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AI: Yes or no?

Let’s talk about one of the biggest topics right now: AI. Is it good? Won’t it be taking away our jobs? Is
it going to take over the world? Will it become smarter than us?

Well, let’s first talk about what AI actually is. We always say AI as it’s one thing, but AI can be divided
into three subcategories: narrow AI, general AI, and super AI. Examples of narrow AI are Siri, Alexa,
and Google Assistant. They’re intelligent systems that have been designed/trained to carry out
specific tasks or solve particular problems. Then we have general intelligence, also known as strong
AI. It’s able, like a human, to learn from its experiences to solve new problems. An example of this is
ChatGPT. And lastly, Super AI. This kind of AI is not achievable right now as it’s a computer with
common sense and can surpass human thinking.

A lot of people think that AI will take over the world and make us humans slaves. This is not quite
possible, since AI cannot act on its own, it needs information, data, to learn from. Without its data it’s
nothing. Also if somehow it happens that an AI tries to take over the world, we can simply delete the
file or unplug it from the internet. So, go on with watching The Terminator, but don’t worry it’ll
become a reality.

Lastly, many think that AI will take over our jobs and poverty will take a grasp of the world. Well, as AI
might take over a few little jobs, it won’t bring world poverty. It actually provides more jobs as we’ll
need more programmers to keep AI up to date and improve it.

So in conclusion, I think AI is a good thing as Super AI does not exist, so AI won’t surpass humanity.
Also, AI won’t take over the world, because it needs us to keep on going. And lastly, it won’t take
away our jobs, but provide more jobs in technology. So don’t worry that AI is going to kill you when
you let it do your homework, as that’s the teachers' job…

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