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A school canteen is a facility in school which provides food services to students to satisfy their thirst and

hunger. A students nutritional requirement are provided by the school canteen, giving them the energy
to complete the task for the day.

A canteen is a place where meals can be served and consumed. This facility was built inside the school to
secure and take into account the nutritional needs of the student and others around them.

Every canteen has the responsibility to provide the quality foods with proper service and good hygiene.
The establishment of a food canteen is important for providing interest in purchasing nutritional and
healthy foods in students, faculty and staffs making it possible for them to enjoy healthy and nutritious
food at reasonable prices.(Manaig, 2014).

Schools are encouraged to implement comprehensive health and well-being programs, including food
and nutrition education. School canteen is not only enough for them to sell foods but also their way of
preparation is something that should be given importance as well. They should take into account all the
other factors that need to be done in order for them to have good service quality.(Mohamed A.I, 2014)

Schools are in different position to develop healthy dietary behaviours. The school canteen should ought
to provide menus that promote healthy diet. It should ensure that students appropriate amount of
eating nutritious food and at the same time not limiting their food choices. It is important that the food
made by the school canteen contains all the nutrients needed by a student. (Front Public Health, 2020). .
It should adjust and adapt to the needs of its students in order to satisfy them fully. This includes the
implementation of different canteen policies and regulations, like having different menus every day that
will meet the standards of sufficient intake of nutritious foods.

Moreover, the Department of Education encouraged the schools to implement some complete health
programs, including food and nutritional education. In addition the canteen should serve as a place or
venue for the development of eating habits

As stated under Presedential Decree No. 856 code on sanitation of the Philippines, a food establishment
should include sanitation requirements for food service, structure and facilities. Knowledge and
compliance with the requirements of sanitation code by the food service operators will ultimately result
to their own benefits since consumers prefer eating in clean and sland sanitary premises.

Sanitation should be treated as a way of life in food service because laxity in sanitation rules can mean
illness for consumers. To maintain high standards sanitation, management must be familiar with
sanitation laws and ordinances that govern the operation of food service business. (Sigua,2018)..
It is necessary for a canteen to provide services and merchandise at high quality and reasonable prices
to the inmate population in an efficient and profitable manner. Satisfaction of employees and clients is
an important element of success for any organization and any sector of the economy (Bay, An &
Laguador, 2014).

According to (Bartlby, 2014), students and parents demand on the food prices. Students complain
about the price of canteen products because it is too pricey, hence, the students cannot afoord because
of insufficient allowance.

School canteens need to be productive and it can be evaluated through certain measures. These may
include student support, number of canteen workers and profitability. Profit from the operations of a
school canteen is often a significant source of revenue for a school.Therefore, it is of great importance
that the nutritious food items attract students and are offered at a price affordable to the students, and
that will contribute to their profit (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, 2013). It
is necessary for a canteen to provide services and merchandise at high quality and reasonable prices to
the inmate population in an efficient and profitable manner.

(Santos,2016) found that there is an existing problem in the operation of most school canteens,
especially that the standards are overlooked. Issues on profit, transparency, accountability and the
quality and quantity of food served are being affected. If the operations of the school canteen does not
follow the policy and regulations of The Department of Education, there is a high possibility that the
quality of service may be affected. Students may not meet the desired nutrients of their body and the
quality of food might be affected.

Therefore, this study aims to asses __________ IKAW NA BUTANG D ANO NA AIM KA STUDY MO AW?

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