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Hydrow case – Diego Gadelha

1. Assess the ads. How well does each speak to the two personas?

2. Buyer’s journey 2 is more likely to end in a conversion than Buyer’s journey 1. Look at the
site and follow the same path (in order!). What is the difference? Aside from visiting more
pages, what is different between the paths?

3. Look at the accompanying excel data sheet and complete the following:

• The data consists of the impressions, costs, CTR, conversions for each of the four
ads (2 social and 2 PPC) along with retargeting ads in social.

• Which “initial” ads do best? PPC or Facebook? How do you know and why do you
think that is?

• Which retarget combo performed best? How do you know and why do you think
that is?

4. How would you assess their remarketing activities given the buyers journey? What would
you do differently?


1- The first advertisement that has the key world "Digital howling machine" fulfills the role of
presenting the product to those who do not know it yet. In this sense, it arouses the curiosity
of both types of personas. I believe that for different reasons at the moment, both may be
interested in a product like Hydrow, and nothing better than being exposed and having the
opportunity to know more about the product. The second advertisement focuses on those
who already know the type of product and is exposed to new information that Hydrow is the
best product in the segment. I believe that this strategy is more interesting for re-targeting
and for audiences that already know the product.

2- Sense of community! On the second ad with more stages, it is clear the strategy of
demonstrating participation in an online community that is a product differentiator to
generate engagement. In this strategy, there is an additional page on the movement of
communities and user reviews to further stimulate membership and purchases.

3- The initial post on facebook with the introductory video, in my opinion, worked better because
it has a better cost-benefit ratio. This ad generated a good number of impressions, the highest
CTR, an exciting number of conversions for a first presentation, and a lower cost than other
advertisements. About the retarget ad the PPC2-KW BEST digital Row then retarget with pic
was the best in conversions and with a lower cost. This corroborates the message that this
idea of the best would be more focused on the conversation of those who have known the
product before.

4- I could focus better on the two different personas that were being worked on. The
differentiation is very tenuous, and the individual who trains at home and is sedentary may
not feel welcomed by the campaign that shows only athletic individuals. A greater focus on the
benefit it can have and the practicality of training at home can achieve better benefits if
obviously tested and validated previously.

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