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Homework: what life is about

Objective: The student is able to use different tenses to communicate his/her ideas effectively.
Writing Activity
Writing Activity 1. Write a short story of at least 300 words in which you include present, past and
future tenses and tag questions.
The fear of the great lion

In a vast African savannah, a lion was wandering lost. He had been wandering away from his pride for more
than twenty days, so hunger and thirst were killing him. Luckily, he found a lake of fresh, crystal clear water.
Excited, the lion ran to it to drink and quench his thirst, so he could continue searching for his family.

But as he approached, he saw the face of a lion in the water and thought to himself, "What a pity!

-What a pity! This lake belongs to another lion.

Terrified, he fled the place without drinking a drop of water. But his thirst grew stronger and stronger, and
the lion knew that if he did not drink water he would die. The next day, he plucked up his courage and
returned to the lake. Just like the day before, he saw the face in the water again and, in his panic, he ran
away without drinking.

And so the days went by. The lion returned to the lake and fled whenever he saw the other lion. But one day,
tired of running away, he took courage and finally realized that he would die soon if he did not face his rival.
He made the decision to drink water no matter what. He approached the lake with determination, but when
he stuck his head in to drink, his rival disappeared. It was his reflection in the water that he had been
watching all this time!

Remember: Most of our fears and apprehensions are imaginary. But when we dare to face them, they
disappear. Don't let your thoughts dominate you and prevent you from moving forward to live fully.

Speaking Activity
Activity: What life is about
Narrate the short story you created in the first activity and recorded as a podcast.
The student needs to record his/her voice on
Once the students finished the recording, the recording link will be sent to the student`s email.


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