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Name of Student: Emil Jay R.

Pilarca BSED English 2B

Africans and their Culture.

1. Maasai culture: The Maasai people of East Africa have a rich cultural
heritage. They are known for their distinctive clothing, which includes bright
red shuka (a traditional cloth) and intricate beadwork. The Maasai are also
renowned for their traditional dances, music, and storytelling, which often
revolve around their history, legends, and spiritual beliefs.
2. Zulu Culture: The Zulu people of South Africa have a rich cultural heritage
that is characterized by their strong sense of community and pride. They are
known for their vibrant traditional clothing, which includes colorful
beadwork and headdresses. The Zulu people have a rich oral tradition, with
storytelling and poetry playing a significant role in passing down their
history and cultural values.

3. Yoruba culture: The Yoruba people of Nigeria and Benin have a diverse and
vibrant culture. They are known for their elaborate festivals, such as the
annual Osun-Osogbo festival, which celebrates the river goddess Osun. The
Yoruba are also known for their art, including woodcarvings, pottery, and
textiles. Their traditional religion, known as Ifa, plays an important role in
their cultural practices.

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