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Exercise is the essential core in a healthy lifestyle, and one of the most

satisfying things we can do in our lives, as doing it, we are extending our life

expectancy several years. For that reason, promoting awareness about health

and exercise among young people will make them grow in a different way, with

a bigger self-esteem and confidence.

First of all, in order to boost motivation towards exercise, it is important to

take into consideration the parental example, as children always do what their

parents usually do. If a child sees their father doing a kind of sport or physical

exercise, it is very likely that that child shows a minimum interest about that

topic or, at least, has some knowledge about how that sport is played and what

the rules of the game are. Therefore, that example that the father is shown is

not but a health lesson for his child, and something that might change his

lifestyle forever.

However, there are other alternatives to encourage youngers to do

exercise. One of these might be depend on governments, and it could be pay

for the young people to use sport facilities, as they tend to be too expensive to

be afforded for much people.

To conclude, I think that the most important aspect to consider when you

try to inculcate sport values to your offspring is giving personal example. The

most important thing is that children adopt those thoughts and attitudes in their

lives, regardless of whether they have a place where to practice, as sport can

be practiced anywhere, and the only thing that is required is just the person


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