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Group: DAC

Juan Jose Florez Martinez
Jose Daniel Soler Salamanca
Laura Fernanda Rendon Sanchez


Is composed by the states of: Amazonas, Caquetá,

Guainía, Guaviare, Putumayo and Vaupés, located at
the southeast of Colombia.

The climatic and ambient condition make this region

rich in Fauna and Flora, different to those ones found
in the Andes region.

The Amazon region is almost the 40% of the b

Colombian territory, in addition is the less populated
area of the country.

The Amazon region is rich in ethnics groups, while

the most part of his population are indians that preserve their customs, language, culture
and traditions.

His food is provided by the agriculture product native of this region and the fish, they prepare
it in a special way known as the three stones technic.


In the sparsely populated Amazon region, a

number of indigenous groups have their own ways
of life and of dress. Many groups exist semi-nude.

Women may wear a calf-length skirt and white

blouse with indigenous belts and necklaces. As
men often fish here, they may wear white pants or
skirt, with indigenous necklaces and accessories.

The musical instruments of the Colombian Amazonic region are traditional instruments of the
region, very varied and with particularities that distinguish them from the instruments of other

1- Flutes
In the Amazon region, as in much of the Colombian territory, the flutes are essential
instruments of the artistic manifestations of the communities.
The peoples of the Amazon also use pan flutes, made of cane and flutes of bone and cane.

2- Percussion
Percussion instruments are also central
to the musical tradition of the
communities of the Colombian Amazon.
This instrument has ritual importance and
consists of a percussion trunk 10 meters
long suspended at its ends and which is
made to hit the ground to emit sounds
during dances.

The connection between the dances of the Amazon region and the instruments that are used
is very deep.

In the ceremonies of change of fruits and other products, called Dabucurí, maracas, pan
flutes and percussion sticks are used against the ground.

In addition, the dancers attach rattle necklaces to their ankles that contain dried seeds.


1- The basket
Baskets, baskets. Basket weaving is one of the oldest arts,
practiced from strips or fibers of plant origin.

2- The pottery
Ceramics, pots, jars, pots. Is the art of clay or clay objects. Very
important for this region.
3- Works in wood
Arcs shooting, fishing and arrows, musical instruments. This
is known as a carpenter is very important for this region
because from the wood they build their tools for their daily

Historic Celebrations

1- Leticia's birthday
The arrival of April 25 becomes an important
date every year and lets celebrate Leticia's
birthday. The inhabitants usually perform the
traditional dawn, participate in a religious
ceremony and cultural and sports activities are
scheduled in different places of the municipality

2- Chachapoyas Tourist Week

The Chachapoyas tourist week is celebrated
from the 1st to the 7th of June in the city of the
same name. The aim of this celebration is to assess the ancestral traditions of some of the
local peoples of the area, with cultural and folkloric representations.

Cultural Celebrations

1- Festival of the Amazon Confraternity: July

2- International Jungle Triathlon: July
3- International Festival of Popular Music Amazon
Pirarucú de Oro: November
4- Parade of new year dolls: December
5- Indigenous Festival of Dance, Murga and Cuento
in Puerto Nariño, December.
6- San Pedro Festival
This event is held at the end of July in the Caquetá
region, specifically the city of Florence. Its mission is
to honor the indigenous peoples who lived in the
area from ancient times through recreations of their
culture and folklore.

7- Festival of popular music from Amazonas, Pirarucú de Oro

This Festival, which alludes to the Pirarucú, a huge fish that is very representative of the
Amazon River and its tributaries, was held every November 28th since 1987. It is an event
where traditions, culture and, above all, popular music from the Amazon converge. It is the
integration of the culture of the three residents who share the Amazon River: Colombia,
Brazil and Peru.

8- Sampedrina party
All the colonies in the interior of the country gather every June 30 in Leticia and remember
the most representative of their cultures. The ones with the greatest participation are from
Huila, Santandereanos, Costeños, Paisas and Llaneros. Among the scheduled activities are
the election of the queen of the bambuco, the parade of floats and gastronomic samples of
each culture.

Religious Celebrations

1- Golden Colonist Festival

Initiative of the cultural managers of the time, who decide to pay homage to the settlers who
forged the development of this region. This event covers the three departments of Caquetá,
Putumayo and Amazonas, where it is celebrated in a different city every December. It is an
opportunity to gather great figures of Colombian folklore among musicians, performers and

2- Carnival of Mocoa
With the influence of the Carnival of
Negros y Blancos and the Nariño
festivities, in 1980 the Folkloric Carnival
of Mocoa was born. The Festival cares
for and strengthens its roots and
maintains its multiculturality. It is
celebrate every December.

Daniel Religious Festivals

Celebrations of the Amazon region

Most of the celebrations that take place in this part of the country have either religious origin,
or are based on the traditions of the indigenous peoples.
They are usually distributed throughout the year, many of them being one of the main tourist
attractions in the area.
His main celebrations are:
· Semana turistica de chachapoyas
The objective of this celebration is to value the ancestral traditions of some indigenous
peoples of the area

· The objective of this celebration is to value the ancestral traditions of some indigenous
peoples of the area
It is an event that brings together the best of traditional music.
The Pirarucú de Oro traditional Amazon music festival brings together the culture of
the three main countries that share the domain of this region: Colombia, Brazil and

· ​Festival de san Pedro

This event is celebrated at the end of July in the Caquetá region, specifically the city
of Florence.
Its mission is to honor the indigenous peoples who lived in the area from ancestral
times to there-creation of their culture and folklore.

Egypt celebrations

Month of Ramadan: it is the month of the Muslim fast; during the nights of this month parties
and shows are organized.

His main celebrations are:

· Anniversary of the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad
· ​Eid al Adhha
· Abu Simbel Festival
Those celebrations have in common that they are dedicated to prophets to whom they
worship or praise.


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