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How does travelling the world affect our lives and personalities?

Many people travel these days, but the reason is not just to visit a new place.
Whoever has had the opportunity to travel at least once must have noticed that his
perception of certain issues has changed and he learned new attitudes and life skills.

First of all, being in a new place is an opportunity to observe how people live in a
given place and thus get to know a new culture. Being among the natives, we can see
how they behave, what they do, how they approach various matters. Most often we
know about a given country and the people living there from the internet, books or
movies on TV, but it is always shown from someone else's perspective. By seeing
something with our own eyes, we can perceive a given thing in a completely
different way and this greatly shapes our beliefs and thus affects what kind of person
we are. As we travel, our view of the world and various things changes.

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