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Jobs will not be lost because AI is getting smarter. People are getting dumber instead.

AI is only as good as the data it is trained on. If the data is flawed, then the AI will be flawed as
well. And unfortunately, the data that AI is trained on is often flawed, because it is created by

Humans are notoriously bad at creating accurate data. We are biased, we make mistakes, and we
often forget things. This means that the data that AI is trained on is often inaccurate, which in
turn means that the AI itself is inaccurate.

As a result, AI can do some things very well, but it is still far from being able to replace humans
in most jobs. In fact, AI is actually making people dumber. This is because AI is taking over
more and more of the tasks that used to require human intelligence. As a result, people are
becoming less and less reliant on their own intelligence.

Next time you hear someone say that AI is going to take over all the jobs, remember that it is not
AI that is the problem. It is us. We are the ones who are making ourselves dumber.

We are becoming accustomed to having AI do our thinking for us. We ask Siri to set alarms for
us, we use Google Maps to find our way around, and we rely on Netflix to recommend movies
for us. We are becoming a world of couch potatoes, content to let AI do all the work.

This is a dangerous trend. If we continue to rely on AI to do our thinking for us, we will
eventually become too dumb to think for ourselves. We will become a bunch of drones,
mindlessly following the instructions of our AI overlords.

So next time you hear someone say that AI is going to take over all the jobs, remember that it is
not AI that is the problem. It is us. We are the ones who are making ourselves dumber. We need
to start using our brains again, or we will be left behind.

Everyone's busy debating whether AI's going to steal jobs due to its superiority. But it is not just
about AI outshining humans; it's about the decline in good old human competence.

But we can only achieve these things if we use our own intelligence. We cannot afford to
become reliant on AI.

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