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Title of the Project: Emotion Recognition Project

Team Members:

 First Name Last Name, SID, Email Address, and Affiliation (e.g., Computer Engineering,

Software Engineering, MS AI)

 First Name Last Name, SID, Email Address, and Affiliation (e.g., Computer Engineering,

Software Engineering, MS AI)

 First Name Last Name, SID, Email Address, and Affiliation (e.g., Computer Engineering,

Software Engineering, MS AI)

Team Coordinator: [Insert the name of the team coordinator]

Abstract: The Emotion Recognition Project aims to develop an algorithm that can accurately

detect human emotions through facial expressions. The technical challenges include identifying

the most effective deep learning model and optimizing its parameters to achieve high accuracy in

emotion recognition. The methodology employed involves using pre-trained convolutional

neural networks, specifically the ResNet50 model, and fine-tuning it on a dataset of facial images

with labeled emotions. The software tools used include Python, TensorFlow, and Keras, while

the hardware platform is a standard computer with a GPU. The project aims to deliver a

functional algorithm that can detect emotions in real-time using a webcam or other camera input.

The experience gained from this project includes gaining practical knowledge in deep learning,

computer vision, and software engineering. Lessons learned include the importance of dataset

preparation and the trade-offs between model accuracy and computational complexity.

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