Ó 2015 by the American Association of Orthodontists. A 19-year-old woman came to the orthodontic department at University of Connecticut Health Center
166 Chhibber and Upadhyay

Fig 1. Pretreatment photographs.

previously. She had a Class II malocclusion on an

Table. Cephalometric skeletal analysis before and af-
underlying Class II skeletal base with a normal sized
ter treatment
maxilla, a short mandible, and a vertical growth pattern
Pretreatment Posttreatment (Fig 1, Table). Dentally, the patient had proclined and
SNA ( ) 77 77 forwardly placed maxillary incisors and normally
SNB ( ) 71 71 inclined and forwardly placed mandibular incisors
ANB ( ) 6 6
with U-shaped maxillary and mandibular dental arches,
SN-GoGn ( ) 47 48
FMA ( ) 41 42 missing mandibular right and left first molars with 8
U1-SN ( ) 118 92 mm of extraction space bilaterally, mesially tipped
U1-NA ( ) 42 19 mandibular second molars bilaterally (Fig 2), extruded
U1-NA (mm) 12 3 maxillary left and right first molars, an end-on canine
IMPA ( ) 90 92
relationship, moderate crowding in both arches, an
L1-NB ( ) 35 33
U1-NB (mm) 13 11 increased overjet, a 4-mm overbite, and a 3-mm curve
E-line–upper lip (mm) 1 5 of Spee in the mandibular arch. Facially, the patient
E-line–lower lip (mm) 5 2 had a leptoprosopic facial type with a convex soft tis-
sue profile, a right angled nasolabial angle, and 100%
with a chief complaint of “crooked teeth.” Her previous maxillary incisor and 70% mandibular incisor display
medical history was not significant, and no history of on smiling. The mandibular midline was coincident
habits was reported. Her dental history showed that with the facial midline, and the maxillary midline was
the mandibular left and right first molars were shifted 2 mm to the left, along with incompetent lips
extracted because of caries approximately 4 years (Fig 2) and lip strain on closure.

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Fig 2. Pretreatment radiographs.

TREATMENT OBJECTIVES the mandibular anterior brackets. In the mandibular

The treatment objectives for this patient were to arch, initial leveling and alignment was done with
(1) improve the soft tissue profile and relieve the lip 0.16-in nickel-titanium archwires from the left second
incompetence with minimal changes to the skeletal premolar to the right second premolar without engaging
vertical dimensions, (2) manage the space of the the tipped second molars. The archwire was gradually
missing mandibular first molars by protraction of the increased to 0.021 3 0.025-in stainless steel. An up-
mandibular second molars into the first molar regions righting spring was fabricated and placed on the tipped
bilaterally, (3) achieve simulated Class II molar and second molars to upright them (Fig 3, A). A seating
Class I canine relationships by retraction of the maxil- elastic was used in the anterior segment to prevent the
lary incisors and protraction of the mandibular molars, bite from opening during uprighting of the tipped molar.
(4) relieve the crowding in both arches, and (5) reduce The mechanics involved in using the uprighting spring
the increased overjet. are shown more in Figure 3, B. An uprighting spring is
a 1-couple system. An intrusive component of force
TREATMENT ALTERNATIVES exists in the anterior segment along with an extrusive
force on the molar with a counterclockwise moment
The alternative treatment plans that were considered (moment of couple) to upright the tipped molar. In addi-
entailed extraction of only the maxillary premolars with tion, the point of force application on the molar (buccal
retraction of the incisors and endosseous implants, or tube) is usually ahead of the center of resistance of the
fixed partial dentures placed for the missing mandibular molar, thereby leading to an additional moment
first molars. Implants would increase the overall treat- (moment of force) in the counterclockwise direction
ment cost for the patient, and she was unwilling to that can further help in uprighting the tipped molar.
undergo this procedure. In addition, the use of fixed In the maxillary arch, the patient was referred for
partial dentures could compromise the longevity of the extraction of the maxillary first premolars. Initial leveling
prepared adjacent teeth in the long term. The use of and alignment were performed in the maxillary arch
mini-implants or miniplates for protraction of the poste- using a 0.016-in nickel-titanium archwire. The archwires
rior teeth into the edentulous sites could have been were progressively increased to 0.021 3 0.025-in nickel-
considered as a treatment alternative. titanium. Space closure was performed using loop
mechanics; a 0.019 3 0.025-in T-loop archwire was
TREATMENT PROGRESS fabricated for en-masse retraction of the maxillary ante-
Treatment was initiated by bonding all teeth with a rior teeth (Fig 4, A). After space closure, the archwire was
0.022-in slot MBT (McLaughlin, Bennett, and Trevisi) increased to a stiff 0.021 3 0.25-in steel archwire with
prescription, which had 6 of lingual crown torque on the wire cinched distal to the molars to prevent any

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168 Chhibber and Upadhyay

Fig 3. A, Placement of uprighting spring to upright mandibular second molars bilaterally; B,

biomechanics during the use of an uprighting spring. Green dot, Center of resistance of molar; a,
distance between the point of force application on the molar tube and the center of resistance of the
molar; d, distance between the point of force application and the molar tube; Mc, moment of the couple;
Mf, moment of the force; F, force applied by the uprighting spring; Fr, reciprocal force acting on the
molar tube.

spaces from opening up and to create the maxillary arch molars (Fig 5). No tipping of the second molars during
as a single unit. space closure was observed. Finishing and detailing of
In the mandibular arch, after the tipped second the occlusion were performed as needed, and the
molars were uprighted, the archwires were built up patient was debonded after 28 months of active treat-
to a continuous stiff 0.021 3 0.025-in steel archwire ment. She was referred for extraction of the maxillary
(Fig 4, B). Crimpable hooks were spot welded onto the third molars because there were no opposing teeth in
archwire distal to the canines bilaterally. A passive the mandibular arch. A maxillary Hawley retainer was
Forsus appliance (size 25) was placed from the maxil- given. In the mandibular arch, a fixed lingual retainer
lary molar to the distal aspect of the mandibular was placed on the anterior teeth. In addition, a
canine. An elastic chain was placed from the second bonded buccal retainer was placed between the sec-
molar to the crimpable hooks, applying approximately ond molar and the second premolar to minimize the
200 to 250 cN of force (Fig 4, C). The patient was re- risk of space reopening after treatment.
called every 5 to 6 weeks until the space was closed by
protraction of the second molar; this took 9 months.
No breakage of any appliances or brackets during TREATMENT RESULTS
the molar protraction phase was observed. After space After 28 months of active treatment, the patient was
closure, a progress panoramic radiographic was debonded with simulated Class II molar and Class I
taken to evaluate root movement of the second canine relationships bilaterally, along with ideal overjet

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Fig 4. Progress records: A, placement of the 0.019 3 0.025-in T-loop for space closure in the maxillary
arch; B, continuous 0.021 3 0.025-in steel archwire in the mandibular arch after uprighting the tipped
second molars; C, placement of the Forsus appliance for anchorage reinforcement during mandibular
second molar protraction.

observed; it could be attributed to a posterior Bolton

discrepancy, since the maxillary first molar was
occluding with the mandibular second molar. In addi-
tion, a slight lateral open-bite tendency was also
observed at the maxillary left lateral incisor that could
be attributed to the torque control during space closure
with the T-loop.
Lateral cephalograms were taken at pretreatment and
posttreatment. The cephalometric evaluation showed
that the skeletal pattern was maintained with no change
Fig 5. Progress panoramic radiograph after mandibular of the SNA and SNB angles, along with maintenance of
molar protraction. the mandibular plane angle (Table). Reduction in the
proclination of the maxillary incisors and minimal
and overbite (Fig 6). The maxillary and mandibular flaring of the mandibular incisors were observed. The
arches were well aligned, and the dental midlines were overall superimpositions with the best-fit method and
coincident. The posttreatment facial photographs regional superimposition using the method of Bj€ ork
showed a balanced profile. A slight gingival height and Skieller19 showed a slight intrusion of the extruded
discrepancy was observed between the 2 maxillary maxillary first molars (Fig 8). There was retraction of the
central incisors at the end of treatment; however, the maxillary incisors into the extraction spaces. In the
patient was not willing to have surgical recontouring mandibular arch, the incisors intruded with minimal flar-
of the gingival margins. The radiographic records ing of the anterior teeth. The mandibular second molar
showed root parallelism at the end of treatment, with underwent complete mesial movement into the missing
relief of the lip incompetence (Fig 7). A slight discrep- first molar space. The soft tissue evaluation showed
ancy in the occlusal relationship of the molars was retraction of the maxillary lip, which led to a reduction

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Fig 6. Posttreatment photographs.

Fig 7. Posttreatment radiographs.

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Fig 8. Overall and regional superimpositions: pretreatment (black) and posttreatment (red).

in lip incompetence and an improvement in the soft skeletal or dental Class II correction being attempted.
tissue profile. The patient had a Class I canine relationship with
optimal overjet when molar protraction was initiated
(Fig 4, C). Adequate bone and gingival levels at the eden-
DISCUSSION tulous site may be critical factors associated with suc-
Protraction of posterior teeth, while being a treat- cessfully protracting the second molars.22 Furthermore,
ment option, is difficult to perform without anchorage it has been reported that moving teeth into an edentu-
reinforcement. Traditionally, extraoral devices such as lous site increases the width and the height of the eden-
chincup and facemask have been used for anchorage tulous alveolar ridge.23,24
reinforcement during protraction of posterior teeth.6 Mechanically, placement of an elastic chain between
There have been a few reports in the literature on the the second molar and the archwire hooks leads to a mesi-
use of miniscrews for anchorage reinforcement during ally directed force on the molar, but it also leads to a
molar protraction.9-12 However, there is a risk of reactionary force in the distal direction on the anterior
root contact when miniscrews are placed in the segment (Fig 9, A). We hypothesize that when the distal
interradicular regions13,14 leading to subsequent force on the anterior segment leads to retraction of the
implant failure.15,16 In addition, patients may not be mandibular anterior teeth (anchorage loss), the Forsus
willing to have invasive procedures during orthodontic appliance that was placed passively becomes active,
treatment.20 thereby exerting a mesially directed force on the
Thus, there is a need to develop alternative methods mandibular anterior teeth offsetting the retractive force
for anchorage augmentation to protract posterior teeth and thereby preventing anchorage loss (Fig 9, A). In
into edentulous sites. A fixed functional appliance is addition, since the point of force application was
commonly used for Class II correction. These appliances superior to the center of resistance of the second molar,
have a combination of skeletal and dental effects.17,18 it leads to a moment of force to tip the molar into the
Their use for simultaneous Class II correction and extraction space during protraction (Fig 9, A). However,
protraction of posterior teeth has been reported in the we did not observe any tipping of the second molars
literature.21 However, we aimed to demonstrate the use- after space closure in the progress panoramic radiograph
fulness of a fixed functional appliance for anchorage (Fig 5). This perhaps may be attributed to the use of a
reinforcement during protraction of the second molars stiff 0.021 3 0.025-in archwire during molar protraction
into the missing mandibular first molar sites, with no (Fig 9, B). It has been reported that the use of rigid

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172 Chhibber and Upadhyay

Fig 9. Biomechanics during the use of fixed functional appliance for molar protraction. A, Green dot,
Center of resistance of molar; d, vertical distance between the molar tube and the center of resistance
of the molar; F, force applied to the elastomeric chain on the molar; Fr, reciprocal force acting on the
mandibular anterior segment; Fr0 , force applied by the fixed functional appliance on the mandibular
anterior segment; a, length of the molar tube; Mc, moment of the couple; Mf, moment of the force. B,
Inside of a molar tube with a 0.021 3 0025-in steel archwire: a, Length of the molar tube; f, vertical
forces generated from tipping of the molar tube during protraction.

high-stiffness archwires leads to reduction of elastic it has also been shown that a full-slot archwire provides
deflection of the archwire during tooth movement.25 better root control during retraction of anterior teeth. It
Based on beam theory, elastic deflection is inversely pro- has been suggested that torsion of the archwire
portional to flexural rigidity of the archwire, EI, where E (moment of couple) may be completely transmitted to
is Young's modulus and I is the moment of inertia of the the bracket with full-slot archwires during incisor retrac-
cross-section. In the case of a rectangular cross-section tion.30,31 Similarly, perhaps a full-slot archwire for molar
of width b and height h, I is calculated by the equation protraction would have led to better control of the roots
I 5 bh3/12. Thus, the 0.021 3 0.025-in steel archwire during protraction (Fig 8). However, further studies
with high flexural rigidity may have minimized the would be necessary to substantiate this theory. It could
elastic deflection of the wire during molar protraction, be argued that the point of force application could
thereby preventing tipping of the molar during space have been lowered on the molar with power arms to
closure. It has also been reported that elastic deflection ensure that the point of force application was closer to
of the archwire is proportional to the amount of the molar's center of resistance and could be recommen-
applied force.25 A decrease in the applied force associ- ded for similar attempts in the future. In addition, it
ated with using elastomeric chains that have up to a could also be advisable to use the fixed functional appli-
50% force decay26 may have led to a lesser reduction ance during space closure in the maxillary dentition
in flexural rigidity of the archwire as opposed to methods because it might provide anchorage reinforcement
that apply a constant force such as nickel-titanium coil during anterior tooth retraction.
springs.27 Some possible limitations reported with a Forsus
Play between the archwire and the bracket with un- appliance are an increased risk for cheek irritation and
dersized archwires is often reported.28,29 Furthermore, breakage of the appliance.32 Reports on breakages

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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics July 2015  Vol 148  Issue 1

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