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Principles of Communication Plan

We can adapt the principles that the Johns Hopkins University (2013) and Acunzo

et al. (2014) are doing in their development programs and these are the following:

1. Research-based. The communication plan should be based on the research made with the

people themselves. Findings should be used to design a targeted program and materials

that demonstrate a clear understanding of the issues and audiences. The findings are the

input. The situation and stakeholders analyses are the bases for conducting a plan, thus,

it is an evidence-based communication plan.

2. Goal-oriented. The communication plan has a goal to guide in which it should be shared

with the community. The goal comes from the people themselves.

3. Participatory and empowering. Know your audience. Engage stakeholders from the outset

and invest in pre-testing to ensure your program resonates with your audience. The

communication plan must be intended for the primary stakeholders who are most affected

of the current situation, mostly they are coming from the vulnerable sectors of the society


like the farmers, fisherfolks, workers, women, children, urban dwellers or informal settlers

and others. It systematically makes use of participatory media, tools and techniques to

bring out the local voices and facilitate dialogue. The communication plan is the output.

4. Two-way, interactive communication process. Relevant stakeholders and expertise are

engaged in the development efforts. It is down-up transfer of information.

5. Communication is a process, not a product. Communication is a process that is all the

elements that are involved are interrelated and interdependent. Definitely it is not a product,

but a tool to achieve its goal. Also, pay special attention as you transition from one step of

the process to the next to avoid confusion about roles and responsibilities among the team.

6. Results-oriented. The communication plan is expected to produce results for all the
relevant stakeholders, not only for the primary stakeholders. There should an impact like

change in the behavior or perception of the stakeholders about an idea or a practice.

7. Use of Monitoring and evaluation scheme. Make sure there is a monitoring and evaluation

plan during the design phase before the implementation phase. Look beyond the numbers

to find the “so what” in the monitoring data. Monitoring should be used to improve the

program along the way. There are indicators to measure the results.

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