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A product I worked on from scratch was to design an easy-to-use online platform for booking

appointments for blood sample collection from user specified location for medical diagnosis where
test results are to be generated and shared. The platform should allow bookings for both doctor
prescribed tests and general health check-up packages and given the nature of its users it must have
an end user portal/app, portal for partnering laboratories and an administration portal where all of
them are integrated for seamless user experience and workflow.

Having understood stakeholder requirements and potential gap in market, an experimental product
backlog was populated from empiricism, incorporating multiple user perspectives and inputs from
stakeholders along with competitive analysis from comparable services. Post the planning phase, the
sprint was kick-started and development progressed with the SCRUM team with an evolving product
backlog aimed to maximise product value that satisfies the need for the product in the market. The
product development adopted the usual SCRUM methods with daily sprint sessions ensuring
transparency and alignment of sprint goals maintained through inspection. The development process
facilitated creativity and adaptation that sprung from the team’s independence towards
development that is focused on product goal and also from attributes of an evolving product backlog
that helped nurture the product’s potential.

The resultant product from the iterative process of SCRUM embracing reviews and retrospections
generated a fruitful increment fulfilling the definition of done every single time, leading to its alpha,
beta and further releases.

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