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Tr.’s Name : Ms. Savidha/ Ms.

Lesson Plan Ms. Sonali
Grade/class : 5A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H

Date : 5th – 6th September 2023 Subject : English

Duration of the lesson: 40 mins
Title of lesson: Circle Time
Reference (SOW): Unit/chapter Page

Objectives/ Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson students will be able to ;
1. Ss will be able to become physically active.
2. Ss become more interactive.

Teaching aids
1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6.


Step 01 (Engage) Duration

10 mins
Students do the tangled game (ss cross their hands from backwards with their friends and sit
down and stand up).

Step 02 (Explore)
10 mins
Tr explains the lessons to be done in term 3 and ss highlight in their pupil books.

Step 03 (Explain) 5mins

Four Ss in a group draw an object in a piece of paper.

Step 04 (Elaborate) 15 mins

After all the ss have drawn the picture. Ss come front and explain the class how they survived
in an island with the object they drew.

Step 05 (Evaluate)


Subject Coordinator Resource person Ac. Coordinator

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